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Estracyt (estramustine phosphate) injected intraperitoneally, 100 mg, per Kg. three days a week for four weeks, retarded growth of the R-3327 tumor in intact rats and in orchiectomized rats given androgen. The growth inhibition was accomplished by reduction of tumor deoxyribonucleic acid concentration and of the activities of acid phosphatase, leucine aminopeptidase, and other hydrolases. Histologic examination revealed cellular necrosis particularly prominent in the orchiectomized, androgen-treated rats. Estracyt did not affect the uptake of 65-Zn in the tumors but markedly reduced the high uptake in the dorsolateral prostate. There was no accumulation of 3H or 14C in the tumors after intravenous administration of 3H, 14C-labeled Estracyt, but the isotope concentrations decreased much in the same way as they decreased in the dorsolateral prostate. The isotopes were retained in the ventral prostate, where their concentrations were approximately twenty times higher than those in the muscle four hours after injection. The results demonstrate the value of the R-3327 tumor in the evaluation of drugs of potential clinical use for the treatment of prostatic cancer. The results also show that Estracyt has an antitumor effect which is not dependent on the antigonadotropic action of the drug.  相似文献   
The structure of cardiac rhythm was studied with the help of specialized computers during digitalization in 60 patients with atrial fibrillation of different etiology. The reduction of the heart contractions rate under digitalization is accompanied by certain changes in the structure of cardiac rhythm: the arrhythmic pattern of the ventricular contractions increases with a predominant growth of the number of long R--R intervals, the transitions from short intervals to longer ones become sharper, and portions of a relatively stable ventricular rhythm appear. Three main types of dynamics of the rhythm structure were distinguished on the basis of the changes in the interval R--R histogram. The described changes in the structure of cardiac rhythm are not specific, but when Digitalis drugs are used alone they can be used as additional criteria for digitalization.  相似文献   
The clousness of membrane of rat brain mitochondria isolated in Krebs-Ringer's solution was broken by suspending the mitochondria in distilled water. Function characteristics of lyzed organells did not decrease but were somewhat higher than those of the organells suspended in Krebs-Ringer's solution. The results were discussed in relation to the question of the role of clousness of the mitochondrial membrane in the mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   
An abnormal accumulation of radionuclide was identified within the right juxtadiaphragmatic and juxtahepatic spaces during gallium-67 citrate scintigraphy in a post-pyeloplasty patient. Its mode of presentation, the recent pyeloplasty and the known biologic distribution of gallium suggested that it represented gallium-67 concentration within a postoperatively created urinoma. Diagnosis was confirmed by excretory urography and laparotomy.  相似文献   
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