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Binary and ternary experimental cloud‐point curves (CPCs) for systems formulated with a low molar mass synthesized divinylester (DVE) resin, styrene (St), and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) were determined. The CPCs results were analyzed with the Flory–Huggins (F‐H) thermodynamic model taking into account the polydispersity of the DVE and PMMA components, to calculate the different binary interaction parameters and their temperature dependences. The St‐DVE system is miscible in all the composition range and down to the crystallization temperature of the St; therefore, the interaction parameter expression reported for a higher molar mass DVE was adapted. The interaction parameters obtained were used to calculate the phase diagrams of the St‐PMMA and the DVE‐PMMA binary systems and that of the St‐DVE‐PMMA ternary system at three different temperatures. Quasiternary phase diagrams show liquid–liquid partial miscibility of the St‐PMMA and DVE‐PMMA pairs. At room temperature, the St‐DVE‐PMMA system is miscible at all compositions. Final morphologies of PMMA‐modified cured St‐DVE materials were generated by polymerization‐induced phase separation (PIPS) mechanism from initial homogeneous mixtures. SEM and TEM micrographs were obtained to analyze the generated final morphologies, which showed a direct correlation with the initial miscibility of the system. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 100: 4539–4549, 2006  相似文献   
Chemical methods of waste-water treatment. Chemical methods of waste management by oxidation can be considered for particular effluents whose constituents are degraded too slowly in conventional sewage treatment plants or which interfere with the biodegradation of other substances. Of these methods, those we have to choose from today are, in order of increasing operating temperature: oxidation with hydrogen peroxide – wet oxidation at high pressure – evaporation and combustion. None of these methods is fundamentally better than the others, i.e. none has a maximum ecological benefit coinciding with a minimum economic impact. Detailed experimental work is required to establish the limits and possibilities in each case and thus to form a basis for useful comparisons. Thermal processes are normally ruled out for low concentrations of degradable constituents in waste water because the specific energy costs per unit volume are too high; this is where hydrogen peroxide may offer advantages, especially when the proportion of these constituents fluctuates. With higher concentrations, wet oxidation can be employed; evaporation and combustion are suitable if there is also a high concentration of inorganic salts.  相似文献   
The specific refractive index increments of a random methylmethacrylate/ benzylacrylate/styrene-terpolymer and of the three corresponding homopolymers was measured in several solvents and at six different wavelengths. With the known terpolymer composition and the specific refractive index increments of the homopolymers the specific refractive index increment of the terpolymer is calculated by means of an equation formerly derived. Calculated and experimental values are compared.  相似文献   
The photoelectric properties of thin-film ZnO/CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells were studied by polarization photoactive absorption spectroscopy. It was shown that the thin-film solar cells have a high efficiency relative to the intensity of unpolarized radiation in the photon energy range from 1.2 to 2.5 eV. The induced photopleochroism coefficient P I increases with the angle of incidence of the incident radiation as P I θ 2 and at 70° it reaches 17–20% with photon energy 1.3 eV. Oscillations of the photopleochroism were also observed. These results are discussed taking into account the antireflection effect. The results obtained by us make it possible to use such solar cells as wide-band photosensors for linearly polarized radiation and for monitoring the production of high-efficiency, thin-film solar cells based on ternary semiconductors. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 31, 806–810 (July 1997)  相似文献   
In Part 1 of this paper, it was shown that enhanced hydration was achieved by blending a fine non-hydraulic filler into an ordinary Portland cement. This enhancement was considered to be a particle size effect and associated with the presence of fine particles of filler which provided the additional nucleation sites. The filler, rutile, had a variable cement equivalence and reached a maximum value of 0.9kg/kg after hydration had proceeded for three days. In this second part, the same Portland cement was blended seperately with latent hydraulic binders (two pulverized fuel ashes and a ground granulated blastfurnace slag, a Lurgi slag and a volatilized silica). The apparent overall reactivity of these binders was seen to have two components, the first being the particle size effect with its influence on the hydration of the Portland cement and the second the inherent hydraulicity of the secondary material.  相似文献   
