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The photosynthetic light-harvesting complex, peridinin-chlorophyll a-protein, was isolated from several marine dinoflagellates including Glenodinium sp. by Sephadex and ion-exchange chromatography. The carotenoid (peridinin)-chlorophyll a ratio in the complex is estimated to be 4:1. The fluorescence excitation spectrum of the complex indicates that energy absorbed by the carotenoid is transferred to the chlorophyll a molecule with 100% efficiency. Fluorescence lifetime measurements indicate that the energy transfer is much faster than fluorescence emission from chlorophyll a. The four peridinin molecules within the complex appear to form two allowed exciton bands which split the main absorption band of the carotenoid into two circular dichronic bands (with negative ellipticity band at 538 nm and positive band at 463 nm in the case of peridinin-chlorophyl a-protein complex from Glenodinium sp.). The fluorescence polarization of chlorophyll a in the complex at 200 K is about 0.1 in both circular dichroic excitation bands of the carotenoid chromophore. From these circular dichroic and fluorescence polarization data, a possible molecular arrangement of the four peridinin and chlorophyll molecules has been deduced for the complex. The structure of the complex deduced is also consistent with the magnitude of the exciton spliting (ca. greater than 3000 cm-1) at the intermolecular distance in the dimer pair of peridinin (ca. 12 A). This structural feature accounts for the efficient light-harvesting process of dinoflagellates as the exciton interaction lengthens the lifetime of peridinin (radiative) and the complex topology increases the energy transfer probability. The complex is, therefore, a useful molecular model for elucidating the mechanism and efficiency of solar energy conversion in vivo as well as in vitro.  相似文献   
Arterial hypertension has been identified as a major secondary risk factor for diabetic retinopathy. However, the mechanisms by which hypertension worsens retinopathy are unknown. Inhibition of advanced glycation product formation prevents the development of experimental diabetic retinopathy in normotensive diabetic rats. In this study the effect of hypertension on the rate of diabetic retinopathy development and the formation of arteriolar thrombosis was evaluated. We also evaluated the effect of aminoguanidine, an inhibitor of advanced glycation and product formation on retinal pathology of diabetic hypertensive rats. After 26 weeks of diabetes, hypertension accelerated the development of retinopathy despite a lower mean blood glucose level than in the non-hypertensive group (diabetic spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR) 16.00 +/- 6.83 mmol/l; diabetic normotensive Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) 34.9 +/- 3.64 mmol/l; p < 0.0001). Diabetic SHR had nearly twice as many acellular capillaries as diabetic WKY (SHR diabetic: 91.9 +/- 7.5 acellular capillaries per mm2 of retinal area vs WKY diabetic: 53.7 +/- 8.5 acellular capillaries per mm2 of retinal area), and a 3.8-fold increase in the number of arteriolar microthromboses (SHR diabetic 23,504 +/- 5523 microns2 vs SHR non-diabetic 6228 +/- 2707 microns2). Aminoguanidine treatment of SHR diabetic rats reduced the number of acellular capillaries by 50%, and completely prevented both arteriolar deposition of PAS-positive material and abnormal microthrombus formation. These data suggest that hypertension-induced deposition of glycated proteins in the retinal vasculature plays a central role in the acceleration of diabetic retinopathy by hypertension.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to characterize the physicochemical properties of calcific deposits that cause the failure of tissue-derived heart valve bioprostheses. This was done in an effort to understand the mechanism of pathologic biomineralization in the cardiovascular system and potentially prevent deterioration of bioprostheses. Calcific deposits taken from 10 failed bioprosthetic valves that had been implanted in patients for 2-13 years were characterized by chemical analysis, x-ray diffraction, FTIR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, polarized light microscopy, and solubility measurements. The combined results identified the biomineral as an apatitic calcium phosphate salt with substantial incorporation of sodium, magnesium and carbonate. The average Ca/PO4 ratio for this "young" pathologic biomineral was approximately 1.3, considerably lower than approximately 1.7 found in mature atherosclerotic plaque biomineral and mature skeletal biomineral, both of which approximate hydroxyapatite in composition. Deproteinated calcific deposits from bioprostheses had thermodynamic solubilities comparable to those of both atherosclerotic plaque, typical pathologic biomineral and hydrolyzed octacalcium phosphate (OCP, Ca4H(PO4)3 x 2.5 H2O), a proposed precursor phase to biomineral apatite. This later finding, together with chemical composition and structural details of the bioprosthetic deposits themselves, supports a mechanism of cardiovascular calcification in which OCP plays a crucial role in the formation of the final apatitic phase. This suggests an approach toward prevention of bioprosthetic tissue calcification through control of the formation of the kinetically favored OCP precursor and/or its transformation into bioapatite.  相似文献   
