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Two alkylating (cyclophosphamide and 036.5122 Asta) and two antiproliferative agents (6-mercaptopurine and azathioprine) have been compared for their immuno-suppressive potency on the primary and secondary humoral immune response of mice. If equitoxic dosages of the respective drugs are compared, the alkylating agents proved to be of much higher immunosuppressive potency than the antiproliferative agents. In non toxic dosages alkylating agents were able to completely inhibit a primary or secondary immune response, whilst a similar effect with antiproliferative drugs could not be obtained even within toxic dose ranges. Induction of immunological tolerance was possible only by use of the alkylating agents. The significance of these comparative studies is discussed in view of the frequent use of the tested drugs in clinical immunosuppression.  相似文献   
X-ray fiber diffraction studies of satellite DNAs from Gecarcinus lateralis, Drosophila virilis and Mus musculus, all of which have highly repetitious base sequences but with different degrees of sequence complexity, reveal only classical polynucleotide duplex structures in contrast to some highly repetitious synthetic DNAs.  相似文献   
Foodborne illness continues as a considerable threat to public health. Despite improved hygiene management systems and increased regulation, pathogenic bacteria still contaminate food, causing sporadic cases of illness and disease outbreaks worldwide. For many centuries, microbial antagonism has been used in food processing to improve food safety. An understanding of the mode of action of this microbial antagonism has been gained in recent years and potential applications in food and feed safety are now being explored. This review focuses on the potential opportunities presented, and the limitations, of using microbial antagonism as a biocontrol mechanism to reduce contamination along the food chain; including animal feed as its first link. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Soak and rinse methods were compared for the recovery of Salmonella from whole cantaloupes. Cantaloupes were surface inoculated with Salmonella cell suspensions and stored for 4 days at 2 to 6 degrees C. Cantaloupes were placed in sterile plastic bags with a nonselective preenrichment broth at a 1:1.5 cantaloupe weight-to-broth volume ratio. The cantaloupe broths were shaken for 5 min at 100 rpm after which 25-ml aliquots (rinse) were removed from the bags. The 25-ml rinses were preenriched in 225-ml portions of the same uninoculated broth type at 35 degrees C for 24 h (rinse method). The remaining cantaloupe broths were incubated at 35 degrees C for 24 h (soak method). The preenrichment broths used were buffered peptone water (BPW), modified BPW, lactose (LAC) broth, and Universal Preenrichment (UP) broth. The Bacteriological Analytical Manual Salmonella culture method was compared with the following rapid methods: the TECRA Unique Salmonella method, the VIDAS ICS/SLM method, and the VIDAS SLM method. The soak method detected significantly more Salmonella-positive cantaloupes (P < 0.05) than did the rinse method: 367 Salmonella-positive cantaloupes of 540 test cantaloupes by the soak method and 24 Salmonella-positive cantaloupes of 540 test cantaloupes by the rinse method. Overall, BPW, LAC, and UP broths were equivalent for the recovery of Salmonella from cantaloupes. Both the VIDAS ICS/SLM and TECRA Unique Salmonella methods detected significantly fewer Salmonella-positive cantaloupes than did the culture method: the VIDAS ICS/SLM method detected 23 of 50 Salmonella-positive cantaloupes (60 tested) and the TECRA Unique Salmonella method detected 16 of 29 Salmonella-positive cantaloupes (60 tested). The VIDAS SLM and culture methods were equivalent: both methods detected 37 of 37 Salmonella-positive cantaloupes (60 tested).  相似文献   
The global dairy industry needs to reappraise the systems of milk production that are operated at farm level with specific focus on enhancing technical efficiency and competitiveness of the sector. The objective of this study was to quantify the factors associated with costs of production, profitability, and pasture use, and the effects of pasture use on financial performance of dairy farms using an internationally recognized representative database over an 8-yr period (2008 to 2015) on pasture-based systems. To examine the associated effects of several farm system and management variables on specific performance measures, a series of multiple regression models were developed. Factors evaluated included pasture use [kg of dry matter/ha and stocking rate (livestock units/ha)], grazing season length, breeding season length, milk recording, herd size, dairy farm size (ha), farmer age, discussion group membership, proportion of purchased feed, protein %, fat %, kg of milk fat and protein per cow, kg of milk fat and protein per hectare, and capital investment in machinery, livestock, and buildings. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated costs of production per hectare differed by year, geographical location, soil type, level of pasture use, proportion of purchased feed, protein %, kg of fat and protein per cow, dairy farm size, breeding season length, and capital investment in machinery, livestock, and buildings per cow. The results of the analysis revealed that farm net profit per hectare was associated with pasture use per hectare, year, location, soil type, grazing season length, proportion of purchased feed, protein %, kg of fat and protein per cow, dairy farm size, and capital investment in machinery and buildings per cow. Pasture use per hectare was associated with year, location, soil type, stocking rate, dairy farm size, fat %, protein %, kg of fat and protein per cow, farmer age, capital investment in machinery and buildings per cow, breeding season length, and discussion group membership. On average, over the 8-yr period, each additional tonne of pasture dry matter used increased gross profit by €278 and net profit by €173 on dairy farms. Conversely, a 10% increase in the proportion of purchased feed in the diet resulted in a reduction in net profit per hectare by €97 and net profit by €207 per tonne of fat and protein. Results from this study, albeit in a quota limited environment, have demonstrated that the profitability of pasture-based dairy systems is significantly associated with the proportion of pasture used at the farm level, being cognizant of the levels of purchased feed.  相似文献   
This paper describes a design procedure for three element torque converters. The torque converter, consisting of closely coupled hydraulic turbines and pumps, forms an essential part in the transmission systems of many power lines. Efficient torque converters are therefore essential if maximum energy is to be transmitted to the output shaft. The design procedure consists of two components, the first establishes the overall dimensions and mean streamline blade angles using a one-dimensional fluid dynamic analysis, whilst the second uses a detailed integrated fluid dynamic procedure to predict the performance of the proposed torque converter design.The design procedure is developed in full whilst the prediction procedure which is published elsewhere, is used along with published data to assess the quality of the torque converter designs.  相似文献   
Deoxynivalenol (DON), a mycotoxin produced by several Fusaruim species, is a worldwide contaminant of foods and feeds. Because of the potential dangers due to accidental or intentional contamination of foods with DON, there is a need to develop a rapid and highly sensitive method for easy identification and quantification of DON. In this study, we have developed and utilized a competitive immunoassay technique to detect DON in various food matrixes and indoor air samples using an array biosensor. A DON-biotin conjugate, immobilized on a NeutrAvidin-coated optical waveguide, competed with the DON in the sample for binding to fluorescently labeled DON monoclonal antibodies. To demonstrate a simple procedure amenable for on-site use, DON-spiked cornmeal, cornflakes, wheat, barley, and oats were extracted with methanol-water (3:1) and assayed without cleanup or preconcentration. The limits of detection ranged from 0.2 ng/mL in buffer to 50 ng/g in oats. The detection limit of DON spiked into an aqueous effluent from an air sampler was 4 ng/mL.  相似文献   
The U─Zr─C tertnary phase diagram is optimized by graphical and numerical curve fitting of self-consistent thermodynamic and phase diagram data reported in the literature. The system is described from 2473 to 3693 K using isothermal ternary phase diagrams. The solidus and liquidus curves of the UxZr1−xCy solid solution were estimated from combined thermodynamic and phase diagram data. The solidus and liquidus curves in the ternary system were calculated using a modified form of a free-energy minimization method developed by Rudy and Chang. The calculated curves agree with experimental data.  相似文献   
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