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王昌文 《中国水利》2007,(10):83-84
地处大巴山区的仪陇县是朱德元帅和张思德同志的故乡,属于川陕革命老区。全县辖58个乡镇843个村,总人口中106万人,其中农业人口91万人。地处渠江与嘉陵江分水岭.境内无大江大河,降雨主要集中在7—9月,十年九旱,十旱九灾,是一个资源性缺水、工程性缺水与水质性缺水并重的地区。  相似文献   
SQS的二次跃迁与死区的测量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王临洲  李黎力 《核技术》1989,12(6):317-322
The microscopic structures of PLZT(7.9/70/30 and x/65/35, x = 7 or 8) ceramics were studied by means of transmission electron microscopy. The presence of micro-regions in PLZTs was first verfied.  相似文献   
An annular slot-coupled dielectric resonator antenna is investigated experimentally. As compared with the previous rectangular-slot version, the new configuration offers a much wider bandwidth of 18%. The return loss, radiation patterns, and antenna gain of the configuration have been measured and are discussed  相似文献   
This paper presents an electric arc model that can approximately represent both the static and dynamic characteristics of an arc load controlled by a power electronic circuit. The proposed model was developed from the combination and modifications of the classical Cassie and Mayr equations. The model equations have been expressed in a form suitable for incorporation into circuit simulators employing the nodal analysis method of equation solving. The model has been test-implemented in the Saber circuit simulator. Simulated and experimental results appear to be in good agreement  相似文献   
The broadband wireless access industry, which provides high-rate network connections to stationary sites, has matured to the point at which it now has a standard for second-generation wireless metropolitan area networks. The IEEE standard 802.16, with its WirelessMANTM air interface, sets the stage for widespread and effective deployments worldwide. This article overviews the technical medium access control and physical layer features of this new standard  相似文献   
The manufacturing message specification (MMS) is the ISO standard communication protocol specific to manufacturing. To analyze MMS design and performance, service unit automats are introduced to represent individual MMS services, while service connection Petri Nets (PNs) are constructed from these automats to describe MMS service connections and processes. This approach makes MMS protocol specification and analysis possible in terms of well-developed concepts and methods in PN theory. It leads to a distributed and hierarchical model of MMS software system by integrating service connection PNs. A generalized stochastic PN for MMS performance evaluation is obtained by incorporating service parameters and time factors into the model. A technique based on T-invariants is used to simplify the performance analysis  相似文献   
We consider the problem of turbo multiuser detection for synchronous and asynchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) in the presence of unknown users. Turbo multiuser detectors, as previously developed, typically require knowledge of the signature waveforms of all of the users in the system and ignore users whose signature sequences are unknown, e.g., users outside the cell. We develop turbo multiuser detection for CDMA uplink systems and other environments in which the receiver has knowledge of the signature waveforms of only K˘⩽ K users. Subspace techniques are used to estimate the interference from the unknown-users and the interference estimate is subtracted from the received signal. We see that the new receiver significantly outperforms the conventional turbo multiuser receiver for moderate and high signal-to-noise ratios. It is also seen that the traditional turbo receiver provides little gain through iteration when unknown users are present  相似文献   
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