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Several aspects of swine-confinement farming appear to be leading to adverse respiratory effects. This study was set up in a longitudinal design to study the association between certain characteristics of farms or the way they are run and a decline in lung function. A cohort of 171 pig farmers was observed for 3 years. Lung function was measured. Exposure to farm characteristics was determined at the start of the observation period, using data from standardized farm surveys and from diaries kept by the participants. Mean decline in lung function was 73 mL/year for forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and 55 mL/year for forced vital capacity (FVC). A longitudinal decline in FEV1 was significantly associated with the use of quaternary ammonium compounds as disinfectants (an additional 43 mL/year) and also with the use of an automated dry feeding system (an additional 28 mL/year). The association with the use of wood shavings as bedding material was not statistically significant. The impact of these characteristics in a longitudinal study provides stronger evidence for causal inference than that shown in previous cross-sectional designs. This may be useful in promoting preventive measures.  相似文献   
The relative contributions of increased parathyroid cell mass and altered control mechanisms of parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion in secondary hyperparathyroidism are still controversial. In this study, endogenous pulsatile PTH secretion was analyzed by the multiparameter deconvolution technique to differentiate alterations in cell mass-dependent (PTH burst mass) and regulation-dependent (frequency, synchrony, calcium responsiveness) PTH release in uremic patients. PTH concentration versus time profiles were obtained in 13 uremic and 16 healthy adults under baseline conditions and during acute hypo- and hypercalcemia. Plasma PTH half-life was increased in patients compared with control subjects (4.7+/-1.9 versus 2.6+/-0.1 min, P < 0.005). The baseline PTH secretion rate was elevated eightfold in the patients as a result of an increased PTH mass secreted per burst (17.1+/-4.7 versus 2.0+/-0.4 pM, P = 0.0001), higher burst frequency (8.0+/-0.3 versus 6.8+/-0.3 h(-1), P < 0.01), and a higher tonic secretion rate (343+/-99 versus 30+/-4 pM/h, P = 0.0001). Acute hypocalcemia elicited an immediate, frequency- and amplitude-mediated selective increase in the pulsatile secretory component, which was fractionally weaker in patients (+595%) than control subjects (+1755%, P < 0.001). The acceleration and the amplification of PTH bursts were 35 and 60% lower in the patient group. Acute hypercalcemia suppressed total PTH secretion by 79% in control subjects but only by 63% in patients (P < 0.002). PTH burst frequency was reduced during hypercalcemia by 30% in control subjects, but remained unchanged in patients. In conclusion, uremic hyperparathyroidism is mediated by a marked increase in glandular secretion, but also by reduced PTH elimination. The increased spontaneous PTH burst frequency and the blunted responsiveness to changes in Ca2+ indicate partial uncoupling of hyperplastic parathyroid glands from the physiologic regulatory mechanisms that direct pulsatile PTH release.  相似文献   
A substantial amount of calcium is transferred from the mother to the fetus and infant during pregnancy and lactation. Involvement of the skeleton in meeting this demand should be reflected in changes in bone mass and turnover. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of pregnancy, lactation, and recovery on the skeleton in 43 young (prepeak bone mass) female monkeys. Whole body (WBBMC) and lumbar vertebrae 2-4 bone mineral content were determined by dual x-ray absorptiometry at baseline and 1, 4, and 10 months postpartum. Alkaline phosphatase, bone Gla protein, and urinary crosslinks were measured at baseline, during the third trimester, and 1, 4, and 10 months postpartum. Compared to nonpregnant, nonlactating monkeys, pregnant monkeys had similar rates of bone mass gain (nonpregnant, nonlactating WBBMC, 25+/-9 mg/day; pregnant WBBMC, 20+/-14 mg/day). Compared to pregnant monkeys, lactating females had increased bone turnover, as indicated by elevated bone biomarker levels (lactating alkaline phosphatase, 259+/-20 IU/L) and decreased bone mass (lactating WBBMC, -99+/-21 mg/day). Densitometry showed that bone mass gain in the lactating monkeys did not compensate for lactational loss by 10 months postpartum (WBBMC, 6.95+/-9 mg/day). This lack of recovery may have been due to the fact that serum estrogen concentrations were just beginning to return to baseline at 10 months postpartum. In conclusion, the cynomolgus monkey skeleton responds similarly to that of women during pregnancy and lactation. Recovery from lactational bone loss is not complete by 10 months postpartum.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Obesity is an important risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Weight loss in patients with type 2 diabetes is associated with improved glycemic control and reduced cardiovascular disease risk factors, but weight loss is notably difficult to achieve and sustain with caloric restriction and exercise. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of treatment with orlistat, a pancreatic lipase inhibitor, on weight loss, glycemic control, and serum lipid levels in obese patients with type 2 diabetes on sulfonylurea medications. