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This research examined the distribution and ecological correlates of referrals of children and adolescents to the Regional Children's Centre, a psychological assessment and treatment centre located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Referral data were collected by the Regional Children's Centre for the study period April 1992 through March 1994. The ecological structure of the study area was derived using principal components analysis of a set of socio-economic indicator variables from the 1991 Census of Canada and a cluster analysis of component scores. Referral rates were calculated for each ecological area for two referral subgroups; modi/conduct/stress-related concerns and neurophysiologically based concerns. The distribution of referrals was tested using the Poisson probability test. This test revealed that, for both subgroups analysed, the distribution of referrals in the study area was non-random. Stepwise multiple regression revealed a significant ecological relationship between the mood/conduct/stress-related concerns referral rate and the ecological structure of the study area. No such relationship was found, however, when examining referrals for neurophysiologically based concerns.  相似文献   
This paper describes a project to design a laboratory manual which could be easily understood and used by both those who work in and those who utilize the laboratory in a large teaching hospital complex. Results indicated increased employee knowledge of laboratory policies and procedures, and an improved relationship between patient units and the laboratory.  相似文献   
Local and regional recurrences are frequent problems in breast cancer management. Radiation therapy is effective in producing long term remission. This study evaluates the results of radiation therapy of 215 patients with recurrent disease limited to the chest wall and/or regional lymph node areas. The local results showed complete control in 67% of cases (mean and median durations 32 months and 22 months, respectively), partial control in 24% of cases (mean and median 11 and 8 months, respectively) and no control in the remaining 9%. The radiation dose recommended for the treatment of recurrent mammary carcinoma is 5000 rads in 5 weeks for relatively small lesions. Supplementary local doses of 500-1000 rads in 1 week may be given to bulky lesions as necessary for residual disease. Although local relapse indicates a poor prognosis, it is by no means totally hopeless. Of 215 patients treated 44 (21%) survived 5 years and 10 (5%) survived 10 years following radiation therapy of recurrent disease. There were seven patients, or 3%, who were free of cancer at 5 to 15 years. Radiation therapy was valuable in controlling local lesions, and thus, in improving quality of survival, even in those patients who eventually died of metastatic disease.  相似文献   
The availability of reproducible antifungal susceptibility testing methods now permits analysis of data correlating susceptibility in vitro with outcome in vivo in order to define interpretive breakpoints. In this paper, we have examined the conceptual framework underlying interpretation of antimicrobial susceptibility testing results and then used these ideas to drive analysis of data packages developed by the respective manufacturers that correlate fluconazole and itraconazole MICs with outcome of candidal infections. Tentative fluconazole interpretive breakpoints for MICs determined by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards' M27-T broth macrodilution methodology are proposed: isolates for which MICs are < or = 8 microg/mL are susceptible to fluconazole, whereas those for which MICs are > or = 64 microg/mL appear resistant. Isolates for which the MIC of fluconazole is 16-32 microg/mL are considered susceptible dependent upon dose (S-DD), on the basis of data indicating clinical response when > 100 mg of fluconazole per day is given. These breakpoints do not, however, apply to Candida krusei, as it is considered inherently resistant to fluconazole. Tentative interpretive MIC breakpoints for itraconazole apply only to mucosal candidal infections and are as follows: susceptible, < or = 0.125 microg/mL; S-DD, 0.25-0.5 microg/mL; and resistant, > or = 1.0 microg/mL. These tentative breakpoints are now open for public commentary.  相似文献   
Bacterial plaque from the gingival region of teeth contains cytotoxic agents which lyse undifferentiated human HL60 cells. A small panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) was found to abrogate much of this activity and to detect antigens in certain strains of Streptococcus mitis and Eikenella corrodens. The aim of this study was to determine whether these bacterial antigens might be involved in HL60 cells cytolysis. Saline extracts were obtained by homogenizing washed, stationary-phase cells in 65 mM NaCl with a tight-fitting Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer. The extracts of E. corrodens were toxic to HL60 cells, whereas similar extracts of S. mitis were nontoxic. Adding plaque toxin-neutralizing MAb 3hE5 blocked the toxic effect of E. corrodens extract S. mitis extracts contained a single, strongly reactive antigen of 140 kDa (s140K antigen) detected on Western blots (immunoblots) by three MAbs from the panel. Rabbit antibodies raised to this antigen excised from the gel (anti-s140K serum) detected larger antigens in addition to s140K. E. corrodens extracts contained a number of antigens detected by the MAbs. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) was purified from anti-s140K serum by passage through DE52 cellulose. A 100-fold excess (by weight) of the purified IgG to E. corrodens protein specifically cross-precipitated an 80-kDa antigen plus a nonantigenic 16-kDa protein, presumably attached noncovalently. The remaining supernatant fraction had no toxic activity. A similar ratio of control IgG (from nonimmunized rabbits) did not precipitate these proteins, and the supernatant fraction had the same activity as the extract not treated with IgG. The proteins of 80 and 16 kDa were also detected in the anti-s140K immunoprecipitate by rabbit IgG antibodies to E. corrodens whole cells. The 80-kDa antigen, alone or complexed with the 16-kDa protein, may be involved in mediating the toxic activity in E. corrodens and plaque extracts.  相似文献   
The evaluation of the rate of gastroduodenal toxicity of anti inflammatory drugs is a difficult problem. We tried to analyse that question by studying the general endoscopic registers of the Gastro-Enterologic department of the hospital. This retrospective study concerns 2,945 endoscopies performed during the year 1988 and 1992 randomly chosen among the last 5 years. 992 results show injuries suggestive of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAID) toxicity, however only in 65 cases the potential role of an anti inflammatory drug is mentioned: 36 men and 29 women, mean age: 50.6 +/- 19.6 years. Concerning the drugs, only the pharmacological classes they belong to are mentioned except for Aspirin. Acetyl salicylate acid 7 cases, NSAIDS 36 and Steroids 22. In the drug group 63% of injuries are located to the stomach (ulcers 13%, gastritis 50%), 37% to the duodenum (19% ulcers, 18% duodenitis). Compared to the groups with the same kind of injuries, but without any mention of drugs, there are no statistical difference in the proportion of ulcers. Aging and sex are not influent in our results on the genesis of drug induced ulcers. These results must be discussed because a lot of datas are missing in the registers and so the number of patients taking drugs is probably underestimated. This means that unless a prospective study is held with someone enquiring for all the risk factors, the study of the general endoscopic registers is not a good way to estimate gastrointestinal damages due to drugs.  相似文献   
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