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Fast image retrieval using color-spatial information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we present an image retrieval system that employs both the color and spatial information of images to facilitate the retrieval process. The basic unit used in our technique is a single-colored cluster, which bounds a homogeneous region of that color in an image. Two clusters from two images are similar if they are of the same color and overlap in the image space. The number of clusters that can be extracted from an image can be very large, and it affects the accuracy of retrieval. We study the effect of the number of clusters on retrieval effectiveness to determine an appropriate value for “optimal' performance. To facilitate efficient retrieval, we also propose a multi-tier indexing mechanism called the Sequenced Multi-Attribute Tree (SMAT). We implemented a two-tier SMAT, where the first layer is used to prune away clusters that are of different colors, while the second layer discriminates clusters of different spatial locality. We conducted an experimental study on an image database consisting of 12,000 images. Our results show the effectiveness of the proposed color-spatial approach, and the efficiency of the proposed indexing mechanism. Received August 1, 1997 / Accepted December 9, 1997  相似文献   
The T lymphocyte beta 2-adrenergic receptor (beta 2AR) density and function were compared in 15 patients suffering acute myocardial infarction and 10 patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Density was determined using radioligand binding with 125IPIN, and function by in vitro cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) production. In patients suffering acute myocardial infarction, T lymphocyte beta 2AR density (823.8 +/- 480 sites/cell) was slightly but not significantly different from that in patients with stable CAD (629 +/- 301 sites/cell). There was no difference in T lymphocyte cAMP production at baseline (1.11 +/- 0.70 vs 1.04 +/- 0.49 pM/10(6) cells) or after isoproterenol stimulation (2.53 +/- 1.63 vs 2.62 +/- 2.05 pM/10(6) cells), respectively. Further study is necessary to determine if beta 2AR numbers on T lymphocytes are significantly increased after acute myocardial infarction.  相似文献   
If protein structure prediction methods are to make any impact on the impending onerous task of analyzing the large numbers of unknown protein sequences generated by the ongoing genome-sequencing projects, it is vital that they make the difficult transition from computational 'gedankenexperiments' to practical software tools. This has already happened in the field of comparative modelling and is currently happening in the threading field. Unfortunately, there is little evidence of this transition happening in the field of ab initio tertiary-structure prediction.  相似文献   
Previous studies of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms and bone mineral density (BMD) have suggested that there may be differences in calcium absorption among groups of women with different VDR genotypes, and that the association may be stronger in younger women. To investigate the association between the VDR polymorphisms and BMD, this study was undertaken in the Framingham Study Cohort and a group of younger volunteers. Subjects from the Framingham Study (ages 69-90 years) included those who underwent BMD testing and who had genotyping for the VDR alleles (n = 328) using polymerase chain reaction methods and restriction fragment length polymorphisms with BsmI (B absence, b presence of cut site). A group of younger volunteer subjects (ages 18-68) also underwent BMD testing and VDR genotyping (n = 94). In Framingham Cohort subjects with the bb genotype, but not the Bb or BB genotypes, there were significant associations between calcium intake and BMD at five of six skeletal sites, such that BMD was 7-12% higher in those with dietary calcium intakes greater than 800 mg/day compared with those with intakes < 500 mg/day. The data also suggested that BMD was higher in persons with the bb genotype only in the group with calcium intakes above 800 mg/day. No significant differences were found in the Framingham Cohort for age-, sex-, and weight-adjusted BMD at any skeletal site between those with the BB genotype and those with the bb genotype regardless of 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels or country of origin. In the younger volunteers, BMD of the femoral neck was 5.4% higher (p < 0.05) in the bb genotype group compared with the BB group and 11% higher (p < 0.05) in males with the bb genotype compared with the BB group. There were no significant differences at the lumbar spine. In this study, the association between calcium intake and BMD appeared to be dependent upon VDR genotype. The findings of an association between dietary calcium intake and BMD only in the bb genotype group suggests that the VDR genotype may play a role in the absorption of dietary calcium. Studies that do not consider calcium intake may not detect associations between VDR genotype and BMD. In addition, the association between VDR alleles and BMD may become less evident in older subjects.  相似文献   
As we began to see increasing numbers of women concerned about their gel-filled breast implants, we became aware that we could not advise them with any degree of confidence what they might expect in terms of aesthetic result after implant removal. We decided to review the records and outcomes over a 2-year period of a number of patients who underwent implant removal. Eighty-five consecutive patients were reviewed, 69 of whom had undergone cosmetic augmentation and 16 of whom had breast reconstruction with silicone gel implant(s). Thirty-nine of the 69 cosmetic augmentation patients had removal of implants alone, and 27 had removal accompanied by mastopexy. Three had reaugmentation with saline-filled implants; one had replacement with saline-filled implants. Fifteen of the 16 reconstruction patients underwent autogenous tissue transfer. Preoperative and postoperative photographs of all patients were mixed randomly and rated by two independent raters in four aesthetic categories