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An experimental investigation was conducted to evaluate the effects of using methanol as additive to biodiesel–diesel blends on the engine performance, emissions and combustion characteristics of a direct injection diesel engine under variable operating conditions. BD50 (50% biodiesel and 50% diesel in vol.) was prepared as the baseline fuel. Methanol was added to BD50 as an additive by volume percent of 5% and 10% (denoted as BDM5 and BDM10). The results indicate that the combustion starts later for BDM5 and BDM10 than for BD50 at low engine load, but is almost identical at high engine load. At low engine load of 1500 r/min, BDM5 and BDM10 show the similar peak cylinder pressure and peak of pressure rise rate to BD50, and higher peak of heat release rate than that of BD50. At low engine load of 1800 r/min, the peak cylinder pressure and the peak of pressure rise rate of BDM5 and BDM10 are lower than those of BD50, and the peak of heat release rate is similar to that of BD50. The crank angles at which the peak values occur are later for BDM5 and BDM10 than for BD50. At high engine load, the peak cylinder pressure, the peak of pressure rise rate and peak of heat release rate of BDM5 and BDM10 are higher than those of BD50, and the crank angle of peak values for all tested fuels are almost same. The power and torque outputs of BDM5 and BDM10 are slightly lower than those of BD50. BDM5 and BDM10 show dramatic reduction of smoke emissions. CO emissions are slightly lower, and NOx and HC emissions are almost similar to those of BD50 at speed characteristic of full engine load.  相似文献   
In this article, the combined magneto‐hydrodynamic heat, momentum, and mass (species) transfer in external boundary layer flow of Casson nanofluid from a vertical cone surface with convective conditions under an applied magnetic field is studied theoretically. The effects of Brownian motion and thermophoresis are incorporated in the model in the presence of both heat and nanoparticle mass transfer convective conditions. The governing partial differential equations (PDEs) are transformed into highly nonlinear, coupled, multidegree, nonsimilar PDEs consisting of the momentum, energy, and concentration equations via appropriate nonsimilarity transformations. These transformed conservation equations are solved subject to appropriate boundary conditions with a second‐order, accurate finite difference method of the implicit type. The influences of the emerging parameters, that is, magnetic parameter (M), Casson fluid parameter (β), Brownian motion parameter (Nb), thermophoresis parameter (Nt), Lewis number (Le), Prandtl number (Pr), velocity slip (Sf) and thermal slip (ST) on velocity, temperature, and nanoparticle concentration distributions is illustrated graphically and interpreted at length. Validation of solutions with a Nakamura tridiagonal method has been included. The study is relevant to enrobing processes for electrically conductive nanomaterials, of potential use in aerospace and other industries.  相似文献   
In this study, the biodiesel produced from soybean crude oil was prepared by a method of alkaline-catalyzed transesterification. The important properties of biodiesel were compared with those of diesel. Diesel and biodiesel were used as fuels in the compression ignition engine, and its performance, emissions and combustion characteristics of the engine were analyzed. The results showed that biodiesel exhibited the similar combustion stages to that of diesel, however, biodiesel showed an earlier start of combustion. At lower engine loads, the peak cylinder pressure, the peak rate of pressure rise and the peak of heat release rate during premixed combustion phase were higher for biodiesel than for diesel. At higher engine loads, the peak cylinder pressure of biodiesel was almost similar to that of diesel, but the peak rate of pressure rise and the peak of heat release rate were lower for biodiesel. The power output of biodiesel was almost identical with that of diesel. The brake specific fuel consumption was higher for biodiesel due to its lower heating value. Biodiesel provided significant reduction in CO, HC, NOx and smoke under speed characteristic at full engine load. Based on this study, biodiesel can be used as a substitute for diesel in diesel engine.  相似文献   
Imported cassava roots can be found on retail sale in several Irish cities and towns. Fresh roots (n = 36 roots) and peeled frozen root pieces (n = 28 packs) were randomly purchased from five retailers in Belfast, Dublin and Limerick and assayed for cyanogenic potential (CNp). Total CNp of fresh root parenchyma varied from 37.5 to 242.9 mg kg?1 as HCN, dry weight basis – dwb), averaging 104.4 mg kg?1 HCN (dwb). Total CNp of frozen root parenchyma (n = 28 packs) ranged from 28.5 to 258.6 mg kg?1 HCN (dwb), averaging 81.7 mg kg?1 HCN (dwb). Around 78% of fresh roots, and 93% of packs of frozen parenchyma, complied with the Codex Alimentarius definition of ‘sweet’ cassava, but most (86.1% and 64.3%, respectively) exceeded European Union NETTOX recommendations for total CNp. In around one‐third of frozen parenchyma packs, nonglycosidic cyanogens accounted for 83–100% of total CNp. The toxicological implications are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
