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Necessary and sufficient conditions are found for continuous and periodic liquid motion in systems containing siphons.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 916–920, June, 1987.  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates the complementary relation between functional parameters and electroluminescence spectroscopy for reliability investigations of 1550 nm Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers of 700 μm length active region. Ageing tests have been set to 270 mA-100 °C-1500 h and realized on two different wafers showing more impact on wafer 1 than on wafer 2. Our investigations are particularly focused on interpretation of electroluminescence spectra, from reference and aged SOAs of wafer 1, leading to an improvement of degradation mechanisms understanding. The shift rate to lower energies of the recombination energy peak at 1550 nm, as reported by electroluminescence spectra between reference and aged SOAs in relation with the decrease of optical power measured at 200 mA for the degraded SOA and completed by I(V) characterizations, suggest occurrence of non radiative deep centers near the buried ridge structure in relation with the cleaning process uniformity of interfaces before epitaxial overgrowth. These defects mainly trap majority injected carriers instead of minority carriers reducing the luminescence in the active zone. By monitoring the most sensitive failure indicator (pseudo-threshold current), lifetime distributions are also calculated to determine failure rate, between 150 and 200 FITs over 15 years for operating conditions (25 °C-200 mA) using experimental degradation laws and statistic computations, demonstrating the overall robustness of this technology.  相似文献   
An extensible conceptual model for recording design decisions and other supporting information is described along with the tool shell OSC in which it is embedded. The OSC shell consists of a design database and a family of query, manipulation, and extension facilities. The design database maintains a record of the design process. The extension facilities can be used to enrich the design database scheme incrementally and create new query or manipulation facilities. The core model provides a base language for describing the design process. Extension facilities augment this basis with more powerful, customized facilities. The implementation of the OSC shell using ESSAIM, an expert-system shell based on Smalltalk, is discussed  相似文献   
The dielectric response of hexagonal boron nitride has been measured perpendicular to the cleavage planes at fixed temperatures in the range up to 914 K. The frequency span lies between 10 mHz and 10 kHz range. The dielectric response consists of two loss peaks and a strong low frequency dispersion (LFD). The results are related to the movement of impurity ions.  相似文献   
A method to study the composition and depth distribution of phases present in surface layers of 0–500 Å is described. The method is based on the analysis of the Mössbauer spectra taken by means of conversion electrons emerging at approximately the initial energy at different angles relative to the layer surface.  相似文献   
Traditional Korean soysauce samples were collected from households in Chinju, Gyeongnam, Korea and analysed for volatile N-nitrosamines. Five of 24 samples contained NDMA (range = 1.6-10.4 micrograms/l) which was the only volatile N-nitroso compound found. Soysauce made from well water contained NDMA more often (4 of 6 samples) than soysauce made from tap water (1 of 18). This suggests that the water source is a determinate in the NDMA content of soysauce, probably due to a higher nitrate content of well water. The source of salt used did not clearly influence NDMA content. Soysauce was prepared in the laboratory using traditional methods but with 0 to 400 mg/l nitrate and in some cases made 6.5 to 65 mM in ascorbic acid and fermented for 120 days. The NDMA content of the samples was positively correlated with increasing nitrate concentration. Nitrate at 400 mg/l resulted in an NDMA content of 203 micrograms/l. Ascorbic acid substantially inhibited NDMA formation. All samples contained large numbers of nitrate reductase-containing organisms (greater than 1 x 10(7) CFU/ml).  相似文献   
Results are reported from the production of two trial heats of alloy steel in which the cast slabs were cooled in a thermostatted chamber and in a dense stack. It is shown that cooling slabs in such a chamber makes it possible to reduce the hydrogen content of the steel 30% compared to slabs that are cooled while stacked.  相似文献   
Fingerprint scanners may be susceptible to spoofing using artificial materials, or in the worst case, dismembered fingers. An anti-spoofing method based on liveness detection has been developed for use in fingerprint scanners. This method quantifies a specific temporal perspiration pattern present in fingerprints acquired from live claimants. The enhanced perspiration detection algorithm presented here improves our previous work by including other fingerprint scanner technologies; using a larger, more diverse data set; and a shorter time window. Several classification methods were tested in order to separate live and spoof fingerprint images. The dataset included fingerprint images from 33 live subjects, 33 spoofs created with dental material and Play-Doh, and fourteen cadaver fingers. Each method had a different performance with respect to each scanner and time window. However, all the classifiers achieved approximately 90% classification rate for all scanners, using the reduced time window and the more comprehensive training and test sets.  相似文献   
Conclusions It is shown that the problem of evaluating the effective parameters of composites for a wide range of stationary coupled fields is reduced to examining uncoupled fields.The multiparticle method of the effective field was generalized with special reference to the problems of examining the static coupled physicomechanical fields in composites.Translated from Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 105–111, July–August, 1991.  相似文献   
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