on a five-point scoring system. Repeatability was measured several weeks later, when each rater scored randomly selected photographs from this patient pool. The patients also performed their own outcome evaluations by means of questionnaire. We discovered that cosmetic augmentation patients who undergo implant removal only often suffer adverse aesthetic results. The postremoval appearance of many cosmetic augmentation patients actually will be improved over their preoperative appearance when mastopexy is performed in conjunction with implant removal. The study demonstrated that patients with certain body types could expect a particular outcome; i.e., women with asthenic builds and older patients with lax, striated breast skin generally had unsatisfactory aesthetic outcomes with implant removal only. Patients selected for autogenous breast reconstruction had favorable results, with extended latissimus dorsi and TRAM flaps yielding equally good outcomes. The study allows us to offer patients an optimistic view of postoperative results following breast implant removal. We have begun to advise selected patients that implant removal accompanied by mastopexy provides a more pleasing aesthetic outcome than implant removal alone.  相似文献   
The hemodynamic effects of estrogens in replacement doses have not been fully clarified; therefore, we studied the acute hemodynamic changes after 0.625 and 1.25 mg of conjugated estrogens, administered intravenously, using a thermodilution catheter, in postmenopausal women without structural heart disease. Pulmonary and systemic pressures and resistances and stroke volume did not change compared with baseline, but heart rate and cardiac output decreased significantly, which may be associated with estrogen's previously described calcium-blocking effect or with a more recently contemplated beta-blocking action.  相似文献   
This study examines the precise time course that brown adipose tissue (BAT) takes to adopt the characteristics of white adipose tissue in postnatal lambs. Perirenal adipose tissue was sampled from ewe-reared lambs within 1 h of birth and at 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 21 and 30 days of age and analysed for the amount of mRNA for uncoupling protein (UCP), the amount and activity of UCP, and protein, mitochondrial protein and lipid content. This was combined with measurements of colonic temperature and jugular venous plasma concentrations of thyroid hormones and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Over the first 4-7 days of age, large quantities of UCP mRNA were associated with a peak in plasma triiodothyronine concentration at 2 days of age followed by a maximal amount and activity of UCP at 4 days and a basal colonic temperature of 39.3 degrees C. Between 7 and 30 days there was a large increase in lipid deposition as the amount and activity of UCP and the amount of UCP mRNA declined to basal values and colonic temperature was maintained at 40 degrees C. A significant positive relationship between perirenal adipose tissue lipid content and plasma IGF-1 concentration was observed throughout the study period. It is concluded that ovine adipose tissue maturation occurs in two distinct phases over the first month of life. The precise time scale of this process could be regulated in part by the lamb's body temperature which determines whether adipose tissue is required for heat production (i.e. BAT) or as an endogenous energy source (i.e. white adipose tissue).  相似文献   
To aid treatment choice in early stage of Hodgkin's disease, we analysed patients registered in the IDHD Database with clinical stages I or II Hodgkin's disease who were not staged with laparotomy and whose initial treatment was with radiotherapy alone. The factors analysed for outcome after first relapse included initial stage, age, sex, histology, number of involved areas, mediastinal involvement, E-lesions, B-symptoms, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, alkaline phosphatase, serum albumin and haemoglobin. As well as presentation variables, we analysed the disease-free interval after initial radiotherapy and the extent of disease at relapse. A total of 1364 patients with clinical stage I or II Hodgkin's disease were treated with initial radiotherapy, of whom 473 relapsed. The probability of survival 10 years after relapse was 63%. For cause-specific survival (CSS), both multivariate and univariate analysis identified the importance of age at presentation and histological subtypes. When all causes of death were considered, the multivariate analysis identified age as the only significant factor. The length of initial disease-free interval had no influence on prognosis after relapse, but the 169 patients with nodal relapse had a higher cause-specific survival than those with an extranodal component of relapse (74% versus 51% at 10 years, P < 0.005). Thus, the important factors for outcome after initial treatment with radiotherapy are those factors predicting the risk of relapse after initial treatment together with those predicting outcome after relapse, namely age, histologic subtype and extent of disease at relapse.  相似文献   
1. The present study investigated the effects of peptide T on mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) in conscious normotensive Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and two-kidney one-clip (2K1C) hypertensive rats. 2. Peptide T was infused via the left jugular vein at a rate of 1 mg/kg per h in SD, SHR and 2K1C rats and then at doses of 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 5 mg/kg per h in SHR, with 0.9% saline as a sham control in SHR and 2K1C. Mean arterial pressure was measured directly before, during and after infusion. 3. Peptide T (1 mg/kg per h) decreased blood pressure in both SHR (P < 0.01) and 2K1C (P < 0.05). In normotensive SD rats the fall in MAP approached statistical significance (P = 0.06). The effect of peptide T was not significantly different in normotensive compared with hypertensive rats. Saline infusion had no effect. The blood pressure lowering effect of peptide T appeared to be dose-dependent in SHR.  相似文献   
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