Summary Three varieties ofCurcuma longa andC. aromatica were investigated during a growth period of 17 weeks with respect to the content of curcuminoids in the bulbs and fingers. A decrease in pigment production as a function of maturity of the rhizomes was observed. The total content of curcuminoids was equal inC. longa andC. aromatica, but with a slight difference in distribution between the fingers and bulbs in the two species. Taking the biomass into account, the fingers will be more beneficial for the isolation of curcuminoids than the respective bulbs.
Studien über Curcumin und Curcuminoide XXI. Unterschiede des Gehaltes an Curcuminoiden bei Curcuma longa L. und Curcuma aromatica Salisb. aus Indien während einer Saison
Zusammenfassung Drei Typen vonCurcuma longa undC. aromatica wurden während einer Wachstumsperiode von 17 Wochen auf ihren Curcuminoidgehalt in den Knollen und im Wurzelstock untersucht. Eine Abnahme der Pigmentproduktion in Abhängigkeit von dem Entwicklungsstadium der Rhizome wurde festgestellt. Der Gesamtgehalt an Curcuminoiden beiC. longa undC. aromatica war der gleiche, doch bestand ein geringer Unterschied in der Verteilung dieser zwischen Knolle und Wurzelstock bei den beiden Spezies. Bei Betrachtung der Biomasse ist der Wurzelstock für die Isolation von Curcuminoiden besser geeignet als die Knollen.
Reg-1α/lithostathine, a protein mainly associated with the digestive system, was previously shown to be overexpressed in the pre-clinical stages of Alzheimer’s disease. In vitro, the glycosylated protein was reported to form fibrils at physiological pH following the proteolytic action of trypsin. However, the nature of the protease able to act in the central nervous system is unknown. In the present study, we showed that Reg-1α can be cleaved in vitro by calpain-2, the calcium activated neutral protease, overexpressed in neurodegenerative diseases. Using chemical crosslinking experiments, we found that the two proteins can interact with each other. Identification of the cleavage site using mass spectrometry, between Gln4 and Thr5, was found in agreement with the in silico prediction of the calpain cleavage site, in a position different from the one reported for trypsin, i.e., Arg11-Ile12 peptide bond. We showed that the cleavage was impeded by the presence of the neighboring glycosylation of Thr5. Moreover, in vitro studies using electron microscopy showed that calpain-cleaved protein does not form fibrils as observed after trypsin cleavage. Collectively, our results show that calpain-2 cleaves Reg-1α in vitro, and that this action is not associated with fibril formation. 相似文献
This publication is a case study of the seasonal variability of mine water drainage from the Saint Louis Tunnel (SLT) at the inactive Rico-Argentine mine site located in southwestern Colorado. It is an introductory paper for the two passive water treatment system technology evaluations contained in this issue. Mine water chemistry changes from baseflow to a snowmelt runoff event (SMRE) where snowmelt runoff follows preferential migration pathways to flush acidic weathering products from the upper mine workings to the SLT. Baseflow mine drainage is characterized as circumneutral, with Zn, Cd, Mn, and Ni concentrations primarily in the dissolved form. Dissolved Zn, Mn, Fe, and potentially Cd illustrate equilibrium with carbonate minerals. Total concentrations of Fe, Cu, Pb, and As are primarily in the suspended form and suggest sorption to Fe oxides. Mine water chemistry during the SMRE reflects mixing of circumneutral baseflow waters with more acidic waters flushing the upper mine workings. Geothermal activity provides for a consistently warm mine water discharge from the SLT. The two seasons that provide the most challenge to passive water treatment of SLT mine drainage are the SMRE period and the low flow stage of the Dolores River. Mine water flow and chemistry during SMRE are highly correlated with Dolores River flow and this site conceptual model was and will be used to assist in pilot project evaluation, water treatment system design, monitoring system design, a seasonal compliance approach, and water management.