Two hydrodynamic habitats can be defined in unidirectional flow: (1) A boundary where molecular diffusion dominates is found within roughly 1 mm of solid substrates. The actual thickness of this diffusion boundary is a function of current velocity and topography of the substrates. (2) A zone of turbulent flow is present outside the diffusion boundary where chemicals are rapidly diluted and transported downstream. The mode of chemically mediated interaction between organisms in streams is constrained differently depending on which of these two habitats they occupy. Within a diffusion boundary, reciprocal interaction between small organisms is possible because mixing is low, diffusion flux high, and organisms share the same water. Outside a diffusion boundary, in unidirectional flow, organisms unable to move effectively against flow are only chemically influenced by upstream organisms and can only influence downstream organisms. Organisms that are able to move upstream can interact reciprocally with other organisms, even if one or both organisms are found primarily in areas of turbulent mixing.  相似文献   
School-age children in Chile received 30 g of wheat-flour biscuits daily through a National School Lunch Program. To improve iron nutrition, these biscuits were fortified with 6% of a bovine hemoglobin concentrate. Hemoglobin iron bioavailability, measured with a double isotope technique, showed that heme-iron absorption in fortified biscuits was high (19.7%). In a pilot field trial, a cohort of 215 school-children received fortified biscuits (30 g) daily during two school periods, and their iron nutrition status was compared with that of children who received non-fortified biscuits (n = 212). Acceptability of both types of biscuits was excellent. Initially, both groups had comparably good iron nutrition. The fortified children presented higher mean ferritin values at the end of the first and second school periods. Good iron stores (serum ferritin greater than or equal to 20 micrograms/lt) were present in 92% and 79% of the fortified and control subjects, respectively (P less than 0.004). The high-iron bioavailability, the good organoleptic characteristics and the biological effect on iron nutriture make this product an appealing alternative to combat iron deficiency.  相似文献   
"国家点火装置"开始运转   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“国家点火装置”计划约在15年前提出设想,现在这个装置正在建造,其初始运转十分成功,超出每个人的预计。在第一批四束激光运转中,激光系统的各个方面,从光束质量到能量结构,都符合设计规格。最终它将有192个光束.其已完成的2%的光束发射.已产生世界最高的激光能量。  相似文献   
Faster methods for the detection of foodborne microbial pathogens are needed. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can amplify specific segments of DNA and is used to detect and identify bacterial genes responsible for causing diseases in humans. The major features and requirements for the PCR are described along with a number of important variations. A considerable number of PCR‐based assays have been developed, but they have been applied most often to clinical and environmental samples and more rarely for the detection of foodborne microorganisms. Much of the difficulty in implementing PCR for the analysis of food samples lies in the problems encountered during the preparation of template DNAs from food matrices; a variety of approaches and considerations are examined. PCR methods developed for the detection and identification of particular bacteria, viruses, and parasites found in foods are described and discussed, and the major features of these reactions are summarized.  相似文献   
To date, researchers have measured net efficiencies of energy conversion using data from animals in energy chambers. The expense of this approach prevents the establishment of a large data base for quantitative studies. Our purpose was to investigate models that would enable us to use data collectable in normal field conditions to compare dairy cattle for their net energetic efficiency. Data from 357 Holstein cows in seven herds and in various parities consisted of daily measures of DM intake, net energy intake, milk production, biweekly measures of milk components, and bimonthly BW. Eighteen alternative multiple regression models were fitted to each of the cows to estimate simultaneously net efficiency of energy conversion for maintenance, lactation, pregnancy, and BW change during positive energy balance period, negative energy balance period, and whole lactation. Results from several fitted models approximated closely literature results based on data from cows in energy chambers. These comparative results suggest that it is possible to estimate efficiency of energy conversion on individual cows using data obtained from normal animal management situations.  相似文献   
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