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Two laboratory-scale plasma reactors, an alternating current (AC) energized ferroelectric (high dielectric ceramic) packed bed reactor and a nanosecond pulsed corona reactor, were constructed. This study was done to develop baseline engineering data to demonstrate the feasibility of the application of plasma reactors to the destruction of various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at PPM levels. Complete destruction was obtained for toluene. Conversions of methylene chloride at 95% and trichlorotrifluoroethane (known as CFC-113) at 67% were achieved for the plasma reactors used. The conversion was dependent on the mean electron energy in the reactor and was also related to how strongly halogen species were bonded with carbon  相似文献   
The notion that ‘attitude drives behavior’ manifests itself in a variety of ways in educational and occupational settings. As applied to CAD competence development, industrial training of novice CAD users on their way to becoming competent CAD users consume a lot of corporate resources. This paper is the third paper in the line of research that attempts to answer the question having to do with what it takes to make a competent CAD user. Specifically, we examine the CAD-specific factors revolving around the trainees’ willingness-to-learn CAD.These factors are analyzed in two stages. At the start of the training, trainees’ initial attitude towards CAD is established by means of a short questionnaire. Afterwards, throughout the training, trainees’ behavior (online and offline practice) is gauged and, in turn, a relation is established to illustrate how this practice leads to the development of CAD-specific skills. For this purpose, another short questionnaire was utilized. Strong correlations were established relating the trainees’ CAD-specific behavior with the CAD-specific outcomes of learning CAD syntax.Furthermore, and in order to assess the quality of the trainees’ learning of CAD, overall competence was monitored throughout the study via performance measures that describe the time it took the trainees to build test models (speed), which reflects upon the ability to learn the syntax of the CAD tool (declarative knowledge). The sophistication of the models is also used as another measure. Correlating the trainees’ character attributes with these assessed measures, it was found that the stronger is the trainees’ will to learn CAD, the stronger is the likelihood to learn faster. Perhaps more importantly, trainees with initial favorable attitude toward CAD were shown to develop increasingly positive behavior that manifested through additional practice and other forms of visible effort.  相似文献   
Reflectance spectroscopy is a standard tool for studying the mineral composition of rock and soil samples and for remote sensing of terrestrial and extraterrestrial surfaces. We describe research on automated methods of mineral identification from reflectance spectra and give evidence that a simple algorithm, adapted from a well-known search procedure for Bayes nets, identifies the most frequently occurring classes of carbonates with reliability equal to or greater than that of human experts. We compare the reliability of the procedure to the reliability of several other automated methods adapted to the same purpose. Evidence is given that the procedure can be applied to some other mineral classes as well. Since the procedure is fast with low memory requirements, it is suitable for on-board scientific analysis by orbiters or surface rovers.  相似文献   
The growing global population and lifestyle changes have increased the demand for specialized diets that require protein and other essential nutrients for humans. Recent technological advances have enabled the use of food bioresources treated as waste as additional sources of alternative proteins. Sheep wool is an inexpensive and readily available bioresource containing 95%–98% protein, making it an outstanding potential source of protein for food and biotechnological applications. The strong structure of wool and its indigestibility are the main hurdles to achieving its potential as an edible protein. Although various methods have been investigated for the hydrolysis of wool into keratin, only a few of these, such as sulfitolysis, oxidation, and enzymatic processes, have the potential to generate edible keratin. In vitro and in vivo cytotoxicity studies reported no cytotoxicity effects of extracted keratin, suggesting its potential for use as a high-value protein ingredient that supports normal body functions. Keratin has a high cysteine content that can support healthy epithelia, glutathione synthesis, antioxidant functions, and skeletal muscle functions. With the recent spike in new keratin extraction methods, extensive long-term investigations that examine prolonged exposure of keratin generated from these techniques in animal and human subjects are required to ascertain its safety. Food applications of wool could improve the ecological footprint of sheep farming and unlock the potential of a sustainable protein source that meets demands for ethical production of animal protein.  相似文献   
While brain computer interfaces (BCIs) offer the potential of allowing those suffering from loss of muscle control to onceagain fully engage with their environment by bypassing the affected motor system and decoding user intentions directly frombrain activity, they are prone to errors. One possible avenue for BCI performance improvement is to detect when the BCI userperceives the BCI to have made an unintended action and thus take corrective actions. Error-related potentials (ErrPs) areneural correlates of error awareness and as such can provide an indication of when a BCI system is not performing accordingto the user’s intentions. Here, we investigate the brain signals of an implanted BCI user suffering from locked-in syndrome(LIS) due to late-stage ALS that prevents her from being able to speak or move but not from using her BCI at home on adaily basis to communicate, for the presence of error-related signals. We first establish the presence of an ErrP originatingfrom the dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex (dLPFC) in response to errors made during a discrete feedback task that mimics theclick-based spelling software she uses to communicate. Then, we show that this ErrP can also be elicited by cursor movementerrors in a continuous BCI cursor control task. This work represents a first step toward detecting ErrPs during the dailyhome use of a communications BCI.  相似文献   
Magnetic resonance imaging is one method for assessing cardiac function and perfusion at rest and under stress conditions. In this article, the potential of stress magnetic resonance imaging for evaluating ischemic heart disease is reviewed, and technical aspects of some developments that may contribute to comprehensive magnetic resonance imaging assessment of heart disease under rest and stress are discussed.  相似文献   
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