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Between June 1983 and March 1992, we performed a capsular reconstruction procedure through an anterior approach in ten patients (ten shoulders) who had multidirectional laxity of the shoulder and symptomatic atraumatic posterior glenohumeral instability. The procedure included closure of the capsule in the rotator interval and imbrication of the anterior, inferior, and posteroinferior aspects of the capsule by a double-breasting technique that decreases the overall capsular volume. The mean duration of follow-up was sixty months (range, twenty-four to 103 months). According to the system of Rowe and Zarins, the result was graded as excellent for five shoulders, good for four, and poor for one. On the basis of our results, we recommend capsular reconstruction through an anterior approach only in patients who have persistent multidirectional laxity and symptomatic atraumatic posterior instability of the shoulder despite participation in an intensive rehabilitation program.  相似文献   
Epidemiology shows a relationship between solar exposure and all types of skin cancer. Understanding the mechanisms of skin cancer requires knowledge of the photomolecular events that occur within the relevant epidermal cell types in vivo. Studies to date have focused on UVR-induced DNA lesions in keratinocytes, the majority epidermal cell population which gives rise to most skin cancers. Malignant melanoma, arising from melanocytes (5%-10% of epidermal cells), accounts for most skin cancer deaths. We report on new techniques to detect DNA photolesions in human epidermal melanocytes in situ. Previously nonexposed buttock skin of volunteers of skin types I/II was exposed to clinically relevant doses of narrow bandwidth UVB (300 nm) and UVA (320 nm, 340 nm, 360 nm) radiation. Biopsies were taken immediately afterwards and processed for routine histology. Microscope sections were prepared and double-stained with fluorescent-tagged monoclonal antibodies for thymine dimers and melanocytes. UVR dose-response curves for dimer levels within melanocyte nuclei were determined by image analysis and compared with dimer levels in adjacent basal cell keratinocytes. Our data show that UVB and UVA readily induce thymine dimers in melanocytes at levels that are comparable with those found in adjacent keratinocytes. This new technique will enable melanocyte specific studies, such as DNA repair kinetics, to be done in vivo.  相似文献   
The brown dwarf Gliese 229B has an observable atmosphere too warm to contain ice clouds like those on Jupiter and too cool to contain silicate clouds like those on low-mass stars. These unique conditions permit visibility to higher pressures than possible in cool stars or planets. Gliese 229B's 0.85- to 1.0-micrometer spectrum indicates particulates deep in the atmosphere (10 to 50 bars) having optical properties of neither ice nor silicates. Their reddish color suggests an organic composition characteristic of aerosols in planetary stratospheres. The particles' mass fraction (10(-7)) agrees with a photochemical origin caused by incident radiation from the primary star and suggests the occurrence of processes native to planetary stratospheres.  相似文献   
Peptidomimetic cathepsin K inhibitors have been designed using binding models which were based on the X-ray crystal structure of an amino acid-based, active site-spanning inhibitor complexed with cathepsin K. These inhibitors, which contain a benzyloxybenzoyl group in place of a Cbz-leucine moiety, maintained good inhibitory potency relative to the amino acid-based inhibitor, and the binding models were found to be very predictive of relative inhibitor potency. The binding mode of one of the inhibitors was confirmed by X-ray crystallography, and the crystallographically determined structure is in close qualitative agreement with the initial binding model. These results strengthen the validity of a strategy involving iterative cycles of structure-based design, inhibitor synthesis and evaluation, and crystallographic structure determination for the discovery of peptidomimetic inhibitors.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Decreased cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral ischemia occurring immediately after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) may be caused by acute microvascular constriction. However, CBF can also be influenced by changes in intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). The goal of these experiments was to assess the significance of acute vasoconstriction after SAH and its relationship to changes in CBF, ICP, CPP, and extracellular glutamate concentrations. METHODS: Three experiments were performed using the endovascular filament technique to produce SAH. In the first experiment, CBF, ICP, and CPP were measured for 60 minutes after SAH (n = 21) and were correlated with the 24-hour mortality rate. In the second experiment, rats undergoing SAH (n = 23) or a sham procedure (n = 7) were perfused 60 minutes after SAH for measurement of the circumference and wall thickness of the internal carotid and anterior cerebral arteries and correlation with CBF, ICP, and CPP. In the third experiment (n = 11), extracellular glutamate concentrations determined by hippocampal and cortical microdialysis and high performance liquid chromatography were correlated with physiological changes. RESULTS: CBF reductions to less than 40% of baseline for 60 minutes after SAH predicted 24-hour mortality with 100% accuracy and were used to define "lethal" SAH. In contrast, ICP and CPP 60 minutes after SAH were not correlated with the mortality rate. The vascular circumference was significantly smaller in lethal than in sublethal SAH or sham-operated rats (P < 0.001). Vessel measurements were correlated with both CBF and hemorrhage size (P < 0.01). Extracellular glutamate concentration increased to 600% of baseline after lethal SAH in both hippocampus and cortex and was inversely correlated with CBF (r = 0.9, P < 0.001) but did not increase after sublethal SAH. CONCLUSION: Acute vasoconstriction after SAH occurs independently of changes in ICP and CPP and is associated with decreased CBF, larger hemorrhage size, persistent elevations of extracellular glutamate, and poor outcome. Acute vasoconstriction seems to contribute directly to ischemic brain injury after SAH. Further evaluations of pharmacological agents with the potential to reverse acute vasoconstriction may increase CBF and improve outcome.  相似文献   
