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The Installation and Use of a Snow Pillow to Monitor Snow Water Equivalent   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In February 1993, a snow pillow was installed at Widdibank Fell near Cow Green reservoir (in Upper Teesdale) to monitor snow water equivalent.
This paper describes existing snow-measurement techniques in the UK and the site-selection process and installation details for the snow pillow. Following a winter of more than 100 days with snow cover at the site, the success of the pillow in representing site and catchment snow conditions and in providing operationally useful snowmelt information for flood warning has been assessed.  相似文献   
The paper deals with the planning, construction, operation and performance of the purpose-built nitrifying filter from its commissioning in August 1986 to the present day. Burnley sewage-treatment works consists of inlet screens, Dorr detritors, primary sedimentation tanks, surface-aeration activated sludge units, and final settlement; sludge is digested and tankered to farmland.
The filter was designed and built following the closure of several local works and subsequent diversion of flows to Burnley. It was realized that the increased volume from the extended Burnley works would reduce the dilution of the effluent by the River Calder. This would result in a deterioration in the quality of the river. As a consequence an ammonia standard of 14 mg/l was imposed on the works following the completion of the nitrifying filter.  相似文献   
The Environment Agency has a statutory duty to secure the proper use of water resources, which is now considered inter alia to include an economically efficient allocation of resources as far as is possible within the current legislation. This paper considers the practical extent to which water rights can be traded within the existing system of regulation as a means of (a) improving the economic efficiency of resource allocation, and (b) satisfying customer demand for additional supplies. Outline proposals are also made for deregulation of current legislation to encourage further trading through less restrictive regulation.  相似文献   
J.F. Lyness  BSc  MSc  PhD  CEng  MICE  MIStructE  W. R. C. Myers  BA  BSc  PhD  CEng  MICE  J. B. Wark  BEng  PhD 《Water and Environment Journal》1997,11(5):335-340
Flow measurements have been taken for steady and unsteady flows on a reach of a river having a compact compound channel. The 'single channel', 'divided channel' and 'lateral' distribution methods have been used to calculate conveyances for use in a one-dimensional unsteady flow model of the reach. Comparisons with measured flows show that the divided channel method and the lateral distribution method both underestimate floodplain flow depths. The lateral distribution method gives the closest accuracy in the relative depth range 0.15 ≤ Yr < 0.40. For large flow depths the single channel method becomes more accurate and slightly over-estimates flow depths.
The accuracy of unit width discharge distributions, calculated from the lateral distribution method are assessed by comparison with observed distributions for overbank flows.  相似文献   
Optimum Design of Sewage Sludge Consolidation Tanks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consolidation is potentially the most cost-effective of all sludge treatment processes. However, traditional design procedures have been oversimplified such that the process has not generally been fully exploited.
The objective of this report is to summarize the Water Research Centre (WRc) procedure for sizing sewage sludge consolidation tanks, and explain the major design aspects which control the effective operation of the plant. The procedure provides a means of sizing tanks to consolidate any particular sewage sludge to any solids concentrations up to the maximum, and is applicable to both the batch and continuous operational modes. To obtain the predicted performance, the essential equipment such as the picket fence and control system, comprising a consolidation plant, must be suitably designed.  相似文献   
The paper outlines some of the actions taken by Severn Trent Water to achieve compliance with consent limits since the implementation of the Control of Pollution Act (Part II) in 1985.
Prior to and since 1985, Severn Trent Water has undertaken an extensive programme to analyse the reasons for failure and carry out remedial work. A major feature of this programme, which has been further stimulated by privatization, has been the need to reduce the lead time for carrying out improvements.
The paper discusses the means by which this has been achieved, including the introduction of the 'fast-track'initiative and the 'process matrix'.
Other aspects are outlined including initiatives to develop more robust processes, computerized work scheduling, extensive training programmes and best practice studies.  相似文献   
J. GAY  BSc  MS  CEng  MICE  R. WEBSTER  BA  MSc  D. ROBERTS  BA  MSc  M. TRETT  BSc  FLS 《Water and Environment Journal》1991,5(5):573-580
The environmental implications of implementing the requirement for treatment of coastal sewage prior to discharge, which were put forward in an EC draft Directive on municipal waste-water treatment, are examined. In order to establish the current situation, the results of a national survey of coastal and estuarine sewage discharges are presented. A review of the impact of sewage discharges on the marine environment is presented in conjunction with an assessment of the impact of sewage-treatment processes on the land and in the air. These aspects are integrated into overall conclusions about net environmental impact. Finally, a decision-tree approach to the assignment of priority to additional action required at individual locations is developed.  相似文献   
巴恒静  杨英姿 《建筑技术》2001,32(10):656-658
目前冬期施工中,巳有相关数量的大流动度的负温防冻剂混凝土替代了原有的低塑性防冻剂混凝土。但防冻泵送剂尚无明确的检验标准。为此选取两种防冻剂进行试验,结果表明无论是高效减水剂还是增加用水量改善混凝土的工作性,混凝土硬化初期的性能均受到明显影响。  相似文献   
C. Njiru  BSc  MSc  CEng  MICE  I. K. Smout  BA  MSc  CEng  FICE  MIAgrE  K. Sansom  BSc  MSc  CEng  MICE 《Water and Environment Journal》2001,15(4):277-281
A key challenge for managers of water utilities in developing countries is to provide services to the rising urban population in a financially sustainable manner. The paper examines the management of water services in an African city which piloted service differentiation and pricing. Among the key findings was that substantial improvement in the provision of water services to the urban poor was attained. Cost recovery was achieved through innovative structuring of public/private partnerships, an appropriate pricing policy, and flexible payment systems. The project demonstrates that (a) by structuring service delivery with appropriate pricing, utilities could serve more customers (including people living in informal settlements) at affordable cost and achieve financial sustainability, and (b) service differentiation and appropriate pricing has the potential to improve urban water services in low-income countries.  相似文献   
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