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Multivariant regression analysis indicates a statistically significant relation between cancer mortality rates in Louisiana and drinking water obtained from the Missippi River. This is true for total cancer, cancer of the urinary organs, and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   
Outlines, with illustrative examples, the nature of psychological research supported by ONR. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Body weight dimorphism in anthropoid primates has been thought to be a consequence of sexual selection resulting from male-male competition for access to mates. However, while monogamous anthropoids show low degrees of weight dimorphism, as predicted by the sexual selection hypothesis, polygynous anthropoids show high variation in weight dimorphism that is not associated with measures of mating system or sex ratio. This observation has led many to debate the role of other factors such as dietary constraints, predation pressure, substrate constraints, allometric effects, and phylogeny in the evolution of anthropoid weight dimorphism. Here, we re-evaluate variation in adult body weight dimorphism in anthropoids, testing the sexual selection hypothesis using categorical estimates of the degree of male-male intrasexual competition ("competition levels"). We also test the hypotheses that interspecific variation in body weight dimorphism is associated with female body weight and categorical estimates of diet, substrate use, and phylogeny. Weight dimorphism is strongly associated with competition levels, corroborating the sexual selection hypothesis. Weight dimorphism is positively correlated with increasing female body weight, but evidence suggests that the correlation reflects an interaction between overall size and behavior. Arboreal species are, on average, less dimorphic than terrestrial species, while more frugivorous species tend to be more dimorphic than folivorous or insectivorous species. Several alternative hypotheses can explain these latter results. Weight dimorphism is correlated with taxonomy, but so too are competition levels. We suggest that most taxonomic correlations of weight dimorphism represent "phylogenetic niche conservatism"; however, colobines show consistently low degrees of weight dimorphism for reasons that are not clear.  相似文献   
With a view to terminological uniformity, blood group serologists, immunologists and transfusion physicians should refer only to the "ABo' (zero) in stead of the "ABO' system. They also should use "HLA antibodies' in stead of "anti HLA antibodies'. The new Dutch spelling "resus' in stead of "Rhesus' is incorrect from a historical point of view.  相似文献   
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been used to study the thermotropic phase behavior of binary lipid mixtures composed of deuterated phospholipids (PLs) and lipopolysaccharides (LPSs). Furthermore, the influence of an extrinsic high-molecular, polycationic polypeptide (poly-(L-lysine), PLL(500)) and an intrinsic membrane protein (outer membrane protein F, OmpF) on these binary mixtures was investigated by FTIR spectroscopy. "Deep rough" mutant LPS (ReLPS), isolated from Salmonella minnesota R595, and perdeuterated 1,2-dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DMPEd54) were used as model lipids. Deuteration of one of the lipids permitted the detection of lipid protein interaction with each lipid component separately. For this purpose, the symmetric >CH2 and >CD2 stretching bands were utilized as specific monitors to scrutinize the state of order of the membranes. From the individual phase transition temperatures Tm and the shape of the phase transition profiles, it is established that ReLPS and DMPEd54 are molecularly immiscible. In addition to the two domains of the pure lipid components, a third, domain-like structure is detected that may coexist with these pure domains. This domain-like structure undergoes a gel to liquid-crystalline L1 (beta <--> alpha) phase transition at temperatures distinctly different from that of the respective pure lipid domains. The nature of this type of domain is discussed in terms of a "border region" model that adequately explains the experimentally observed complex phase transition profiles. It is further demonstrated that the extrinsic polycationic polypeptide PLL(500) and the intrinsic, pore-forming protein OmpF isolated from Escherichia coli interact preferentially and highly specifically with the negatively charged ReLPS. Both the synthetic polypeptide and the pore-forming protein increased the tendency of ReLPS and DMPEd54 to segregate into distinct, well-separated domains. Whereas the transition profiles of the ternary system ReLPS/DMPEd54/PLL(500) showed the features of a phase segregation phenomenon not affecting the transition temperatures of the pure lipid components, the ternary system composed of ReLPS/DMPEd54 and OmpF exhibited phase transition curves that were characterized by an unspecific (DMPEd54/OmpF) and a strong and unique (ReLPS/OmpF) type of lipid-protein interaction. Furthermore, semiquantitative estimations supported the supposition that OmpF might be able to induce bilayer asymmetry in preformed symmetrical ReLPS/DMPEd54 vesicles.  相似文献   