A 7-week-old boy presented with a 6-week history of failure to thrive, acute intestinal obstruction, and an apparently irreducible intussusception (noted on contrast enema). He underwent abdominal exploration, during which a cecal mass was identified and resected. The mass proved to be a leiomyosarcoma. Histologically, it was an intermediate-grade malignancy with a predicted 5-year survival rate of 16% to 23% based on data from the adult experience. Three years after resection and without having received adjuvant therapy, he is healthy and free of disease. A review of the literature showed that in infants these tumors are predominantly colonic, compared with the predilection for small intestinal lesions found in the older pediatric and adult populations. Infantile intestinal leiomyosarcomata are rare malignancies that do well if complete surgical excision of the disease can be accomplished. The histological prognostic indicators proposed for intestinal leiomyosarcomas in the adult population cannot be extrapolated to infants because when they occur in infants, they appear to be less aggressive, and these patients do well without adjuvant therapy.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: This study sought to present evidence that fast atrioventricular (AV) node pathways with posterior exit sites may participate in typical AV node reentry. BACKGROUND: Catheter ablation of the slow AV node pathway in the posteroseptal right atrium is the preferred therapeutic approach in patients with AV node reentrant tachycardia. Despite the success achieved with this approach, electrophysiologic changes consistent with fast pathway ablation are occasionally observed. One potential explanation is the presence of an aberrant posterior fast pathway. METHODS: The location of fast and slow AV node pathways was determined by atrial activation mapping along the tricuspid valve annulus during tachycardia and was further confirmed by the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation. RESULTS: Seven patients with AV node reentrant tachycardia had evidence of a posterior fast pathway near the coronary sinus os. Abolition of anterograde and retrograde fast pathway conduction followed radiofrequency ablation in the posteroseptal region in six patients. Consistent with fast pathway ablation, the AH interval increased from 70 +/- 24 to 195 +/- 35 ms (mean +/- SD), and tachycardia was no longer inducible. Selective slow pathway ablation was performed in one other patient with a posterior fast pathway. CONCLUSIONS: Functionally fast AV node pathways may be located in the posteroseptal right atrium, where slow pathway modification is performed. These data delineate the limitation of an anatomically guided slow pathway ablative approach and emphasize the importance of detailed mapping and localization of the retrograde fast pathway exit site before ablation. Failure to recognize the presence of posterior fast AV node pathways may account for sporadic examples of AV block, complicating posteroseptal ablation in patients with AV node reentry.  相似文献   
18 patients with malignant effusions were treated with continuous intraperitoneal, intrapleural, or intrapericardial infusion of methotrexate (MTX) 30 mg/m2 per d combined with simultaneous intravenous administration of leucovorin at a dose rate calculated to yield an equimolar concentration in the serum. In the serum the geometric mean steady-state MTX concentration was 0.95 microM, whereas it was 24 microM in the peritoneal, 213 microM in the pleural, and 434 microM in the pericardial cavities. Mean clearance was 6.6 ml/min from the peritoneal cavity, 2.6 ml/min from the pleural cavity, and 0.14 ml/min from the pericardial cavity. Leucovorin provided sufficient protection to allow the duration of infusion to be escalated from 24 to 120 h before myelosuppression was encountered. Marrow thymidylate synthetase activity was inhibited by an average of 46% compared to 86% inhibition in malignant cells in the effusions. Flow cytometric analysis showed no perturbation of the cell cycle phase distribution of marrow cells. All eight of the evaluable patients have responded: three received no other form of therapy, five also received systemic hormonal or chemotherapy. This study demonstrated that tumors confined to third space body fluids can be given very high concentration x time exposures to MTX with minimal systemic toxicity.  相似文献   
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