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Femoral hernia has always presented more difficulty in diagnosis than other external abdominal hernias. The incidence of incarceration and strangulation is higher in our series than the published literature would suggest. A retrospective study was performed at our institution from February 1990 to June 1995. In that period, 22 patients were operated on for femoral hernia. There were 16 women and 6 men, average ages 51 and 48 years, respectively. The men weighed on average 209 lb, and the women, 154 lb. Three of our patients had elective repair of their hernias (16%); 19 were performed urgently or emergently (86%). Of the emergency repairs, 3 had strangulated small bowel requiring resection (16%), 1 had a strangulated vermiform appendix with abscess formation (5%), 3 had strangulated omentum requiring excision (16%), giving a total of 7 patients with strangulation and necrosis of the hernial contents (36%). The remainder had viable contents in the hernia sac. The time from the onset of symptoms to presentation at the hospital varied from 1 day to 3 years. The time from strangulation to presentation was between a few hours and 4 days. Surgery was performed on the day of admission (within 24 hours) on all but 2 of our patients. Procedures performed were McVay repair, 13; Bassini, 4; laparoscopic with Marlex mesh, 1 patient; drainage of a groin abscess in 2 patients with later repair; and on 2 patients the type of repair was not specified. One of the patients died. Postoperative wound infection occurred in 2 heavily contaminated patients, and 3 had pneumonia. Patients with no regular physician and no routine physical examinations are at higher risk for developing strangulation of femoral hernias. Emergency physicians and general practitioners are in the best position to diagnose these hernias early, when treatment can be elective.  相似文献   
Hyperthermia has been shown to be an effective radiation sensitizer. Cisplatin has also been shown to cause radiosensitization. In part, the sensitization is through the inhibition of repair of radiation damage. In this study we have set out to combine low dose-rate irradiation (during which extensive repair occurs) with both cisplatin and hyperthermia to maximize the radiation sensitizing effect. Two human ovarian carcinoma cell lines, one parental (A2780S) and the other a cisplatin resistant derivative (A2780CP) cell line were used in these experiments. Long duration hyperthermia at 40 degrees C was combined with low concentrations of cisplatin (0.5-3 microg/ml) and low dose-rate irradiation (LDRI). The responses to the individual treatments showed that there was cross resistance in the two cell lines for cisplatin and radiation, but for hyperthermia the opposite effect was found. When all treatments were given concurrently the response was greater than the calculated response of all three individual treatments, indicating a synergistic interaction. The effect was greater in the cisplatin resistant cell line. The combination of mild hyperthermia, low dose cisplatin and LDRI are a good combination for potential clinical application. In addition, this could be a good approach to deal with cisplatin resistance.  相似文献   
We used in vivo magnetic resonance (MR) microscopy to follow the growth of fibrous capsule as a foreign body reaction to silicone implants in rats. Anesthetized rats were imaged 1, 7, 14, and 28 days after silicone-coated MR imaging coils were sutured to their neck muscles. On the twenty-eighth day, rats were sacrificed and coils and adjacent tissues were removed en bloc and fixed in formalin, reimaged with MR, and sectioned for conventional histology. Three-dimensional (3-D) spin-echo [3DFT] acquisition gave in-plane resolution of 32 x 32 microns in vivo and 16 x 16 microns ex vivo. All MR images showed a diffuse band of elevated signal intensity between the silicone of the coil and adjacent tissue. The border of the hyperintense band was thin and not well defined at seven days post-implantation. From 7-28 days, the band showed relatively homogeneous signal intensity and its thickness increased 44% on the rectus muscle side and 78% on the subcutaneous side. The capsule thickness determined either by MR in vivo and ex vivo microscopy or conventional histology was not significantly different, and there was a significant correlation between thickness measurements among those methods. MR in vivo microscopy provides sufficient resolution and spatial information to serially evaluate the growth of the foreign body fibrous capsule over time, thus achieving greater accuracy and consistency in measurements.  相似文献   
Dendritic cell-based immunotherapy of prostate cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The protective effect of catechins, major components of green tea, was studied in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells exposed to toxicity induced by linoleic acid hydroperoxide (LOOH). In the case where cells were incubated in medium containing both LOOH and catechins, (+)-catechin (C) was effective in suppressing of LOOH-induced cytotoxicity, but (-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG), and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) had no effect. EGCG monoglucoside (EGCG-G1) and EGCG diglucoside (EGCG-G2), apophilic derivatives of EGCG, show a protective effect on LOOH-induced cytotoxicity when present at the time of treatment with LOOH. On the other hand, when cells were incubated with catechins for 24 h before treatment with LOOH there was no protection against the oxidative damage by LOOH. Furthermore, the interaction between catechins and alpha-tocopherol was examined under these culture conditions. C showed a synergistic effect with alpha-tocopherol in protecting against LOOH-induced damage. These results suggest that catechins interact with LOOH present in the medium or near the surface of membranes, but not with LOOH incorporated into cellular membranes and that catechins are able to interact with alpha-tocopherol to provide synergistic protection against the cytotoxicity of LOOH.