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大力发展新能源和大规模外电入鲁是山东实现新旧动能转换、推动经济快速平稳发展的关键之举,截至017年,新能源发电量和外电入鲁电量已占全省发电量的40.98%,到2018年风电和光电装机容量已达到千万千瓦 级别.但是,新能源受天气因素制约,一直处于随机波动状态,实时干扰电网频率,直接影响人民生活和工业生产, 甚至会产生弃风弃光事件;而特高压直流输电线路一旦出现故障,就会产生巨大供电缺口,导致电网频率突降,极有 可能引发大面积停电事故,造成重大经济损失和不良社会影响.因此,火电机组必须具备良好的一次调频和 AGC等 涉网性能,才能弥补新能源发电量波动和外电入鲁故障造成的频率波动,才能破解新能源消纳难题,为准确应对外电 故障提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
采用烧结方法制备得到纳米α-Fe_2O_3,利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和透射电镜(TEM)对样品进行了表征,研究了纳米α-Fe_2O_3作为液体石蜡添加剂的摩擦磨损性能。结果表明,添加纳米添加剂后,润滑油摩擦系数改变不明显,但磨损率显著降低。磨损率与纳米α-Fe_2O_3添加剂的表面积和添加量密切相关,当纳米材料的表面积为47m~2/g时磨损率最低,磨损率值降低为3.78×10~(-15) m~2/g;添加量为1.0wt%,润滑油磨损率最低。  相似文献   
As an attractive alternative to plasmid DNA, messenger RNA (mRNA) has recently emerged as a promising class of nucleic acid therapeutics for biomedical applications. Advances in addressing the inherent shortcomings of mRNA and in the development of nanoparticle-based delivery systems have prompted the development and clinical translation of mRNA-based medicines. In this review, we discuss the chemical modification strategies of mRNA to improve its stability, minimize immune responses, and enhance translational efficacy. We also highlight recent progress in nanoparticle-based mRNA delivery. Considerable attention is given to the increasingly widespread applications of mRNA nanomedicine in the biomedical fields of vaccination, protein-replacement therapy, gene editing, and cellular reprogramming and engineering.  相似文献   
Jiang  Lei  Ding  Yang  Xue  Xialin  Zhou  Sensen  Li  Cheng  Zhang  Xiaoke  Jiang  Xiqun 《Nano Research》2018,11(11):6062-6073
Nano Research - Developing multifunctional nanoparticles to support new therapy models is a promising and challenging task to address the current dilemma on antitumor treatment. Herein, we...  相似文献   
Li  Dongyu  Ni  Xiang  Zhang  Xiaoyan  Liu  Liwei  Qu  Junle  Ding  Dan  Qian  Jun 《Nano Research》2018,11(11):6023-6033
Nano Research - Aggregation-induced emission luminogens (AIEgens) are fluorescent agents that are ideal for bioimaging and have been widely used for organelle targeting, cellular mapping, and...  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Mood disorders are common after stroke and may impede physical, functional, and cognitive recovery, making early identification and treatment of potential importance. We aimed to compare the accuracy of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) Scale in detecting psychiatric morbidity after stroke and to determine the most suitable cutoff points for different purposes. METHODS: One hundred five hospital-referred stroke patients completed both the GHQ-30 and HAD Scale 6 months after onset before a blinded psychiatric assessment in which the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia with some supplementary questions was used to determine a DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition) diagnosis. Measures were compared in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and receiver operating characteristic curves. RESULTS: No significant differences were found between the GHQ-30 and the HAD Scale in identifying those patients with any DSM-IV diagnosis (P=0.95), grouped depression (P=0.56), or anxiety (P=0.25) disorders. The previously recommended cutoff points for identifying "cases" for the GHQ (4/5) and for the HAD Scale (8/9 and 11/12) were found to be suboptimal in this population. CONCLUSIONS: The GHQ-30 and HAD scale exhibited similar levels of sensitivity and specificity. Data are presented, taking into account the "cost" of false-positives and negatives, to allow a choice of cutoff points suitable for differing situations.  相似文献   
The electroplating technique is used for producing thin sheets of copper- or nickel-based composites containing different volume fractions of -alumina dispersions. The microhardness and tensile behaviour of such composites, in both the as-deposited and the annealed state, are characterized. The strengthening mechanism of electroplated composites is found to be a combination of Orowan-type strengthening and the Hall–Petch effect.  相似文献   
为了克服中小型机械企业建立网站的经费不足、功能不全和缺乏安全性等问题,提出了建立通用企业网站的方案。首先通过广泛调研企业的需求,总结和分析了企业信息、客户管理、产品管理、销售与市场管理、物资供应管理、人事管理和安全管理等模块的功能;其次,分析了主要的业务流程和业务重组。  相似文献   
介绍了CAN总线网络开发方法,搭建了CAN总线集成开发测试环境,对实际网络进行了测试,给出了位定时参数计算方法,比较了不同模拟终端电阻下的总线的报文正确率和总线负载率等性能指标.  相似文献   
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