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A deletion polymorphism in the serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) has been associated with vulnerability to affective disorders, yet the mechanism by which this gene confers vulnerability remains unclear. Two studies examined associations between the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and attentional bias for emotional stimuli among nondepressed adults. Biased attention, attention engagement, and difficulty with attention disengagement were assessed with a spatial cuing task using emotional stimuli. Results from Study 1 (N = 38) indicated that short 5-HTTLPR allele carriers experienced greater difficulty disengaging their attention from sad and happy stimuli compared with long allele homozygotes. Study 2 participants (N = 144) were genotyped for the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism, including single nucleotide polymorphism rs25531 in the long allele of the 5-HTTLPR. Consistent with Study 1, individuals homozygous for the low-expressing 5-HTTLPR alleles (i.e., S and LG) experienced greater difficulty disengaging attention from sad, happy, and fear stimuli than high-expressing 5-HTTLPR homozygotes. Because this association exists in healthy adults, it may represent a susceptibility factor for affective disorders that becomes problematic during stressful life experiences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
A moving-coil linear variable differential transformer with no ferromagnetic components is described. The device is essentially interchangeable with a conventional moving-core linear variable differential transformer, but is virtually unaffected by ambient magnetic fields up to 8 T. The transducer is connected to a standard commercially available carrier amplifier for signal conditioning.  相似文献   
Swales are one type of sustainable drainage system (SuDS) which contribute to the management of water quality in receiving waterbodies. Using a semi-quantitative approach, an impact assessment procedure is applied to the residual water quality that is carried forward to surface waters and groundwaters following treatment within a swale. Both volumetric and pollutant distributions are considered as stormwater passes through the swale system. The pollutant pathways followed by TSS, nitrate, chloride, metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are determined for a swale receiving highway runoff. For TSS, metals and PAHs between 20% and 29% of the total mean influent pollutant load is predicted to be directed to infiltration through the underlying soils compared to between 4% and 16% of chloride and nitrate. Although surface water impacts are deemed possible, the discharges of swales to groundwaters are assessed to represent a negligible impact for effectively maintained systems.  相似文献   
Much effort is devoted to testing N-fertiliser models against measurements of yield in N-fertiliser experiments. We show that the economic optimum application of N-fertiliser can often only be determined very imprecisely from such measurements, even when they are accurate. Hence any attempt to evaluate a simulation model by comparing simulated with experimentally determined optima, or to relate these experimental optima to other factors thought to influence yield, will be uninformative. Big differences between simulated and measured optima will occur even with good models, which may explain the apparent poor performance of some simulation models in the literature.We suggest, instead, the systematic inspection of the differences between simulated and observed yields at the levels of N-fertiliser applied in an experiment. A study of the relationship of these differences to the applied level of N-fertiliser and to other factors of interest will be a more informative method of evaluating a model, and of suggesting other factors for inclusion in it. An example of the use of the method is given.  相似文献   
Albino rats, 0, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 or greater than 90 days of age, were given a mid-thoracic spinal cord transection. Evaluation of responses of the hindlimbs to a variety of behavioral tasks was begun on the day of surgery and at intervals throughout the postoperative survival period (up to 300 days). Two investigators, independently and without knowledge of the animals' ages or survival times, rated the response data. Histological study showed all transections to be complete. Large differences in behavior are observed when animals trasected at the neonatal stage (0-4 days of age) are compared with animals transected at the weanling stage (21-26 days of age)37. Results of the present investigation indicate a critical period near 15 days of age; animals lesioned prior to this age (0, 9, 12 days of age) show response development and recovery similar to the neonatally lesioned animal, whereas those animals lesioned at a later age (18, 21, greater than 90 days of age) show little recovery and are behaviorally similar to the weanling transected animal. In animals lesioned prior to the fifteenth postnatal day, postural responses appear depressed for a brief period but recover rapidly while most responses of animals in the older groups are depressed for longer periods and never attain the degree of recovery characteristic of the neonatally transected animal. Finally, like the neonatally transected animal, rats lesioned on the ninth and twelfth postnatal day develop certain responses at appropriate times relative to normal response development. If, however, these responses are mature and supraspinal control is present at the time of lesioning, they appear to be permanently depressed and fail to recover.  相似文献   
Ten human volunteers completed a 4-month diet series consisting of 1 month each of a control diet, a meatless diet, a high-beef diet, and the same control diet. Fat and fiber contents were essentially the same in all four diets, but protein content was doubled during the high-beef diet. During the 4th week on each diet, three stool specimens collected from each volunteer were analyzed for chemical composition and content of facultative, aerobic, and anaerobic bacteria. The bacteriological data are presented in this paper. High beef protein consumption had little effect on the composition of the intestinal flora. There were no significant differences in total counts of facultative and aerobic or anaerobic organisms in the feces when volunteers were on meatless or high-beef diets. At the species level, when counts during the two control diets were comparable, in only three instances did the change from the meatless to a high-beef diet significantly influence the bacterial numbers. The ratio of mean counts of anaerobic to facultative and aerobic organisms was approximately 15:1 during the meatless diet and 34:1 during the high-meat diet. The data indicate that animal protein consumption has little effect on the fecal bacterial profile in humans.  相似文献   
Two hundred and thirty-five entrants into the MRC trial for mild to moderate hypertension were matched with control subjects in order to assess the psychological effects of a screening programme and recruitment into a clinical trial. The prevalence and incidence of psychiatric morbidity among the trial participants were compared with those of the controls by means of responses to a self-administered questionnaire and diagnostic psychiatric interviews. No differences among the groups were shown between screening and entry into the trial, but after entry the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity among the trial participants fell. This was due to a greater improvement of those with psychiatric symptoms at entry in this group, the incidence of new morbidity being similar among the groups.  相似文献   
Eleven patients in uncomplicated labour received a continuous infusion of 0-125 or 0-25% bupivacaine solutions into the epidural space, using a simple rotary pump. Maternal and umbilical cord venous plasma bupivacaine levels were measured and were found to be within safe limits for mother and baby. Incidence of complications were noted.  相似文献   
A photograph of a nude was interpolated midway through a 30-item list. Recognition memory of items at various serial positions was measured by presenting 12 old and 12 new pictures on a test trial. Palmar conductance was also measured. Significantly decreased recognition memory and increased palmar conductance accompanied presentation of the picture of the nude. When the two measures were compared for individual subjects, however, no correlation was found. These data suggest that both responses are likely to occur to the presentation of the critical item but that the responses are independent.  相似文献   
Thrombocytopenia is a rare complication of chlorpropamide therapy. An immunological mechanism is generally held responsible, but has never previously been proved. In the present case the existence of such a mechanism has been established.  相似文献   
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