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Objectives were to investigate 2 intervals from induction of ovulation to artificial insemination (AI) and the effect of supplemental progesterone for resynchronization on fertility of lactating dairy cows subjected to a 5-d timed AI program. In experiment 1, 1,227 Holstein cows had their estrous cycles presynchronized with 2 injections of PGF at 46 and 60 d in milk (DIM). The timed AI protocols were initiated with GnRH at 72 DIM, followed by 2 injections of PGF at 77 and 78 DIM and a second injection of GnRH at either 56 (OVS56) or 72 h (COS72) after the first PGF of the timed AI protocols. All cows were time-inseminated at 72 h after the first PGF injection. Pregnancy was diagnosed on d 32 and 60 after AI. In experiment 2, 675 nonpregnant Holstein cows had their estrous cycles resynchronized starting at 34 d after the first AI. Cows received the OVS56 with (RCIDR) or without (RCON) supplemental progesterone, as an intravaginal insert, from the first GnRH to the first PGF. Pregnancy diagnoses were performed on d 32 and 60 after AI. During experiment 2, subsets of cows had their ovaries scanned by ultrasonography at the first GnRH, the first PGF, and second GnRH injections of the protocol. Blood was sampled on the day of AI and 7 d later, and concentrations of progesterone were determined in plasma. Cows were considered to have a synchronized ovulation if they had progesterone <1 and >2.26 ng/mL on the day of AI and 7 d later, respectively, and if no ovulation was detected between the first PGF and second GnRH injections during resynchronization. In experiment 1, the proportion of cows detected in estrus at AI was greater for COS72 than OVS56 (40.6 vs. 32.4%). Pregnancy per AI (P/AI) did not differ between OVS56 (46.4%) and COS72 (45.5%). In experiment 2, cows supplemented with progesterone had greater P/AI compared with unsupplemented cows (51.3 vs. 43.1%). Premature ovulation tended to be greater for RCON than RCIDR cows (7.5 vs. 3.6%), although synchronization of the estrous cycle after timed AI was similar between treatments. Timing of induction of ovulation with GnRH relative to insemination did not affect P/AI of dairy cows enrolled in a 5-d timed AI program. Furthermore, during resynchronization starting on d 34 after the first AI, supplementation with progesterone improved P/AI in cows subjected to the 5-d timed AI protocol.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: The purpose of this work was to evaluate the ability of four silicone-hydrogel contact lenses (galyfilcon A, balafilcon A, lotrafilcon A and lotrafilcon B) to retain their equilibrium water content before and after wear, through measurements of refractive index and compare with that of a conventional disposable hydrogel contact lens (etafilcon A). METHODS: The refractive indices of 115 contact lenses were measured using an automated refractometer (CLR 12-70, Index Instruments, Cambridge, U.K.) before and after a schedule of daily wear by 58 patients for 30 days in the case of silicone-hydrogel lenses and 15 days for the conventional contact lenses. RESULTS: In the silicone-hydrogel contact lenses the changes on the refractive indices were not statistically significant, however after being worn the refractive index of the conventional etalfilcon A hydrogel contact lens increased significantly (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: The results presented here show that after being worn the silicone-hydrogel contact lens, show more capacity to retain or to reach their initial equilibrium water content than conventional hydrogel contact lenses. This suggests that the silicone-hydrogel contact lenses are less susceptible to spoilation over time maintaining its biocompatibility and contributing to the clinical success of lens performance.  相似文献   
The objective was to evaluate the effect of beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lg) polymorphism and seasonality on milk composition (fat, lactose, total solids, milk urea nitrogen, total protein, true protein, casein and somatic cell counts) of Holstein and Girolando cows. Milk and blood samples from 278 Holsteins cows and 156 Girolando cows were taken during two dry seasons and two rainy seasons, for milk composition analysis and to determine beta-lg genotypes, respectively. BB genotype was the most frequent for both breeds, followed by AA genotype for Holstein (BB>AA>AB) and by AB for Girolando cows (BB>AB>AA). No differences were found in milk compositional characteristics among genetic variants of beta-lg (AA, AB and BB) either between Holstein or Girolando cows. No association between milk composition and beta-lg genetic polymorphism was observed. During the dry season, independently of the breed considered, higher contents of lactose, true protein, casein and casein:true protein ratio were found.  相似文献   