王振东 《真空》2000,(1):32-33
本文介绍用C200H可编程控制器实现ITO透明导电玻璃生产线的自动控制,实现对各系统的高度,自动,手动的控制,实现了对各系统的故障诊断报警。该控制系统可靠性,功能强,查找故障方便。  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To measure the radiation dose profile, multiple-scan average dose (MSAD), and computed tomography dose index (CTDI) for electron beam CT and to determine the accuracy of ionization-chamber and manufacturer estimates of patient dose. MATERIALS AND METHODS: High-resolution dose profiles along the longitudinal axis were acquired at several positions within the scan plane with use of radiographic film. The full-width-at-half-maximum values, peak radiation dose, CTDI, and MSAD were calculated from the digitized film profiles. CTDI was also measured with an ionization chamber. RESULTS: The full-width-half-maximum value of the radiation profiles were significantly wider than the nominal scan width for the 6-mm single-section and 8-mm multisection modes. In the single-section mode, the CTDI underestimated the MSAD by 15%-30%. The multisection radiation profile was nonuniform and asymmetric. CONCLUSION: Patient doses in electron beam CT are approximately 125% of the ionization-chamber CTDI measurements in the single-section mode. For the multisection mode, the average patient dose over the scan volume is approximately 70%-85% of the ionization-chamber CTDI measurements.  相似文献   
In a Pd thin film grown on a 6H‐SiC (0001) substrate, several twin interfaces have been observed, classified as (1) {111}Σ = 3 twin interfaces and (2) {}Σ = 3 twin interfaces. The first ones are coherent twin interfaces and in some cases exhibit steps of one or more atomic layers in height. The second ones are perpendicular to the first ones. They usually appear with a rigid‐body displacement, but in some cases no displacement was observed. Models for the interfaces are proposed.  相似文献   
The discharge properties of lateral and descending vestibular neurons responsive to constant velocity off-vertical axis rotations (OVAR) in the clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) directions, were studied at the stationary and earth-horizontal position of decerebrate adult rats. From the coefficient of variation (CV), the spontaneous activities of OVAR-responsive neurons were classified into regular and irregular patterns. Of the neurons (n = 36) that showed symmetric and stable bidirectional response sensitivity (delta defined as CW gain over CCW gain) to OVAR (10 degrees tilt), some exhibited progressive phase shift with velocity (1.75-15 degrees/s) while others exhibited stable response phase. Most neurons of the former group (93% or 12/13) showed regular discharge pattern while only 22% (n = 5/23) of the latter group showed such a pattern. Though the phase-stable neurons showed a significantly higher average CV than the phase-shifted neurons, there was no significant difference between the mean spontaneous firing rates of these neurons. The neurons (n = 17) that showed asymmetric and variable delta to OVAR velocity can also be grouped-those that exhibited a greater gain with rotations directed towards the side of recording (I neurons) showed irregular discharge pattern while those that exhibited a greater gain with rotations directed towards the side contralateral to recording (C neurons) showed regular discharge pattern. The I and C neurons also exhibited significant difference in mean firing rates. The relationship between the response characteristics of the OVAR-responsive neurons and their spontaneous activity at the stationary and earth-horizontal position is discussed.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate 5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA)-induced fluorescence of normal and neoplastic endometrial epithelial cells for diagnosis and photodynamic treatment. Fluorescence of ALA-induced PpIX in vitro was measured by flow cytometry in two different human endometrial adenocarcinoma cell lines and in normal cells cultivated from fresh endometrial tissue of three premenopausal patients. The cells were analysed after incubation with different concentrations of ALA during 3, 6, or 24 hours. Both tumor cell lines showed a statistically significant higher fluorescence of PpIX than normal epithelial cells after incubation with 1 mg ALA per ml medium during 24 hours. The well-differentiated cancer cells produced significantly more PpIX than the poorly differentiated cancer cells. Relative PpIX intensity of the two cancer cell lines correlated with cell proliferation rate as measured by the doubling times of the cells. Higher accumulation of Pp IX in neoplastic endometrium compared to normal endometrial epithelial cells may provide targeted biopsies and selective photodynamic destruction of neoplastic micro-lesions.  相似文献   
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