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The posterior wall of the central sulcus in forelimb area of SI has been expolred with extracellular micro-electrodes in baboons lightyl anaesthetized with nitrous oxide and sodium thiopentone. 2. The excitatory responses of 130 single units to low intensity electrical stimulation of the deep radial (muscle) and the superficial radial (cutaneous) nerves have been investigated. 3. Units that responded only to muscle nerve stimulation were located in area 3a but overlapped into area 3b. Units that responded only to cutaneous nerve stimulation were found mainly in area 3b but a number occurred in area 3a. Units that responded to both muscle and nerve stimuli (convergent units) were found throughout area 3a and the rostral part of area 3b. 4. Latency analyses of all three response groups revealed a single population of units responding to low threshold muscle nerve stimulation (mean latency 8.5 msec), and both early and late populations responding to low threshold cutaneous nerve stimulation (mean latencies 9.5 and 13.6 msec respectively). A number of the convergent units had very similar latencies for both inputs. 5. Electrical stimulation within area 3a deminstrated a projection from areas 1 and 3b to area 3a; such a pathway may provide a route for excitation of the late skin population which was found mainly in area 3a. 6. In area 3a units commonly responded to light touch, local pressure or deep pressure but only rarely to movement of hairs. A number of the convergent units responded to natural stimulation of cutaneous receptors.  相似文献   
Natural occurrence of Fusarium toxins in feedstuff   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mycotoxins diacetoxyscirpenol, deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone, produced by Fusarium roseum, were found naturally occuring in mixed feed samples. In all cases analyzed, deoxynivalenol occurred together with zearalenone. The natural occurrence of zearalenone in sesame seed is reported for the first time. Strains of F. roseum isolated in various parts of the world form feed implicated in animal mycotoxicosis produced monoacetoxyscirpenol, diacetoxyscirpenol, deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone.  相似文献   
The importance of extrapyramidal and mesolimbic function for circling behaviour was investigated by placing 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) and electrolesions in the cell bodies, axons and terminals of each system. Circling behaviour was weak when 6-OHDA was placed at the centre of the substantia nigra (SN), but the characteristic contralateral/ipsilateral turning to apomorphine/amphetamine were recorded. Circling was more marked when 6-OHDA was placed anterior to the SN but was generally absent following injections posterior to the SN. However, 6-OHDA placed in the medial forebrain bundle in the lateral hypothalamus resulted in intense contralateral/ipsilateral turning to apomorphine/amphetamine. Generally, the intensity of circling responses was related to the degree of striatal dopamine (DA) depletion but the more effective lesions also caused reductions in mesolimbic DA content. However, circling was not observed following any 6-OHDA injection into the mesolimbic DA system and it is concluded that mesolimbic DA function is not essential for the initiation of circling. In contrast to the 6-OHDA lesions, rats circled ipsilateral to both apomorphine and amphetamine when the SN was damaged by electrocoagulation to cause marked depletion of striatal dopamine. Lesser depletions of striatal dopamine after electrocoagulation in different regions of the medial forebrain bundle were associated with a lower intensity of ipsilateral circling to both drugs. In general, the differences between 6-OHDA and electrolesions could not be explained by additional damage to ascending noradrenaline or 5-hydroxytryptamine pathways. Lower doses of apomorphine were effective in the 6-OHDA circling rats, and the ipsilateral striatum of such rats was more sensitive to directly applied DA. Higher doses of apomorphine were required to produce circling after chronic electrolesions which rendered the ipsilateral striatum insensitive to DA. The contralateral circling to apomorphine after 6-OHDA lesions was abolished by chronic but not by acute electrolesion of the SN. It is suggested that electrolesions of the SN cause different effects to 6-OHDA because they destroy neuronal pathways in addition to the dopaminergic nigrostriatal tract. These appear to be required for the expression of circling behaviour caused by stimulation of the denervated striatum. Whereas 6-OHDA lesions result in super-sensitivity of the denervated strital DA receptors, electrolesions may cause a hypo-sensitivity of the same receptor sites.  相似文献   
Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is best treated surgically, after an appropriate period of rehydration and resuscitation. Our experience with this entity has resulted in the performance of fewer contrast studies to establish the diagnosis as well as the use of an operative technique which can be safely applied to the teaching environment.  相似文献   
Eighteen-breath nitrogen washouts were performed on eight subjects. Each washout could be simulated by a four-compartment model, each compartment with a different ventilation-to-volume ratio and a variable contribution to expiratory flow. In large breaths initiated near residual volume, a terminal nitrogen rise (TNR) was seen. To account for the TNR with this model, there were relatively small changes in flow from compartments with markedly different nitrogen concentration. Reasons are given for believing these compartments could not be the upper and lower lung. Three of these subjects were studied in the supine, seated, and head-down positions. The TNR was seen at the same lung volume in all positions. At routine bronchospirometry in a second group of subjects, sampling with small catheters during a nitrogen washout showed a TNR in the expirate of lungs, lobes, segments, and subsegments in the upright and supine positions. Apparently a large vertical hydrostatic gradient is unnecessary to produce a TNR. Finally, the TNR was shown to occur at that lung volume where transpulmonary pressure is very small and changing rapidly with volume. This TNR was often followed by a terminal nitrogen fall while the lung was continuing to empty. The TNR occurs when flow from a large poorly ventilated compartment increases relative to the flow from other compartments. A model of lung in which the poorly ventilated compartment develops high specific compliance at low lung volume explains these data.  相似文献   
Local and regional recurrences are frequent problems in breast cancer management. Radiation therapy is effective in producing long term remission. This study evaluates the results of radiation therapy of 215 patients with recurrent disease limited to the chest wall and/or regional lymph node areas. The local results showed complete control in 67% of cases (mean and median durations 32 months and 22 months, respectively), partial control in 24% of cases (mean and median 11 and 8 months, respectively) and no control in the remaining 9%. The radiation dose recommended for the treatment of recurrent mammary carcinoma is 5000 rads in 5 weeks for relatively small lesions. Supplementary local doses of 500-1000 rads in 1 week may be given to bulky lesions as necessary for residual disease. Although local relapse indicates a poor prognosis, it is by no means totally hopeless. Of 215 patients treated 44 (21%) survived 5 years and 10 (5%) survived 10 years following radiation therapy of recurrent disease. There were seven patients, or 3%, who were free of cancer at 5 to 15 years. Radiation therapy was valuable in controlling local lesions, and thus, in improving quality of survival, even in those patients who eventually died of metastatic disease.  相似文献   
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