The objectives were to evaluate the effects of a culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (YC) on lactation performance of cows fed diets differing in starch content. Fifty-six Holstein cows at 42 d postpartum were blocked by parity and milk production and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments, low starch (23% diet DM) and no YC (LS-control), low starch and 15 g/d of YC (LS-YC), high starch (29% diet DM) and no YC (HS-control), and high starch and 15 g/d of YC (HS-YC). The experiment lasted 14 wk. Blood was sampled twice weekly during the first 5 wk in the experiment. Feeding behavior was evaluated in 2 consecutive days when cows were 33 d in the experiment. On d 92 in the experiment, cows were challenged with 3 kg of corn grain DM immediately before the morning feeding. Blood was sampled in the first 12 h after the challenge. Rumen fluid was collected 5 h after the challenge, and pH, ammonia N, short-chain fatty acids, and lactate concentrations were quantified. Lactation performance was measured daily before and after the challenge. Supplementation with YC increased yields of 3.5% fat-corrected milk and energy-corrected milk by 2.2 and 2.0 kg/d, and the increments were observed in both low- and high-starch diets. Feeding HS tended to decrease milk fat content (LS = 3.88 vs. HS = 3.73%), but increased concentration (LS = 2.87 vs. HS = 3.00%) and yield (LS = 1.11 vs. HS = 1.20 kg/d) of milk true protein. Feeding YC increased yields of fat and true protein in milk by 100 and 60 g/d. Energy balance, body weight, and feed efficiency did not differ with treatments. Feeding HS reduced eating time (LS = 177 vs. HS = 159 min/12 h) and intermeal interval (LS = 103 vs. HS = 82 min), but tended to increase eating rate (LS = 139 vs. HS = 150 g/min). Interactions were detected between level of starch and YC for ruminating time, meal duration, and meal size because within LS, feeding YC increased ruminating time 23 min/12 h, but reduced meal duration 6 min/meal and meal size 0.7 kg/meal. Concentrations of glucose in plasma increased (LS = 62.1 vs. HS = 63.8 mg/dL), whereas those of urea N decreased (LS = 10.1 vs. HS = 9.4 mg/dL) with feeding HS compared with LS in the first 5 wk in the experiment, and the same responses were observed after the challenge with corn grain. After the challenge, rumen pH was less and short-chain fatty acid concentrations were greater in cows fed HS compared with those fed LS; however, supplementing YC to high-starch diets increased rumen pH (HS-control = 5.72 vs. HS-YC = 6.12) and reduced concentrations of lactate in rumen fluid (HS-control = 7.72 vs. HS-YC = 1.33 mM) and haptoglobin in plasma 28%. Feeding YC improved lactation performance irrespective of the level of dietary starch and reduced the risk of subacute rumen acidosis induced by a grain challenge when cows were fed a high-starch ration.  相似文献   
Objectives were to evaluate the effect of prepartum energy intake on performance of dairy cows supplemented with or without ruminally protected choline (RPC; 0 or 17.3 g/d of choline chloride; 0 or 60 g/d of ReaShure, Balchem Corp., New Hampton, NY). At 47 ± 6 d before the expected calving date, 93 multiparous Holstein cows were assigned randomly to 1 of 4 dietary treatments in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Cows were fed energy to excess [EXE; 1.63 Mcal of net energy for lactation/kg of dry matter (DM)] or to maintenance (MNE; 1.40 Mcal of net energy for lactation/kg of DM) in ad libitum amounts throughout the nonlactating period. The RPC was top-dressed for 17 ± 4.6 d prepartum through 21 d postpartum (PP). After calving, cows were fed the same methionine-balanced diet, apart from RPC supplementation, through 15 wk PP. Liver was biopsied at ?14, 7, 14, and 21 d relative to parturition. Cows fed EXE or MNE diets, respectively, consumed 40 or 10% more Mcal/d than required at 15 d before parturition. Cows fed the MNE compared with the EXE diet prepartum consumed 1.2 kg/d more DM postpartum but did not produce more milk (41.6 vs. 43.1 kg/d). Thus, PP cows fed the EXE diet prepartum were in greater mean negative energy balance, tended to have greater mean concentrations of circulating insulin, fatty acids, and β-hydroxybutyrate, and had greater triacylglycerol in liver tissue (8.3 vs. 10.7% of DM) compared with cows fed the MNE diet prepartum. Cows fed RPC in transition tended to produce more milk (43.5 vs. 41.3 kg/d) and energy-corrected milk (44.2 vs. 42.0 kg/d) without increasing DM intake (23.8 vs. 23.2 kg/d) during the first 15 wk PP, and tended to produce more milk over the first 40 wk PP (37.1 vs. 35.0 kg/d). Energy balance of cows fed RPC was more negative at wk 2, 3, and 6 PP, but mean circulating concentrations of fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate did not differ from those of cows not fed RPC. Despite differences in energy balance at 2 and 3 wk PP, mean concentration of hepatic triacylglycerol did not differ between RPC treatments. Feeding RPC reduced the daily prevalence of subclinical hypocalcemia from 25.5 to 10.5%, as defined by concentrations of total Ca of <8.0 mg/dL in serum in the first 7 d PP. Pregnancy at first artificial insemination tended to be greater for cows fed RPC (41.3 vs. 23.6%), but the proportion of pregnant cows did not differ by 40 wk PP. Heifers born from singleton calvings from cows fed RPC tended to experience greater daily gain between birth and 50 wk of age than heifers from cows not supplemented with RPC. Feeding RPC for approximately 38 d during the transition period tended to increase yield of milk for 40 wk regardless of amount of energy consumed during the pregnant, nonlactating period.  相似文献   
