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In Escherichia coli, chi is a recombination hotspot that stimulates RecBCD-dependent exchange at and to one side of itself. chi activity is highest at chi and decreases with distance from chi. The decrease in chi activity may be a simple property of the physical distance over which chi can stimulate recombination. Alternatively, the decay in chi activity with distance may reflect the high likelihood that chi-stimulated recombination occurs in a single chi-proximal act, to the exclusion of additional chi-stimulated exchanges more distal to chi. To test the models, we determined if chi activity decreases as a function of physical distance (i.e., DNA base pairs) or genetic distance (homologous DNA base pairs). Our results indicate that chi activity decays as a function of genetic distance. In addition, we found that the sbcB gene product (exonuclease I, a 3'-->5' ssDNA exonuclease) modulates the distance over which chi can act. In contrast, the recJ gene product (a 5'-->3' ssDNA exonuclease) does not alter the decay of chi activity.  相似文献   
Fish embryos represent a class of multicompartmental biological systems that have not been successfully cryopreserved, primarily because of the lack of understanding of how water and cryoprotectants permeate the compartments. We are using the zebrafish embryo as a model to understand these kinetics. Zebrafish embryos have two major compartments, the blastoderm and the yolk, which is surrounded by the multinucleated yolk syncytial layer (YSL). We determined the water and cryoprotectant permeability in these compartments using two methods. First, we measured shrink/swell dynamics in optical volumetric experiments. Zebrafish embryos shrank over time and did not re-expand while immersed in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or propylene glycol. Second, we measured DMSO uptake with diffusion-weighted nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. DMSO uptake was rapid during the first few minutes, then gradual thereafter. We used one- and two-compartment models to analyze the data and to determine the permeability parameters. We found that the two-compartment model provided a better fit to the data. On the basis of this model and in the presence of DMSO, the yolk and blastoderm had very similar water permeabilities (i.e., 0.01 and 0. 005 micron x min-1atm-1, respectively), but they had different DMSO permeabilities separated by three orders of magnitude (i.e., 相似文献   
AIM: To investigate which of the routinely collected claims data from the German "Legal sickness funds" on hospital utilisation may be used, in addition to that prescribed by the legislator. DESIGN: We used claims data to study a cohort of sickness fund beneficiaries who were insured during the complete year 1992 (n = 81,309). Six utilisation parameters, using the number of cases and in hospital days overall as well as diseases specific (i.e. readmission rates, in-hospital days per person with [at least] one hospital stay) were calculated. RESULTS: There are 88 persons with (at least) one hospital stay, 116 hospital cases and a total of 1306 in-hospital days per 1000 insured persons in the study cohort. The average hospital days per person (14.8 days) are ca. 30% higher than the average length of stay (11.2 days). Hospital utilisation increases with age. Hospital stays associated with ICD-239 (neoplasms of unknown origin) resulted in a higher than average number of hospital days in total although the mean length of stay is not above the average. This is due to a high readmission rate. Hospital stays associated with elective surgical procedures have a high prevalence rate but a low readmission ratio and short length of stay. CONCLUSION: The parameters related to insured persons, cases and specifically personal parameters of hospital utilisation allow a detailed analysis of hospital care; different utilisation and user patterns can be investigated and possible determinants of utilisation can be identified. After technical transformation, routine data of the sickness funds can be used to obtain information relevant for health care planners as well as for quality management.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The clinical benefit of coronary stenting is reduced by the risk of thrombotic stent occlusion as well as hemorrhagic complications of intensive antithrombotic therapy. We compared the influence of different antithrombotic therapies on the incidence of post-interventional complications and in-hospital stay duration. METHODS: After successful placement of a coronary stent, 334 consecutive patients were given different antithrombotic treatments in addition to aspirin 100 mg/d indefinitely: (1) phenprocoumon for 3 months (n = 47), (2) low molecular weight heparin 2 x 100 U/kg/d s.c. for 4 weeks (n = 90), (3) ticlopidine 2 x 250 mg/d and low molecular weight heparin 2 x 100 U/kg/d s.c. for 4 weeks (n = 72) and (4) ticlopidine 2 x 250 mg/d for 4 weeks (n = 125). RESULTS: Major events were subacute stent thrombosis in 17 patients (5%), and severe hemorrhagic complication in 20 patients (5.9%). The incidence of subacute stent thrombosis in groups 1 to 4 was 10.6%, 11%, 1.4% and 0.8% respectively. The use of ticlopidine was associated with a significant lowering of stent occlusions in univariate and multivariate analysis (p = 0.0013). Additional uni- and multivariate predictors were stent placement as a "bail-out" procedure (p = 0.033) and in patients with acute coronary syndrome (p = 0.049). Anticoagulant therapy was associated with a higher incidence of severe hemorrhagic complications (p < 0.01) and a prolonged in-hospital stay (p = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: These results confirm that anti-thrombotic therapy with aspirin and ticlopidine combines low rates of subacute stent occlusion and hemorrhagic complications. Treatment with phenprocoumon and low molecular weight heparin does not improve the rate of subacute stent occlusion but increases hemorrhagic complications. Very low rates of stent occlusion permit short in-hospital stays with concomitant reduction in cost.  相似文献   