We describe herein some of our initial studies in pursuit of a simple, economical method of mass producing electrochromic displays. The approach we have taken is to print the display on polymer film utilizing commercially available conductive inks in an interdigitated electrode structure with a conductive metal oxide powder, dispersed in a polymer binder, as the electrode surface. A range of electrochromic materials suitable for use with an aqueous gel electrolyte have been explored and examples presented. 相似文献
Mercury intrusion porosimetry is a widely used technique for characterization of the pore size distribution of cement-based materials. However, the technique has several limitations, among which are the ink bottle effect and a cylindrical pore geometry assumption that lead to inaccurate pore size distribution curves. By substituting Wood’s metal for mercury as the intruding liquid, scanning electron microscopy and imaging techniques can be applied to the sample after intrusion. The molten Wood’s metal solidifies within the pore structure of the sample, which allows it to be sectioned and observed in the scanning electron microscopy. From here, the sample can be analyzed both qualitatively, by observing the changes in the appearance of the sample as the intrusion process progresses, and quantitatively, by applying image analysis techniques. This study provides insight for better interpretation of mercury intrusion porosimetry results and the possibility for quantitative characterization of the spatial geometry of pores in cement-based materials. 相似文献
The concentration of melatonin is elevated during the night when patients mainly wear removable orthodontic appliances. Next to periodontal ligament fibroblasts and osteoblasts, macrophages react to mechanical strain with an increased expression of inflammatory mediators. Here, we investigated the impact of melatonin on RAW264.7 macrophages exposed to tensile or compressive strain occurring during orthodontic tooth movement in the periodontal ligament. Before exposure to mechanical strain for 4 h, macrophages were pre-incubated with different melatonin concentrations for 24 h, to determine the dependence of melatonin concentration. Afterwards, we performed experiments with and without mechanical strain, the most effective melatonin concentration (25 µM), and the melatonin receptor 2 (MT2) specific antagonist 4P-PDOT. The expression of inflammatory genes and proteins was investigated by RT-qPCR, ELISAs, and immunoblot. Both tensile and compressive strain increased the expression of the investigated inflammatory factors interleukin-1-beta, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase-2. This effect was inhibited by the addition of melatonin. Incubation with 4P-PDOT blocked this anti-inflammatory effect of melatonin. Melatonin had an anti-inflammatory effect on macrophages exposed to mechanical strain, independent of the type of mechanical strain. As inhibition was possible with 4P-PDOT, the MT2 receptor might be involved in the regulation of the observed effects. 相似文献
One has a large workload that is “divisible”—its constituent work’s granularity can be adjusted arbitrarily—and one has access to p remote worker computers that can assist in computing the workload. How can one best utilize the workers? Complicating this question is the fact that each worker is subject to interruptions (of known likelihood) that kill all work in progress on it. One wishes to orchestrate sharing the workload with the workers in a way that maximizes the expected amount of work completed. Strategies are presented for achieving this goal, by balancing the desire to checkpoint often—thereby decreasing the amount of vulnerable work at any point—vs. the desire to avoid the context-switching required to checkpoint. Schedules must also temper the desire to replicate work, because such replication diminishes the effective remote workforce. The current study demonstrates the accessibility of strategies that provably maximize the expected amount of work when there is only one worker (the case p=1) and, at least in an asymptotic sense, when there are two workers (the case p=2); but the study strongly suggests the intractability of exact maximization for p≥2 computers, as work replication on multiple workers joins checkpointing as a vehicle for decreasing the impact of work-killing interruptions. We respond to that challenge by developing efficient heuristics that employ both checkpointing and work replication as mechanisms for decreasing the impact of work-killing interruptions. The quality of these heuristics, in expected amount of work completed, is assessed through exhaustive simulations that use both idealized models and actual trace data. 相似文献
Collaboration between manufacturers and craft makers is believed by many crafts theorists to offer new originality, insight and specialist expertise to design for production. In practice, however, there exists a discrepancy between this ideal and a reality of unreconcilable cultural and methodological differences. This paper documents and discusses such a collaboration as an example of best practice with implications for managers, educators, designers and craft makers. It identifies a new role for craft makers with the appropriate knowledge and experience to act as bridges within companies, facilitating the adoption of design methodologies appropriate to changing priorities in the manufacturing industries. 相似文献