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Pharmacokinetics was studied of kefsole administered by intravenous and endolymphatic routes to patients (n = 23) with acute pancreatitis. The studies made showed that intravenous route for the drug administration makes for a quicker entering of the antibiotic into the peritoneal exudate. Apart from these reasons, endolymphatic antibacterial therapy does not appear to avert the development of complications involving pus-formation/discharging in acute pancreatitis and does not seem to be essential in the complex of therapeutic measures to be applied for treating the above patients.  相似文献   
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) molecular variants in the brain and pituitary gland of pejerrey, Odontesthes bonariensis (Atheriniformes), were characterized by gradient reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Eluted fractions were tested in radioimmunoassays with different antisera. The results show that the brain extract contains three forms of GnRH: one is immunologically and chromatographically similar to cIIGnRH (chicken II), and another is similar to sGnRH (salmon). A third GnRH appears to be chromatographic and immunologically different from the nine other known forms of the vertebrate hormone. This is the only variant present in the pituitary gland.  相似文献   
Through TCD test, observation on the blood flow dynamics change before and after treatment with 31 cases of the child cerebral atrophy was made. It is found that scalp therapy is able to speed up the blood flow of part artery, especially increase the even blood flow speed of MCA, ACA obviously (P < 0.05), which preliminary shows the mechanism of scalp therapy for child cerebral atrophy mean while. It is found that scalp therapy also has the function to restrain epilepsy.  相似文献   
The influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) contains three highly conserved cysteine residues at positions 551, 559, and 562 close to the carboxyl-terminus of the HA2 subunit which serve as palmitylation sites. Wild-type HA of influenza virus A/FPV/Rostock/34 (H7N1) and HA permutated by exchange of the acylated cysteine to serine residues were expressed in CV-1 cells by a SV40 vector system. Since density of immunostained HA on the cell surface measured by flow cytometric analysis did not differ between wild-type and acylation mutants, it was possible to compare acylation mutants and wild-type HA for their capacity to induce membrane fusion at low pH. The following observations were made: (1) lateral diffusion of a lipid-like fluorophore (R-18) from the erythrocyte membrane to the plasma membrane of cells expressing HA on the surface occurred equally well with mutants and wild type. (2) Diffusion of a low-molecular-weight fluorescent water-soluble probe (calcein) from erythrocytes into the cytoplasm of HA-expressing cells was not altered either. (3) However, depending on the position and the number of the deleted acylation sites, the mutants showed a reduced ability to induce syncytia. The data indicate that deacylation of the cytoplasmic tail has no measurable effect on the capacity of HA to induce membrane fusion and pore formation but that it suppresses syncytia formation.  相似文献   
Presynaptic paired-pulse facilitation (PPF) rate decreased in most CA1 pyramidal neurones following the long-term potantiation (LTP) induction. The decrease correlated with the LTP magnitude as well as with the initial (pretetanic) PPF rate. The data obtained suggests an involvement of presynaptic mechanisms in maintaining the early and the delayed LTPs.  相似文献   
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy was used to study the structure of carbohydrate chains in glycosylated forms of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) and in pseudoglycoproteins obtained by transferring the carbohydrate chains of AGP to a polyacrylamide carrier. It was found that AGP-D glycoform and pseudoglycoproteins containing three or more glycans per molecule, which possess high immunomodulating activity, have a specific spatial organization of carbohydrate chains. This organization is maintained by the interaction of neighboring glycans with each other and does not depend on the nature of the carrier (whether it is polypeptide or polyacrylamide).  相似文献   
Hexacyanoferrates have been identified as highly effective radiocaesium binders which effectively reduce radiocaesium uptake and transfer to milk and meat. In Russia a hexacyanoferrate called ferrocyn has been produced for use as a countermeasure. In 1989-1992, experiments were undertaken in Russia to study the effectiveness of four different ferrocyn materials as 137Cs binders, their potential toxicity, effect on production rates of cow milk, effect on animal health and ease of implementation in routine agricultural practice. Four different ferrocyn delivery forms have been used: 98% pure powder, sustained release rumen boli (15% ferrocyn), salt licks (10% ferrocyn) and sawdust with 10% ferrocyn adsorbed (bifege). In initial experiments with different cows, sheep and pigs these four ferrocyn materials were effective in reducing radiocaesium transfer to animal products. Daily administration of ferrocyn powder at a rate of 3-5 g per cow reduced 137Cs transfer by up to 90% in milk. One single administration of three boli per cow (containing 30 g ferrocyn per boli) reduced 137Cs transfer by 50-75% for a period of 2 months. Salt licks containing 10% ferrocyn (0.22 kg ferrocyn per 2.2 kg briquette provided once) reduced transfer of 137Cs up to twofold for up to 10 days whilst bifege, given at a rate of 30-60 g day-1 (3-6 g day-1 ferrocyn), reduced 137Cs transfer by 90-95%. However, large-scale application of these ferrocyn materials on collective and private farms in agricultural trials in 1994 resulted in a lower effectiveness. Therefore, in 1996 a comparative assessment of the application of the four ferrocyn forms was made under carefully controlled conditions. The results fully validated the previous experimental data, and showed the importance of meeting recommended procedures for treatment, particularly when hexacyanoferrates are administered on a day-to-day basis.  相似文献   
Transient periodic increases in the extracellular K+ concentration (20 mM, 30 sec, 3-6 episodes) led to the appearance of a kindling-like state in local neuronal networks of field CA1 of rat hippocampal slices. A criterion for the appearance of this state was a reduction in the threshold for the generation of multiple population discharges and an increase in the total number of population spikes within discharges (epileptiform activity). This state correlated with potentiation of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP) (long-term increases in pyramidal neuron excitability), but not with potentiation of glutamatergic synaptic transmission in field CA1 of hippocampal slices. The role of the various Ca2+ channels in inducing and maintaining the kindling-like state in rat hippocampal sections, evoked by periodic increases in the extracellular K+ concentration, is discussed.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by erythema or ulceration of the rectal wall, associated with typical histological features, and disturbed defaecatory behaviour with the passage of blood and mucus. METHODS: This is a review based on a literature search using a computer database (Medline) and manual cross-referencing. RESULTS: The pathogenesis is likely to vary in different patients; it includes trauma from straining, direct digital trauma and possibly primary neuromuscular pathology. The histological findings of extension of the muscularis mucosa between crypts and muscularis propria disorganization on full-thickness specimens are characteristic. Biofeedback defaecation retraining, including habit training, can lead to symptom improvement and return to work in a majority of patients. Abdominal rectopexy offers long-term symptom improvement in approximately 50 per cent of patients. Rectal ulceration may persist after any treatment, even if symptoms improve. CONCLUSION: Behavioural therapy and carefully considered operations offer the best treatment results. Further work on psychological factors and neuromuscular and vascular pathology is required.  相似文献   
This study was performed to clarify the possibility of visualization and quantification with 99mTc-tetrofosmin (Tf) myocardial scintigraphy in cases with a large atrium demonstrated by trans-thoracic echocardiography (TTE). Myocardial SPECT was evaluated in 4 patients with mitral stenosis and 15 patients with mitral regurgitation. Left atrium was identified in 12 out of 19 cases from an antero-posterior projection. The Tf uptake ratio of the left atrium, which was defined as the ratio of ROI count of the left atrium divided by the ROI count of the left ventricle, showed a good correlation with the left atrial area obtained by both trans-thoracic and trans-esophageal echocardiography (r = 0.88 and 0.91, respectively), These data suggest that Tf myocardial SPECT is a useful method of evaluating left atrial enlargement.  相似文献   
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