Our objectives were to compare reproductive responses of dairy cows receiving timed artificial insemination (AI) either at 48 or 72 h after induction of luteolysis and supplemented or not with estradiol cypionate (ECP). Holstein cows (971) had their estrous cycles presynchronized with injections of PGF at 37 and 51 d in milk (DIM) and then received an injection of GnRH at 64 DIM and an injection of PGF at 71 DIM. Cows were then assigned to a 2 × 2 factorial randomized block experiment; cows in the CoSynch 48 h (CoS48) received a final injection of GnRH concurrent with timed AI 48 h after PGF, whereas cows in the CoSynch 72 h (CoS72) received GnRH and timed AI 72 h after PGF. Half of the cows in each CoSynch protocol received an injection of 1 mg of ECP 24 h after PGF. Therefore, the 4 treatments were as follows: CoS48-NECP (n = 240), CoS72-NECP (n = 246), CoS48-ECP (n = 245), and CoS72-ECP (n = 240). Blood was sampled at 7 d before and at the first GnRH of the CoSynch from all cows for analysis of progesterone concentration in plasma. Cows were classified as anovular when progesterone was less than 1.0 ng/mL in both samples. Blood was also sampled during proestrus from a subset of 123 cows to measure concentrations of estradiol and at 7 d after timed AI to measure concentrations of progesterone. Ovaries from the same subset of 123 cows were examined by ultrasonography to determine ovulatory follicle diameter and incidence of ovulation. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 40 and 68 d after AI. Prevalence of cyclic cows was 72.4% and was similar among treatments. Concentrations of estradiol increased after ECP treatment and at 72 h of proestrus with CoS72. Pregnancy at 40 and 68 d after AI and pregnancy loss were not affected by timing of AI or supplemental ECP. Delaying timed AI to 72 h and supplementation with ECP increased the proportion of cows displaying estrus at AI, and cows detected in estrus had increased pregnancy per AI associated with improved ovulation and increased postovulatory progesterone concentration. These results indicate that extending the proestrus by delaying timed AI from 48 to 72 h plus supplemental ECP, despite increased expression of estrus at timed AI, did not improve reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows at first AI.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of reproductive protocols and reproductive tract score on reproductive performance of dairy heifers and economic outcomes of breeding programs. Holstein heifers (n = 534), 13 ± 1 mo of age, were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 reproductive protocols. On the day of enrollment (d 0), heifers were palpated per rectum and received a score according to the maturity of their reproductive tract (1 = prepubertal; 2 = peripubertal; and 3 = puber-tal). Estrous detection-control heifers (CON, n = 146) received no treatment and were inseminated on detection of estrus for 28 d. Prostaglandin F-treated heifers (PGED, n = 137) received 1 injection of PGF on d 0 and were inseminated on detection of estrus; heifers not in-seminated by d 14 received a second injection of PGF and were observed for estrus and artificial insemination (AI) for an additional 14 d. Heifers enrolled in the estrous detection-timed AI (EDTAI, n = 140) treatment received a controlled internal drug-release (CIDR) insert on d 0, and 7 d later, the CIDR was removed and all heifers received an injection of PGF, heifers received AI on detection of estrus, and those not inseminated by 72 h after PGF received an injection of GnRH concurrent with AI. Heifers in the GnRH-timed AI (GTAI, n = 111) treatment received 1 injection of GnRH on d 0, on d 6 heifers received a CIDR insert and injections of GnRH and PGF, on d 13 the CIDR was removed and heifers received an injection of PGF, and 48 h later all heifers received an injection of GnRH and AI. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 32 ± 3 and 62 ± 3 d after AI. Cost of reproductive protocols and their economic outcomes were calculated for a 28 d period beginning at enrollment. Heifers in the PGED treatment were inseminated at a faster rate than CON heifers. A smaller proportion of prepubertal and peripubertal heifers were inseminated within 14 d of enrollment compared with pubertal heifers. Pregnancy per AI of CON and PGED heifers was greater compared with EDTAI and GTAI heifers. Proportion of GTAI heifers pregnant at the end of the 28-d breeding program was or tended to be smaller compared with PGED and CON heifers, respectively. Heifers in the CON and PGED treatments had the smallest cost per pregnancy followed by heifers in the EDTAI and GTAI treatments, respectively. When different scenarios were evaluated, however, the mean cost per pregnancy was smallest for PGED heifers. Cost per pregnancy generated was greatest for prepubertal heifers, whereas pubertal heifers had the smallest cost per pregnancy generated. Treatment of dairy heifers with PGF every 14 d until insemination and pregnancy results in the best economic outcomes, and screening heifers according to RTS may prove beneficial to identify heifers that may not be pubertal and would have compromised reproductive and economic performance in a breeding program.