Bypass surgery for vascular disease of the carotid system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A series of 58 operations on 56 patients, in whom a branch of the superficial temporal artery was anastomosed to a branch of the middle cerebral artery (STA-MCA bypass or Yasargil procedure), is reviewed. These operations were performed chiefly for occlussions or for inaccessible stenotic lesions of the internal carotid or middle cerebral arteries. Patency in eight patients operated on from April 1971 through November 1973 was low (25%). Patency in patients operated on since July 1974 has been high (95%). There have been no deaths and no major ischemic strokes attributable to the surgery. The rationale for this procedure is considered in relationship to the anatomy and physiology of the cerebral circulation and the pathogenesis of syndromes of cerebral ischemia. The operation appears to have a low morbidity in good-risk patients. The role of this operation in managing common manifestations of cerebral vascular disease such as focal transient cerebral ischemic attacks (TIAs) and amaurosis fugax, although not fully established, appears encouraging. The procedure seems useful for orthostatic cerebral ischemia caused by multiple occlusions of major extracranial (and intracranial) vessels and, occasionally, for progressing strokes related to internal carotid artery occlusion, both of which are relatively uncommon manifestations of cerebral vascular occlusive disease. It may have application in the rare "slow stroke." The procedure is probably of limited value, if any, in the management of large completed infarcts but may be indicated in selected patients with small infarctions who have preserved most of their cerebral function and who have had evidence of subsequent focal ischemic events. The procedure is useful for bypassing giant aneurysms or basofrontal tumors invading major vessels. It may have a role in the management of fibromuscular disease of the internal carotid artery.  相似文献   
In mammals, testosterone and 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are the principal male hormones (androgens). Testosterone is the most abundant circulating androgen, and is converted in specific tissues to DHT by the 5alpha-reductase enzymes. Although each of these androgens binds to the same receptor protein (androgen receptor, AR), each exerts biologically distinct effects. Theories to explain the specific effects of testosterone and DHT have centered on kinetic differences of binding of androgens to the receptor or differences in the metabolic fates of the two hormones. In the current experiments, differential display PCR (ddPCR) was used to identify genes regulated differently by testosterone and DHT. Adult male rats were treated as follows: castrated, treated with Finasteride (an inhibitor of 5alpha-reductase) or left intact for ten days. RNA was prepared from the dissected prostates of these animals and used for ddPCR. Genes exhibiting four distinct patterns of regulation were observed among the mRNAs. Class 1 genes showed equivalent expression in intact and Finasteride-treated animals, but were absent in castrated animals (mRNAs D1, D2, D6, D10). Class 2 genes showed higher expression in intact animals, intermediate levels following Finasteride treatment, but were absent in castrated animals (mRNA D8). Two classes of gene were particularly intriguing: class 3 showed gene expression only in the intact animal (mRNA D7, D9) and class 4 showed increased gene expression following Finasteride treatment (mRNA D3). While the patterns observed for some of these genes (e.g. D8) suggest that the different biological effects of testosterone and DHT may be due to the lower affinity of the AR for testosterone and limiting tissue concentrations of androgen, our results also suggest that some genes expressed in the rat prostate may be regulated in fundamentally different ways in response to testosterone and DHT.  相似文献   
To examine the resting and evoked release of the endogenous opioid peptides beta-endorphin and Met-enkephalin from brain, we examined the levels of the respective immunoreactivities in the lateral ventricle-cisterna magna perfusate of the halothane-anesthetized rat. Ten Hz but not 100 Hz stimulation in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) of the hypothalamus released beta-endorphin immunoreactivity (beta-EPir) to the perfusate, whereas 100 Hz but not 10 Hz stimulation in the periaqueductal gray (PAG) of the mid brain released Met-enkephalin immunoreactivity (MEir). MEir was not released by stimulation in ARC and beta-EPir was not released by stimulation in PAG. Characterization of the released beta-EPir and MEir by high performance liquid chromatography showed that authentic beta-endorphin and Met-enkephalin were the major constituents of beta-EPir and MEir, respectively. Systemic administration of the dopaminergic antagonist haloperidol increased plasma, but not perfusate levels of beta-EPir. Both the opioid antagonist naloxone and the NMDA antagonist MK-801 failed to affect beta-EPir or MEir release. ARC and PAG stimulated inhibited a nociceptive reflex (tail-dip in 52.5 degrees C water), and naloxone did not reliably reverse this inhibition. These data support the previously suggested possibility of opioid mediation of stimulation induced analgesia, although we were unable to confirm the theory by naloxone reversibility in this study. Furthermore, the data support the assumption that measurement of opioid peptides in cerebrospinal fluid is a relevant approach in research aimed at elucidating the physiological and pathophysiological roles of endogenous opioid peptides.  相似文献   
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