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矿用高强度圆环链及其热处理的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
介绍了矿用高强度圆环链的研究进展,包括链条用钢、热处理技术的发展、链环尺寸形状的优化、链条设计制造及其力学性能的改善等.  相似文献   
The assimilation and subsequent elimination of cobalt‐60 by different marine organisms are affected by the mode of contamination: chronic or acute. Experimental cobalt‐60 Contamination of such organisms varies qualitatively and quantitatively according to whether the pollutant is transferred through the water or through the food. The concentration factor with respect to water, the transfer factor through food and the overall contamination estimate show a decrease for the highest trophic levels.  相似文献   

The paper considers economic effects of increased investment in public transport in Melbourne, based on investment plans of VicRail and the M.M.T.B. over a 5 year period, 1981–5. If the investment were to encourage a shift in patronage from private to public transport, this would change the magnitude of costs associated with passenger transport in Melbourne. Calculations are made of these possible cost savings, given particular levels of shift in patronage. The paper concludes by reviewing the feasibility of achieving given patronage changes.  相似文献   
The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, is a major biofouling pest of water treatment works, irrigation systems and power stations in Europe and North America. This paper documents current problems associated with zebra mussels in English waterworks. Questionnaires and manual surveys conducted between 2001 and 2003 have revealed that over 30 water treatment works in England suffer problems associated with zebra mussels. Hundreds of tonnes of mussels are being removed each year from raw water intakes, pipelines and reservoirs. Problems have increased in. the last five years, due to a spread in the range of zebra mussels around England and the cessation of chemical treatment at the intakes of many treatment facilities during the 1990s. The importance of taking control of zebra mussels into account in planning new water supply schemes is highlighted.  相似文献   
Nextel? 610 alumina fibers and alumina‐YAG (yttrium‐aluminum garnet) matrices were used to make oxide‐oxide ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) with and without monazite (LaPO4) fiber‐matrix interfaces. Twelve sequential aluminum oxychloride (AlOCl) infiltrations with 1 hour heat treatments at 1100°C and a final 1 hour heat treatment at 1200°C were used for matrix densification. This matrix processing sequence severely degraded CMC mechanical properties. CMC tensile strengths and interlaminar tensile (ILT) strengths were less than 10 MPa and 1 MPa, respectively. Axial fracture of Nextel? 610 fibers was observed after ILT testing, highlighting the extreme degradation of fiber strength. Extensive characterization was done to attempt to determine the responsible degradation mechanisms. Changes in Nextel? 610 fiber microstructure after CMC processing were characterized by optical microscopy, SEM, and extensively by TEM. In AlOCl degraded fibers, grain boundaries near the fiber surface were wetted with a glass that contained Y2O3/SiO2 or Y2O3/La2O3/P2O5/SiO2, and near‐surface pores were partially filled with Al2O3. This glass must also contain some Al2O3 and initially some chlorine. AlOCl decomposition products were predicted using the FactSage® Thermochemical code, and were characterized by mass spectrometry. Effects of AlOCl precursors on monazite coated and uncoated Nextel? 610 fibers tow and filament strength were evaluated. A mechanism for the severe degradation of the oxide‐oxide CMCs and Nextel? 610 fibers that involves subcritical crack growth promoted by release of chlorine containing species during breakdown of intergranular glasses in an anhydrous environment is proposed.  相似文献   
Nextel? 610 alumina fibers were heat‐treated at 1100°C–1500°C for 1–100 h in air. Grain size distributions (GSDs) and grain orientation distributions (ODs) with respect to the fiber axis were characterized by analysis of TEM images from longitudinal fiber sections. The 2‐D GSDs and ODs were characterized as ellipses. 3‐D GSDs and ODs were calculated by fitting distributions of oriented oblate ellipsoids to 2‐D GSDs and ODs formed by ellipsoid–section‐plane intersections. The standard deviations (SDs) of log‐normal GSDs consistently increased with grain size, which is not diagnostic of normal grain growth. The grain aspect ratio (α) and the tendency of the short grain axis to orient perpendicular to the fiber axis also increased with grain size, resulting in more textured fibers at larger grain sizes. Average 3‐D grain sizes were larger than 2‐D sizes for GSDs with small SDs, but smaller for GSDs with large SDs because of under sampling of small grains. 3‐D grain growth kinetics had the same 815 kJ/mol activation energy as that found by 2‐D analysis, but the grain growth exponent m of 6.0 was larger and the pre‐exponential factor much smaller. Expressions for 3‐D log‐normal GSDs as a function of heat treatment temperature and time were determined. α‐distributions and ODs were determined as a function of grain size. Methods for determining 3‐D GSDs are discussed.  相似文献   
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