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Given the heightened interest in nutritional aspects of exercise, and an increase in athletic participation by women, it appeared timely to review the nutritional implications of exercise in women. The initial part of this paper contains a compilation of published studies on the nutrient intakes of female athletes. These reveal that most groups of athletes have adequate nutrient intakes, and that their vitamin and mineral intakes appear to be superior to those of nonathletic women. The average energy intake of athletes in studies summarized in this paper was 2069 kcal, and for certain groups of athletes, energy intakes were even lower. How these women manage to train intensely while consuming energy intakes similar to those of sedentary women is not readily apparent, and for this reason, the remainder of the paper discusses energy balance as affected by activity. Methodological considerations related to assessment of the components of the energy balance equation (food intake, energy expenditure, and body energy stores) are presented, with a focus on considerations in women. The effects of activity on each of these components are then discussed in an attempt to determine whether some form of energy conservation may occur. Finally, effects of activity on the menstrual cycle are reviewed. The observed changes are discussed in relation to nutrition 1) in terms of how nutrition may play a role in their causation; and 2) in terms of their nutritional implications for the amenorrheic athlete, specifically as regards energy balance and bone density.  相似文献   
The results of the synthesis of ceramic pigments using coprecipitation of hydroxides and difficultly soluble salts of multivalent metal ions are described. The specifics of the coprecipitation process and the effect of various factors on the production of the initial precipitates for subsequent synthesis of ceramic pigments are analyzed. The technology of pigment production is described. __________ Translated from Steklo i Keramika, No. 6, pp. 37 – 39, June, 2005.  相似文献   
The study suggests improvements in the design of new houses to conserve energy and enhance indoor thermal comfort. Summer temperature records show that a new house has an average indoor temperature of 35°C with the ambient average 31°C. The traditional house in the old city recorded 28°C for the same period. Winter temperatures in both types of houses were similar (12°C) when not occupied. Architectural features of the two houses were compared to identify those responsible for difference in the thermal performance. Larger exposed surface and window areas, higher overall heat transfer coefficient and weaker thermal coupling with the ground for the new houses seems to contribute to their inferior thermal performance.  相似文献   
Equations are proposed for calculating the molar volume of liquid hydrocarbons used in production of surfactants. With such data, it will be possible to calculate most of the physicochemical properties of these hydrocarbons to solve many process problems. __________ Translated from Khimiya i Tekhnologiya Topliv i Masel, No. 6, pp. 39–41, Novemmber–December, 2006.  相似文献   
The contribution of assembled phonology in reading English was examined in the lexical decision task by comparing two markers: regularity effects and phonological priming. Strategic control was assessed by manipulating the phonological lexicality of the foils: Experiment 1 used legal nonwords, whereas Experiment 2 used pseudohomophones. Replicating existing findings, null regularity effects were obtained in the presence of legal nonwords. Modest regularity effects, in accuracy only, were observed with pseudohomophone foils. In contrast, phonological priming effects emerged in each of the experiments, regardless of the presence of regularity effects. Assembled phonology thus constrains reading under conditions that strongly discourage its use. However, regularity effects are not necessary evidence for its presence. The dissociation of regularity and phonological priming effects is discussed in terms of the two-cycles model.  相似文献   
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