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: In a multicenter 57-week randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study, 120 mg orlistat or placebo was administered orally three times a day with a mildly hypocaloric diet to 391 obese men and women with type 2 diabetes who were aged > 18 years, had a BMI of 28-40 kg/m2, and were clinically stable on oral sulfonylureas. Changes in body weight, glycemic control, lipid levels, and drug tolerability were measured. RESULTS: After 1 year of treatment, the orlistat group lost 6.2 +/- 0.45% (mean +/- SEM) of initial body weight vs. 4.3 +/- 0.49% in the placebo group (P < 0.001). Twice as many patients receiving orlistat (49 vs. 23%) lost > or = 5% of initial body weight (P < 0.001). Orlistat treatment plus diet compared with placebo plus diet was associated with significant improvement in glycemic control, as reflected in decreases in HbA1c (P < 0.001) and fasting plasma glucose (P < 0.001) and in dosage reductions of oral sulfonylurea medication (P < 0.01). Orlistat therapy also resulted in significantly greater improvements than placebo in several lipid parameters, namely, greater reductions in total cholesterol, (P < 0.001), LDL cholesterol (P < 0.001), triglycerides (P < 0.05), apolipoprotein B (P < 0.001), and the LDL-to-HDL cholesterol ratio (P < 0.001). Mild to moderate and transient gastrointestinal events were reported with orlistat therapy, although their association with study withdrawal was low. Fat-soluble vitamin levels generally remained within the reference range, and vitamin supplementation was required in only a few patients. CONCLUSIONS: Orlistat is an effective treatment modality in obese patients with type 2 diabetes with respect to clinically meaningful weight loss and maintenance of weight loss, improved glycemic control, and improved lipid profile.  相似文献   
A method to analyze the accuracy of the extracted values for the channel length (Leff) and series resistance (Rs) of MOSFET devices is presented. The analysis is based on a statistical argument being the variance σ of the extracted results. This variance is found to be a good measure for the accuracy of the particular extraction method used. It is shown that, in the case of deep submicron technologies, errors as large as 200 nm for ΔL can be made for these extraction methods depending on the process design and the process control. The use of a single transistor method is suggested as a possible solution to the low accuracy of the L-array methods  相似文献   
Thrombin is known to reduce the K+ content of human platelets, but the subcellular origin of the lost K+ is not known. The effect of aggregating agents on K+ release was studied in platelets labeled in plasma by preincubation with 42KCI. Platelets were separated from plasma by gel filtration through Sepharose 2B equilibrated with K+ -free Tyrode's buffer. Platelet K+ was 116nEq/10(8) platelets, of which 23% was found to be extracellular immediately after gel filtration. K+ influx was 65 nEq/10(8) platelets/hr at pH 7.5 and was more rapid at pH 7.9. About 70% of cell K+ exchanged with plasma in 4 hr with first-order kinetics, while a minor fraction of about 30% exchanged with a slower time course. This slowly exchanging fraction of platelet K+ was thought to arise from heterogeneity in the platelet population. Epinephrine and ADP aggregated gel-filtered platelets and released serotonin, but with loss of only 5%-10% of cell K+ and no beta-glucuronidase. In contrast, thrombin released up to 30% of platelet K+, whether aggregation occurred or was prevented by not stirring the cells. The specific activity of K+ released by all aggregating agents was identical to the specific activity of total platelet K+. Thrombin (0.01-0.2 NIH U/ml) released serotonin and also beta-glucuronidase (an enzyme of the alpha-granule), and there was a linear relation between release of K+ and this enzyme (r = 0.88). No lysis of platelets occurred, since lactic dehydrogenase was not detected. Pretreatment of platelets with aspirin in vitro inhibited thrombin-induced release of serotonin but had no effect on the loss of K+ or beta-glucuronidase. In contrast, the ingestion of aspirin by mouth inhibited the release of serotonin, beta-glucuronidase, and K+ by thrombin. The data suggested that the K+ loss induced by thrombin was primarily derived from release of alpha-granules and that these organelles contained about 20% of the total platelet K+ in a freely exchangeable and nonsequestered state.  相似文献   
Granulosa cells from small (less than 2mm) antral porcine follicles were grown in culture to study the effects of various hormones on growth, morphology and progesterone secretion. Culture medium 199D + 4% serum was found to be most suitable since it maintained a fairly constant cell population. Estradiol (1mug/ml) and human FSH stimulated cell growth. LH and FSH stimulated progesterone secretion and induced morphological changes associated with luteinization. Estradiol (0.1 mug/ml) inhibited progesterone secretion by granulosa cells.  相似文献   
We prepared [U-14C]cellobiose by cultivating Acetobacter pasteurianus in the presence of [U-14C]glucose and hydrolyzing the [U-14C]cellulose formed with beta-glucosidase-free cellulase from Trichoderma reesei. This 14C-labeled cellobiose was used to investigate the presence of an uptake system for cellobiose in T. reesei. Evidence was obtained for the presence of a high affinity (Km for cellobiose 0.3 microM) but low activity (2.5 milliunits/mg fungal dry weight) cellobiose permease. The permease is formed constitutively, but higher levels are formed after addition of sophorose (glucosyl-beta-1,2-diglucoside), a reputed cellulase inducer. The permease appears to be specific for beta-diglucosides, as the uptake of [U-14C]cellobiose is inhibited by sophorose, gentiobiose (glucosyl-beta-1,3-glucoside), and cellobiose. Under these conditions, cellooligodextrines (n, 4-7; final concentration, 1 mM) are not inhibitors. Glucose, but no other monosaccharides, inhibits the permease. The hypersecretory mutant T. reesei RUT C-30 exhibits elevated permease activities, whereas in T. reesei QM 9979, a mutant strain defective in the induction of cellulases by cellulose or sophorose, strongly reduced permease activities were demonstrated. The results stress a hitherto not recognized point of control in the induction of cellulases by T. reesei at the level of uptake of cellulose oligosaccharides.  相似文献   
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