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of an intravaginal insert containing progesterone (CIDR, controlled internal drug releasing) administered in presynchronization and resynchronization protocols on cyclicity, detection of estrus, pregnancy rate, and pregnancy loss to first AI; reinsemination patterns; and pregnancy rates to second postpartum AI before and after the time of first-service pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cows. Holstein cows (n = 1,052) were blocked by parity and BCS at 3 ± 3 d in milk (study d 0 = day of calving) and assigned randomly to 1 of 3 presynchronization treatments. During the presynchronization programs, all cows received 2 injections of PGF2α, on study d 35 and 49. Cows enrolled in the control presynchronization treatment received AI after detected estrus from study d 49 to 62. Cows enrolled in the CIDR estrus-detection (CED) presynchronization treatment received a CIDR insert from study d 42 to 49 and AI on detection of estrus from d 49 to 62. Cows enrolled in the CIDR timed AI (CTAI) presynchronization treatment received the same treatment as CED, but were subjected to timed AI on study d 72 after the Ovsynch (GnRH, 7 d PGF2α, 2 d GnRH, 24 h timed AI) protocol. The control and CED cows not inseminated by study d 62 were enrolled in the Ovsynch protocol on the same day and received timed AI on study d 72. After first AI, cows were assigned to no resynchronization (RCON) or resynchronization with a CIDR insert (RCIDR) between 14 and 21 d after AI. Blood samples collected on study d 35, 49, and 62 were analyzed for concentrations of progesterone and cows were classified as anestrous when progesterone was <1.0 ng/mL in the first 2 samples. On study d 62, anestrous cows with progesterone ≥ 1.0 ng/mL were classified as having resumed cyclicity. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 31 and 60 d after first AI and at 42 d after second AI. A greater proportion of anestrous cows in CED and CTAI became cyclic by d 62 postpartum than control cows. Resynchronization with the CIDR insert increased the pregnancy rate at 31 d after first AI in CED and CTAI, and at 60 d after AI in all cows because of reduced pregnancy loss. These results indicate that presynchronization with the CIDR insert increased induction of cyclicity in anestrous cows and that resynchronization with the CIDR insert did not affect the reinsemination rate but did reduce pregnancy loss and increased the pregnancy rate at 60 d after first AI.  相似文献   
This study was designed to evaluate the incidence of the PSE/DFD status in a Portuguese pig slaughterhouse, covering two seasons of the year (spring and summer) in order to find out if the proportions of those poor meat quality categories were sufficient to concern the meat industry. Meat quality classification was based on the measurements of the pH(60), pH(24), drip losses and colour (L, a, b) in the longissimus dorsi muscle (between the last third and fourth ribs) of 380 pigs randomly chosen from the line. The high global incidence of PSE and likely PSE (30%) as well as DFD (10%) carcasses and the enormous variation of the meat quality between the different days of analysis proves that the pig population presents a great variation of halothane genotype and that handling procedures have to be optimized in order to decrease stress and glycogen store depletion. The percentage of PSE carcasses during the summer season was double that found in the spring, probably due to a higher environmental temperature and relative humidity.  相似文献   
‘Doce de leite’, a dairy product widely consumed in Brazil as a dessert or cake filling, is obtained from the heat treatment of milk and sucrose. On heating, the Maillard reaction occurs with the formation of desirable brown-coloured products with a characteristic and pleasant flavour. However, the reaction can also lead to changes in nutritive value. In order to follow chemically the extension of the Maillard reaction and its effect on the nutritive value of ‘doce de leite’ its commercial processing was followed. Increases in the level of free 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and in absorption at 420 nm by pigments attached to the protein were observed. The amino acid analysis showed a significant decrease in lysine levels (33%) as well as in arginine (11%) and histidine (10%). There was also a reduction in available lysine levels, as measured by the fluorodinitrobenzene (50.6%) and by the 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid (23.5%) methods. These results suggest a deleterious effect of the processing of ‘doce de leite’ on the nutritive value of the milk.  相似文献   
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