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An improved multivariable, probabilistic method for the safety analysis of power grounding systems is presented. The application of this method is demonstrated in four examples. The first three examples illustrate the practical evaluation of one new and two existing substation grounding grids when the substation is connected to an overhead distribution system. The fourth example ascertains the relative impact of a difference between the S curve of IEC Publication 479 and Dalziel's equation for the allowable body current used in ANSI/IEEE Std 80-1986 on the validity of an exposure model based on the requirements of Std 80. In this example, the statistical data on ground faults have been taken from actual system records. Further possible refinements of the exposure model are discussed  相似文献   
A survey of perceptions of IS personnel – managers, technical specialists and programmer/analysts – was conducted by the Association for Technical Information in Spain, using the JDS/DP, a modification of the job diagnostic survey instrument. Data were collected on fifteen job variables, related to four motivation aspects: job components, satisfaction levels, need for growth/achievement and goal participation/feedback. The results were compared with those of a similar survey for the same job types in Finland. Results were also compared with the norms developed for computer personnel in the USA. The survey revealed that personnel attracted to the computer field have a high need for growth and a low need for social interaction. It also revealed that the work itself was ranked highest among eleven motivating factors. For both Spain and Finland, the technical specialist job had a mis-match between the job's motivating potential and the employee's need for growth, compared with similar personnel in the USA. By examining the core job dimensions, managers can redesign the job to produce a match between these two major components of motivation.  相似文献   
Exchange and oxidation of C16O were investigated at 450°C on 18O-predosed Rh and Pt catalysts supported on A12O3, CeO2 and CeO2-Al2O3. In all cases, a rapid exchange of C16O with the surface can be observed. CO oxidation leads to C16O2, C16O18O and C18O2. Significant formation of C16O2 is due to the relatively high 16O coverage in reaction resulting from the C16O exchange and from an exchange between O surface species and 16O internal atoms. Hydrogen is also formed via a water-gas shift reaction (CO + surface OH) in higher proportion on CeO2-containing catalysts than on A12O3. Chlorine inhibits all the reactions (exchange, oxidation and WGS) and particularly the internal exchange.  相似文献   
Undoped and phosphorus (P)-doped diamond-clad Si field emitter arrays have been successfully fabricated using microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) technology. The electron emission from the blunt diamond-clad microtips are much higher than those for the pure Si tips with sharp curvature due to a lower work function. Furthermore, the characteristics of emission current against applied voltage for the P-doped diamond-clad tips show superior emission at lower field to the undoped ones. After the examination of Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and electrical characteristics of as-grown diamond, such a significant enhancement of the electron emission from the P-doped diamond-clad tips is attributed to a higher electron conductivity and defect densities  相似文献   
Chadwick  D.W. 《IEEE network》1996,10(2):22-34
X.500 is a new and complex electronic directory technology that is still unproven in many organizations. The author presents case studies of 15 pioneering pilot and operational X.500 based directory services, and provides valuable insights into how organizations are coming to understand this new technology and derive benefits from it. The case studies presented cover a reasonably broad spectrum of organizations, including computer suppliers, government organizations, universities, and research institutes, as well as the UK and US defense community. Some of the factors that were critical to the success of the X.500 projects studied are identified  相似文献   
This paper proposes a sensorless speed measurement scheme that improves the performance of transducerless induction machine drives, especially for low-frequency operation. Speed-related harmonics that arise from rotor slotting and eccentricity are analyzed using digital signal processing. These current harmonics exist at any nonzero speed and are independent of time-varying parameters, such as stator winding resistance. A spectral estimation technique combines multiple current harmonics to determine the rotor speed with more accuracy and less sensitivity to noise than analog filtering methods or the fast Fourier transform. An on-line initialization routine determines machine-specific parameters required for slot harmonic calculations. This speed detector, which has been verified at frequencies as low as 1 Hz, can provide robust, parameter-independent information for parameter tuning or as an input to a sensorless flux observer for a field-oriented drive. The performance of the algorithm is demonstrated over a wide range of inverter frequencies and load conditions  相似文献   
This paper provides a preliminary examination of present and projected land use in Africa to estimate the potential availability of land in 2025 for use in producing biomass energy. Fifty countries are included in the analysis. Future cropland requirements are projected on the basis of average African cereal crop yield improvements since 1972, and minimum nutritional requirements are assumed to be met in 2025 without increasing imports above present absolute levels. Cropland, natural forests and other wilderness areas are excluded from consideration for biomass energy use. Woody biomass energy yields are estimated on the basis of nationally averaged precipitation, using a yield-precipitation correlation for commercial eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. The total African bioenergy production potential in 2025 is estimated to be about 18 EJ per year for a set of baseline assumptions that includes planting only 10% of the available non-crop, non-forest, non-wilderness area with biomass energy crops. A preliminary cost assessment suggests that much of this biomass could be produced for $1–2 GJ−1. A number of uncertainties in the modelling assumptions are examined through a sensitivity analysis. Despite limitations in the model used here, one robust conclusion is that Africa as a whole has a significant biophysical potential for producing biomass energy. This result suggests that more detailed country and sub-country level assessments would be worthwhile to understand better the practical prospects for future biomass energy production in Africa.  相似文献   
Modification of the eutectic Si in Al-Si foundry alloys by adding strontium or sodium is, unfortunately, accompanied by an increase of porosity in the casting. In an attempt to understand the nature of this problem, this study used a sessile-drop method to investigate the effect of Sr and Na on surface tension and volumetric shrinkage, two probable causes of porosity occur-rence. The addition of 0.01 wt pct Sr and 0.005 wt pct Na to A356 alloy decreases the surface tension of the liquid by about 19 and 10 pct, respectively, and may increase the volume shrink-age by about 12 pct. These changes to surface tension and volumetric shrinkage promote the early formation of the pores during solidification and give the availability of a longer period of growth prior to complete solidification, resulting in a larger pore size. The effect of surface tension on the pores is more significant than volumetric shrinkage. Although the predicted pore diameter increases with lower surface tension or higher volumetric shrinkage, these two effects alone do not seem able to completely account for the observed increase in porosity that is associated with modification.  相似文献   
Recent work concerning the interstitial modification of permanent magnet alloys based on rare-earth iron intermetallic compounds is reviewed. The crystal structure of the new materials is discussed, then the thermodynamic and statistical aspects of the low-temperature interstitial modification process are considered. Finally, reaction kinetics and thermal stability of the new compounds are discussed and future prospects assessed.  相似文献   
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in aqueous solution was used as a binding agent in a fluidized-bed system to agglomerate acetaminophen powder into directly compressible granules. It was found that a minimal amount of 5% w/w PVP in a concentration of 7.5% w/v or less was needed to produce granules with an acceptable flow and the corresponding tablets having enough hardness without capping. There was a strong correlation between the time for 80% dissolved (T80) and the logarithm of granule volume-surface mean diameter. A directly compressible acetaminophen composition to manufacture tablets having a T80 value less than 30 min can be prepared simply by adding an appropriate amount of disintegrant (crospovidone, sodium starch glycolate, or pregelatinized starch) to the agglomerated granules.  相似文献   
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