Sucrose-density flotation analysis of Triton-insoluble membrane domains isolated from highly purified sheep ventricular sarcolemma revealed the presence of two major 120- and 100-kDa proteins. Both species migrated in two-dimensional isoelectric focussing/SDS gels with an apparent pI of approximately 4.3, suggesting that they might be related. Microsequence analysis of peptides derived from the 100-kDa protein yielded amino acid sequences with high homology to T-cadherin, a truncated cadherin lacking a cytoplasmic domain. The similarity was confirmed using antibodies to chicken T-cadherin that reacted with both proteins on immunoblots. T-cadherin was released from the detergent-insoluble sarcolemmal fraction by phospholipase C treatment indicating that it is linked to the membrane by a glycophosphoinositol anchor. T-cadherin could be ADP-ribosylated by a transferase that was also present in the caveolin-enriched Triton-insoluble fraction. T-cadherin-containing membrane fragments cofractionated on sucrose gradients with caveolin-3, a marker protein for myocyte caveolae. However, immunopurified caveolin-3-containing membranes contained no associated T-cadherin. Immunocytochemical analysis of cultured rat atrial myocytes revealed that T-cadherin and caveolin have related but nonoverlapping staining patterns. These results suggest that T-cadherin is a major glycophosphoinositol-linked protein in cardiac myocytes and that it may be located in plasma membrane "rafts" distinct from but possibly adjacent to caveolae.  相似文献   
The very high dope viscosity of concentrated dope of poly[acrylonitrile‐co‐(methyl acrylate)‐co‐(itaconic acid)] (with M?v = 10.67 × 105g mol?1) in DMF could be diminished significantly by the addition of oxalic acid (OXA). The change in steady shear rheological behaviour caused by OXA has been analysed for the dope using a rheometer working in the viscosity mode. The temperature dependence of η0 conformed to the Arrhenius‐Frenkel‐Eyring equation. ΔGv decreased marginally with OXA concentration, and the least value was observed at an OXA concentration of 0.63 % by weight. Shear thinning behaviour was observed under higher shear rates for the terpolymer solutions in the presence and absence of OXA. The pseudoplasticity index (n) showed an abrupt initial increase on addition of OXA. The OXA concentration of 0.63 % by weight was advantageous for decreasing the viscosity of the polymer dope. The reduction in viscosity is attributed to the disturbed polymer‐polymer interactions by way of H‐bonding of OXA with the polymer. OXA‐containing dope at higher shear rate could achieve very low viscosities. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Pleckstrin, the prototypic protein containing two copies of the pleckstrin homology domain, is a prominent substrate of protein kinase C in platelets and neutrophils. Both cell types have p85 subunit-containing phosphoinositide 3-kinase (p85/PI3K) and non-p85-containing PI3K (PI3Kgamma) that is activated by betagamma subunits of heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins. We have shown that a PI3K product, phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3,4,5-trisphosphate, promotes pleckstrin phosphorylation in platelets. Since pleckstrin homology domains are thought to interact with Gbetagamma heterodimers and/or PI(4,5)P2, we have examined the effects of recombinant pleckstrins on platelet PI3Kgamma and p85/PI3K activities. Depending upon its phosphorylation/charged state, pleckstrin inhibits PI3Kgamma, but not p85/PI3K. Pleckstrin-mediated inhibition of PI3Kgamma is overcome by excess Gbetagamma and is restricted to PI(4,5)P2 as substrate, i.e. pleckstrin does not inhibit phosphorylation of PI()P or PI. Consistent with this, activation of protein kinase C by exposure of platelets to beta-phorbol diester (to increase endogenous pleckstrin phosphorylation) prior to platelet lysis causes inhibition of Gbetagamma-stimulatable PI3K activity only with respect to PI(4,5)P2 substrate. This phosphopleckstrin-mediated inhibition is overcome by increasing concentrations of Gbetagamma. We propose that phosphorylation of pleckstrin may constitute an important inhibitory mechanism for PI3Kgamma-mediated cell signaling.  相似文献   
A study to determine the degree of similarity and/or diversity among eight of the 15 described species ofConophthorus is reported. Cuticular hydrocarbons were evaluated forC. conicolens, C. ponderosae, C. cembroides, C. edulis, C. radiatae, C. coniperda, C. resinosae, andC. banksianae. Seventy-eight individual and isomeric mixtures of hydrocarbons were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, includingn-alkanes, alkenes, alkadienes, 2- or 4-methylalkanes, 3-methylalkanes, and single-component and isomeric mixtures of internally branched mono-, di-, and trimethylalkanes. Differences in alkenes and mono-, di-, and trimethylalkanes can be used easily to separate the eight species.Conophthorus conicolens andC. ponderosae contain the most complex blends. Hydrocarbon patterns in three geographically separated populations ofC. ponderosae, each from a different host, are qualitatively identical with the exception of a homologous series of 3,7-dimethylalkanes from adults collected fromPinus lambertiana cones. The latter could comprise a sibling species. Hydrocarbon mixtures of two eastern species,C. resinosae andC. banksianae, are qualitatively identical, supporting the suspicion thatC. banksianae may not be a valid species. Closely relatedC. cembroides andC. edulis have similar combinations of hydrocarbons except for a unique and abundant alkene (C271) inC. edulis and two dimethyhexacosanes inC. cembriodes.Coleoptera: Scolytidae.  相似文献   
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