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid has been shown to decrease the rate of disease progression in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, although the effect is modest. Since primary biliary cirrhosis has many features of an autoimmune disorder, immunosuppressives added to ursodeoxycholic acid may be of value in the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis. METHODS: A 1-year randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was carried out in 50 patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, who had already been treated with ursodeoxycholic acid for at least 1 year, but had not achieved complete disease remission. Patients were randomized to additional prednisone (30 mg per day initially, tapered to 10 mg daily after 8 weeks) and azathioprine (50 mg daily) or placebo. A subgroup of patients received cyclical etidronate and calcium. The principal aim of the study was to assess the short-term benefits and risks of the combined bile acid and low-dose immunosuppressive regimen. Primary endpoints were effects on symptoms, liver biochemistry, liver histology, bone mass and the occurrence of adverse events. RESULTS: Pruritus (p=0.02), alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, IgM and procollagen-III-propeptide improved significantly (all p<0.002) in the combined treatment group as compared to the placebo group. Histological scores for disease activity and disease stage decreased significantly within the combination treatment group (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with primary biliary cirrhosis receiving ursodeoxycholic acid, there is an additional beneficial effect of 1-year treatment with prednisone and azathioprine on symptoms and biochemical, fibrogenetic and histological parameters. These results strongly encourage the evaluation of this triple treatment regimen in long-term controlled trials of adequate size to document its effect on clinical events.  相似文献   
The acceptance of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) among patients and health care providers has had a dramatic impact on the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of many opportunistic infections associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Previously intractable opportunistic infections and syndromes are now far less common. In addition, effective antibiotic prophylactic therapies have had a profound impact on the risk of patients developing particular infections and on the incidence of these infections overall. Most notable among these are Pneumocystis carinii, disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex, tuberculosis, and toxoplasmosis. Nevertheless, infections continue to cause significant morbidity and mortality among patients who are infected with HIV. The role of HAART in many clinical situations is unquestioned. Compelling data from clinical trials support the use of these therapies during pregnancy to prevent perinatal transmission of HIV. HAART is also recommended for health care workers who have had a "significant" exposure to the blood of an HIV-infected patient. Both of these situations are discussed in detail in this article. In addition, although more controversial, increasing evidence supports the use of HAART during the acute HIV seroconversion syndrome. An "immune reconstitution syndrome" has been newly described for patients in the early phases of treatment with HAART who develop tuberculosis, M avium complex, and cytomegalovirus disease. Accumulating data support the use of hydroxyurea, an agent with a long history in the field of myeloproliferative disorders, for the treatment of HIV. Newer agents, particularly abacavir and adefovir dipivoxil, are available through expanded access protocols, and their roles are being defined and clarified.  相似文献   
We examined the effect of meprin A, the major matrix degrading metalloproteinase in rat kidney, on the laminin-nidogen complex. N-terminal sequence information from the most abundant 55 kDa fragment revealed that it was a breakdown product of nidogen rather than laminin. In comparison with over 50 nidogen cleavage sites produced by other proteases, the meprin A-induced nidogen cleavage site at amino acid position 899-900, a glutamine-glycine site in the G3 domain, is unique. In addition, these data demonstrate that meprin A degrades the G3 domain of nidogen even in the presence of laminin binding, which usually accords protection from proteolytic degradation. Meprin A also degraded purified nidogen into similar breakdown products. Given that the tubular basement membrane is located on the basilar side of the cell, the location of meprin A on the apical brush border makes it difficult to envision a role for meprin A in injury-induced basement membrane component breakdown. Thus, we examined the possibility that following renal tubular epithelial cell injury, meprin A undergoes a translocation to reach the underlying basement membrane. After renal ischemia-reperfusion there was a marked alteration in meprin A staining with meprin A now distributed throughout the renal tubular cell cytoplasm and directly adherent to the tubular basement membrane. This was in contrast to the usual linear staining of the brush border of tubules in the corticomedullary junction. These data provide unequivocal evidence that following injury, meprin A undergoes redistribution and/or adherence to the tubular basement membrane. Since in our in vitro studies, we identified a distinct meprin-induced 55 kDa nidogen breakdown product, the urine was also examined for the presence of nidogen degradation products after rat renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Western blots showed a marked increase in the urinary 55 kDa nidogen fragment as early as the first day following ischemia-reperfusion injury and continuing for six days. Taken together, these in vivo data strongly support the notion that the nidogen breakdown products are the result of partial degradation of tubular basement membrane by meprin A following renal tubular ischemia-reperfusion injury.  相似文献   
In this study, we elucidate the Fc epsilon RI-mediated Ag uptake and presentation mechanisms of dendritic cells (DC). We found that Fc epsilon RI-bound IgE, after polyvalent but not after monovalent ligation, is efficiently internalized into acidic, proteolytic compartments, degraded, and delivered into organelles containing MHC class II, HLA-DM, and lysosomal proteins. To follow the fate of the fragmented ligand, we sought to interfere with invariant chain (Ii) degradation, a process critical for peptide loading of nascent MHC class II molecules. We found DC to express cathepsin (Cat) S, a cysteine protease involved in Ii processing by B cells. Exposure of DC to a specific, active-site inhibitor of Cat S resulted in the loss of anti-Cat S immunoreactivity, led to the appearance of an N-terminal Ii remnant, and decreased the export of newly synthesized MHC class II to the DC surface. Furthermore, inactivation of Cat S as well as blockade of protein neosynthesis by cycloheximide strongly reduced IgE/Fc epsilon RI-mediated Ag presentation by DC. Thus, multimeric ligands of Fc epsilon RI, instead of being delivered into a recycling MHC class H pathway, are channeled efficiently into MIIC (MHC class II compartment)-like organelles of DC, in which Cat S-dependent Ii processing and peptide loading of newly synthesized MHC class II molecules occur. This IgE/Fc epsilon RI-dependent signaling pathway in DC may be a particularly effective route for immunization and a promising target for interfering with the early steps of allergen presentation.  相似文献   
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