Ribonuclease P (RNase P) is an endonuclease that cleaves precursor tRNA to form the 5'-end of mature tRNA and is composed of a catalytic RNA subunit and a small protein subunit. The function of the protein component of Bacillus subtilis RNase P in catalysis of B. subtilis precursor tRNAAsp cleavage has been elucidated using steady-state kinetics, transient kinetics, and ligand affinity measurements to compare the functional properties of RNase P holoenzyme to RNase P RNA in 10 mM MgCl2, 100 mM NH4Cl. The protein component modestly affects several steps including 相似文献   
Polyclonal immunoglobulin M antibodies to the monosialoganglioside GM2, sulfoglucuronyl glycolipids, and sulfatide were detected by thin-layer chromatography and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the serum of a patient with melanoma and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Both the patient's serum and polyclonal antibodies against GM2 reacted strongly with a biopsy of melanomatous tissue from the patient, suggesting a process of molecular mimicry.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To provide recommendations for the treatment of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related cytomegalovirus (CMV) end-organ diseases, including retinitis, colitis, pneumonitis, and neurologic diseases. PARTICIPANTS: A 17-member panel of physicians with expertise in clinical and virological research and inpatient care in the field of CMV diseases. EVIDENCE: Available clinical and virological study results. Recommendations are rated according to the quality and strength of available evidence. Recommendations were limited to the treatment of CMV diseases; prophylaxis recommendations are not included. PROCESS: The panel was convened in February 1997 and met regularly through November 1997. Subgroups of the panel summarized and presented available information on specific topics to the full panel; recommendations and ratings were determined by group consensus. CONCLUSIONS: Although the epidemiological features of CMV diseases are changing in the setting of potent, combination antiretroviral therapy, continued attention must be paid to CMV diseases in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus to prevent irreversible endorgan dysfunction. The initial and maintenance treatment of CMV retinitis must be individualized based on the characteristics of the lesions, including location and extent, specific patient factors, and characteristics of available therapies among others. Management of relapse or refractory retinitis must be likewise individualized. Ophthalmologic screening for patients at high risk for retinitis or who have a prior diagnosis of extraretinal disease is recommended. Recommendations for gastrointestinal, pulmonary, and neurologic manifestations are included.  相似文献   
LNCaP, DU145, and PC3 prostate carcinoma cells secrete the 27-kDa soluble Fas ligand (sFasL) into their local environment. sFasL arises from the 40-kDa membrane-bound form (mFasL), which can be found on the cell surface in the LNCaP line, as demonstrated by monoclonal antibody staining. mFasL was also found in extracts of all three cell lines, as demonstrated by Western blotting. FasL mRNA was detected not only in the cell lines, but in the normal prostate as well. sFasL protein could also be detected immunohistochemically in prostate secretions and in human semen. Cleavage of mFasL to sFasL could be inhibited by several matrix metalloprotease inhibitors without a change in the cellular levels of FasL. Prostate-derived sFasL is biologically active, as demonstrated by its induction of apoptosis in Fas-positive Ramos cells, which was detected by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated nick end labeling assay. Mitoxantrone induces cellular apoptosis in all three prostate cancer cell lines. Mitoxantrone treatment and doxorubicin treatment also cause up-regulation of Fas, the cell surface receptor for FasL, in LNCaP cells, but not in DU145 or PC3 cells. Furthermore, the up-regulation of Fas expression by mitoxantrone at a high concentration was potentiated by hydrocortisone. When FasL interacts with its Fas, the Fas-bearing cell undergoes apoptosis. When LNCaP cells were treated with mitoxantrone and incubated with an anti-FasL monoclonal antibody, apoptosis was partially blocked. This not only further suggests that the sFasL is biologically active, but that the up-regulation of Fas in the presence of sFasL accounts, in part, for the cytotoxicity of mitoxantrone.  相似文献   
Determination of proliferative activity of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL), aimed at improving the prediction of their clinical behavior, has gained considerable attention in the recent years. Flow cytometry has allowed rapid measurement of the cellular DNA content in terms of ploidy and proliferative activity. Flow cytometric DNA analysis was performed on paraffin embedded biopsy specimens taken from 125 patients with NHL. In 90 of them, proliferative index (PI) could be accurately measured and correlated with histology grade of the Working Formulation (WF). Intermediate and high grade NHL (54 patients) were analyzed together as HG-NHL. With the discrimination point for PI of 10%, the survival of high and low proliferative lymphomas was compared in the whole NHL group and within the WF prognostic groups. The median PI was 5% in LG (low grade) NHL and 10% in HG (high grade) NHL group. Acturial survival in NHL with high proliferative activity (39 patients) was 31% at 5 years and 15% at 10 years, and in NHL with low proliferative activity (51 patients) 53% and 18%, respectively (p = 0.002). In HG-NHL, survival at 5 years for low proliferative cases was 55% and for high proliferative cases 28% (p = 0.065), whereas in the LG-NHL group it was 54% and 28%, respectively (p = 0.059). The survival at 10 years was nearly equal in all groups. Proliferative index was associated with the overall survival of NHL in the whole group, as well as within the LG and HG prognostic categories. PI could differentiate more and less aggressive NHLs both within LG-NHL and HG-NHL. A tendency of survival curves toward continuous relapse was observed in low proliferative NHL and a tendency toward "plateau" in high proliferative NHL, irrespective of the histology grade.  相似文献   
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