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On education     
The following observations are intended only to outline some concerns about, and to offer observations on, the teaching of design disciplines in the University of Buenos Aires and to rehearse the current educational challenges relating to achieving the standards expected of a professional graduate competent to improve our environmental demands.  相似文献   
The ductility requirement of elastoplastic multi-d.o.f. shear structures is studied by analysing the response obtained through step-by-step integration of the equations of motion for some recorded accelerograms. In view of the high dependence of the structural strength reserve beyond the elastic range on the distribution of plastic deformations in the structure, this paper aims to establish the influence of the stiffness distribution and of the earthquake features on the local ductility demand. Attention is also paid to the analysis of the influence of variation in excitation intensity and duration on the seismic behaviour of the structural models considered. Numerical results show that overall structural ductility alone is not sufficiently representative to evaluate the ultimate state of multi-d.o.f. structures. Local ductility must also be specified in order to create a reliable aseismic design. In this context, the important role played by the distribution of stiffness over the structure is emphasized.  相似文献   
F. Edeline  G. Lambert   《Water research》1979,13(6):473-480
A simple two-phase model has been developed, which accounts for up to 95% of the total oxygen consumption during the bacterial phase of river self-purification. The two phases are characterized by a logistic model. The first corresponds roughly to a destruction of of the substrate, and is accompanied by the formation of cellular reserves. The second is the consumption of these stored substances, and begins when the external substrate ceases to be more attractive than the endogenous reserves. The cell yield as well as the stored material proportion appear to be constant, while the kinetic parameter ( ) is strongly S0 dependent. All this can be studied through oxygen balances.  相似文献   
Measurements of anthropogenic radionuclides in marine sediments can provide good estimates of past and present radioactive contamination of the marine environment. The Barents Sea is one of the world's richest ocean areas, and it is therefore of major interest for Norwegian fisheries to document the levels of radioactive contamination of this and adjacent ocean areas. In this study, concentrations of 137Cs, 238Pu, (239,240)Pu and 241Am were measured in marine sediments collected mainly in the Spitsbergen-Bear Island region. Additional samples collected in the deep Norwegian Sea and near the Greenland ice-edge have been included for comparison. The highest radionuclide levels were found near Spitsbergen, reaching over 50% higher than in adjacent areas. Determinations of the mineral content and particle size distribution indicate a relation between the content of clay minerals and radionuclide levels. The present study confirms earlier observations of elevated levels of 137Cs in sediments in the Spitsbergen-Bear Island area and documents elevated levels of 238Pu, (239,240)Pu and 241Am in these sediments. Using an exponential curve fit based on determinations of unsupported 210Pb in sediment cores, sedimentation rates of 0.28, 0.05 and 0.26 cm year(-1) were calculated at locations south of Spitsbergen, near the Greenland ice-edge and in the deep Norwegian Sea, respectively.  相似文献   
A steady-state model for substrate removal in a rotating biological disc reactor is presented. The model considers the consumption of substrate by micro-organisms in the biofilm attached to the rotating disc, and mass transfer from the attached liquid film to the biofilm. A mass balance on substrate over the liquid in the trough provides an expression for effluent substrate in terms of the microbial kinetic constants, the geometry of the system and the operating conditions. In order to simplify the solution of the equations in the model, first order kinetics are assumed for the rate of microbial growth and substrate utilization. This simplified model can be solved, for example, by using a programmable calculator. The model predicts that the fractional removal of substrate per stage is strongly dependent on the hydraulic loading rate per unit disc area but independent of feed substrate concentration. It predicts constant removal independent of disc size provided the hydraulic loading per unit area is kept constant. The rotational speed has only a slight predicted effect on the rate of substrate removal. The predictions of the model are compared with published data from the literature for both domestic wastewater and some industrial wastes. Trends observed in the field are predicted qualitatively by the model.  相似文献   
It is very difficult to quantify aggregate pores directly in a way that allows pore/water interaction to be accurately related to hardened concrete properties. This work examines, a number of aggregates through water absorption checks and gives results of tests on some concretes made with them. Three especially relevant concrete properties are examined, initial surface absorption, freeze/thaw behaviour and drying shrinkage; it is shown that aggregate absorption is reflected in these properties.  相似文献   
本文引入环境形象整体现,在环境结构原型分析的基础上结合实践探讨了住宅小区环境整体性设计,旨在强调设计的整体性及尝试设计方法上的新思路。  相似文献   
The decomposition of ClO2 and ClO2 by u.v. radiation leads to the production of chlorate, chloride and oxygen as end-products via complex reactions which are initiated by the products generated by the primary reactions of photolysis (Buxton and Subhani, 1972a; Mialocq et al., 1973; Karpel Vel Leitner et al., 1992). As far as the rate of decomposition is concerned, Bowen and Cheung (1932) and Zika et al. (1985) have shown that the quantum yield of photodecomposition of chlorine dioxide (overall reaction) increases when the wavelength decreases [Zika et al. (1985): φ = 0.46 at 366 nm and 1.4 at 296.7 nm]. However, the values of the quantum yield of photodecomposition of ClO2 and ClO2 at 253.7 nm as well as the quantum yields for the primary reactions of photolysis of ClO2 and ClO2 at different wavelengths are not given in the literature.The aim of this work was to study the kinetics of photodecomposition of chlorine dioxide and of chlorite by u.v. irradiation.  相似文献   
Thin sections cut from cast concrete cylinders have been examined in transmitted light to investigate the significance of coarse aggregate type in “primary” microfracturing. Concretes manufactured with crushed-rock aggregates and gravel aggregates were studied and, in every case, the dominant fracture type was a parting of the aggregate-matrix bond. Bond cracking was least severe with the marble aggregate where epitaxial calcite over-growth was indicated. The ability of bond cracks to maintain continuity by bridging surface irregularities, via mortar cracks, reduced the inhibiting influence of rough-surfaced aggregate on bond-crack development.  相似文献   
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