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Azadirachtin-containing neem seed extract is a powerful insect growth regulator, a feeding deterrent and repellent with low toxicity. Unfortunately, azadirachtin degrades rapidly in light, excessive heat or alkalinity. Evaluations of azadirachtin on ectoparasites on animals have been scarce. The purpose of this work was to describe the effects of normal and potentiated azadirachtin on Ctenocephalides felis in the dog or cat. Groups of kennelled greyhounds and domestic cats infested with C. felis were sprayed once with azadirachtin containing neem seed extract with or without diethyltoluamide (Deet) and/or citronella. Methanolic extracts with 200, 1000 or 2400 ppm azadirachtin reduced fleas in a dose-dependent manner. Compared with fleas counted on treated dogs just before treatment and untreated infested dogs, 1000-2400 ppm azadirachtin reduced fleas 93-53% for 19 days. However, combined with 500 ppm Deet and 33% w/v citronella, only 500 ppm azadirachtin reduced fleas 95-62% for 20 days. On cats inoculated with 50 fleas 2 days before treatment, the combination reduced fleas and eggs 100% to day 6 and 83-51% from day 7 to 9. On petri dishes, the combination achieved 100% egg mortality up to day 7 and 80% to day 14 and 48-52% to days 21-28. Deet, with or without neem seed extract or citronella, and citronella, with or without neem, did not reduce fleas significantly. The results show that azadirachtin reduced fleas in a dose-dependent manner in flea-contaminated environments. In cats, the combination killed most fleas within 24 h, providing effective flea control for 7 days. The results suggest that Deet with citronella potentiated the effect of azadirachtin on C. felis.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The Children's Cancer Group conducted a case-control study to determine the role of a broad range of environmental and familial factors in the etiology of Ewing's sarcoma and osteosarcoma in children. These factors included radiation exposure and, for children with osteosarcoma, parental exposure to beryllium. METHODS: The parents of 152 children with osteosarcoma and 153 children with Ewing's sarcoma were interviewed by telephone. Controls were obtained by random digit dialing and were matched to cases by age and race. RESULTS: Female osteosarcoma patients had earlier onset of breast development (age 11.4 vs. 11.8 years, P=0.03) and menarche (age 12.1 vs. 12.5 years, P=0.002) but no significant differences in growth, whereas male osteosarcoma patients were similar in age at the onset of secondary sexual characteristics but reported significantly less weight gain during their growth spurt (6.6 vs. 11.7 kg, P=0.003). For children with Ewing's sarcoma, the growth spurt began earlier (age 12.1 vs. 12.7 years, P=0.12) and resulted in less weight and height gain (5.2 vs. 9.7 kg, P=0.002, and 10.2 vs. 12.7 cm, P=0.02, respectively) for males, but no differences were observed among females. For factors not related to growth and development (including a wide range of occupational, medical, and household exposures), there was little evidence of an etiologic role with respect to either tumor type. CONCLUSIONS: Differences between cases and controls with respect to growth and development showed no consistent pattern. This study did not identify any important risk factors for either type of childhood bone tumor.  相似文献   
Following up on previous work demonstrating that an intervention with at-risk mothers made a positive impact on the quality of mothers' partner support, responsiveness to the needs of the child, the child's expectation of being cared for, and child's response to a brief separation, the present paper examines whether quality of the mother's partner support mediated the impact of the intervention on these outcomes.  相似文献   
To estimate ethanol consumption by university students attending a student health facility, a biochemical marker of alcohol intake [whole blood associated acetaldehyde (WBAA)] was quantified by fluorimetric HPLC. Over a two year period we studied blood samples, coded by date and sex, from 645 females and 332 males, and compared the results to previously established reference ranges for teetotalers by sex. Men had higher absolute values for WBAA than women (9.9 versus 9.5 microM in the present study). However, significantly greater numbers of women (74%) than men (44%) had WBAA levels above the 99th percentile for teetotalers. Variations occurred during the academic year, with significant elevations occurring in the late fall and winter months. Testing of WBAA levels in a student health service may be important especially for women to facilitate counseling on the dangers of alcohol abuse.  相似文献   
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