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Administered at a suitably low dose, the toxin streptozotocin (STZ) can trigger an autoimmune process leading to destruction of the beta-cells of the pancreatic islets. In this study, we examined specific immunological reactions in mice before and during the development of STZ-induced autoimmune diabetes. We now report that the development of spontaneous autoantibodies to insulin can serve as a marker of susceptibility to a low dose of STZ. Susceptible male mice of the C57BL/KsJ strain manifested such anti-insulin antibodies, and resistant female mice did not. Administration of a low dose of STZ (five daily doses each of 30 mg/kg) induced transient hyperglycemia approximately 20-30 days later, which temporarily remitted but was followed by intractable diabetes approximately 2.5 months later. The diabetogenic process triggered by the low dose of STZ was associated with an increase in the level of anti-insulin antibodies bearing the Dana and Micha (DM) idiotype, later followed by the appearance of anti-idiotypic antibodies that peaked before the onset of diabetes. Antibodies and T-cells reactive to hsp60 (heat shock protein) were triggered by the low-dose STZ administration and persisted throughout the period that preceded clinical diabetes. T-cells reactive to the p277 peptide of hsp60 were also observed. Finally, active immunization to hsp60 caused transient hyperglycemia by itself and also aggravated the hyperglycemia induced by low-dose STZ. Thus, autoantibodies to insulin can indicate susceptibility to a toxic trigger of diabetes, and a low dose of a toxin can activate the insulin and hsp60 autoimmunity that has been detected previously in the spontaneous autoimmune diabetes of NOD strain mice.  相似文献   
The neuropathological and immunocytochemical changes in the sheep forebrain following 7 days of microdialysis, using a catheter approved for human use, are described. There was no behavioural dysfunction and light microscopy revealed mild astrogliosis and patchy macrophage infiltration immediately adjacent to the catheter track. The surrounding neuropil was normal. There was one small subcortical haemorrhage (10 x 1.5 mm). These findings are similar to those following microdialysis in rodents and suggest that the risk of significant damage to the human brain is low, that neuropathological changes in the brain around the catheter should not interfere with local brain metabolism, and that the catheter should be affixed in such a way as to minimize movement-induced damage to the brain.  相似文献   
The CSF half-lives of lipophilic agents, such as quinolones, are similar to those in serum and peak concentrations in CSF are achieved relatively quickly. In contrast, the pharmacokinetics of hydrophilic agents (beta-lactams and vancomycin) in CSF often differ from those in serum. In particular, the half-lives of these agents in CSF tend to be extended, and the time to achieve peak concentrations in CSF is delayed. Hydrophilic antibiotics, such as beta-lactams, penetrate poorly through the BBB, but CSF penetration is significantly increased in the presence of inflammation. In contrast, lipophilic antibiotics, such as quinolones, enter the CSF more efficiently and their penetration is not inflammation dependent. The pharmacodynamic properties of antibiotics in CSF are generally similar to those in other body sites; beta-lactam agents and vancomycin are time-dependent, whereas the quinolones and aminoglycosides are concentration-dependent. However, a notable difference from infections in other sites is that quinolones have a short PAE in CSF and need to continually exceed the MBC for maximal effectiveness. Thus, in CSF, quinolones demonstrate features of both concentration-dependency and time-dependency, evidence that the AUC/MBC is an important predictor of effectiveness. With the exception of quinolones, many antibiotics appear to have prolonged sub-MIC effects and longer half-lives in CSF than in serum, suggesting that dosing intervals longer than those used traditionally would be effective in meningitis. However, this requires clinical verification.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Exogenous antigenic peptides are presented to T cells by class II major histocompatibility complex (Ia) molecules on the surface of antigen-presenting cells. Class II-associated invariant chain (Ii) is also required for effective antigen presentation. Because messenger RNAs (mRNAs) for Ii chain and for class II I-A beta chain appear in the mouse intestinal epithelium after weaning, experiments were conducted to test the effect of age of weaning and diet on the appearance of Ia and Ii mRNA. METHODS: Four litters were split at day 17; one half was weaned and the other remained with the mother until day 24. On day 23, 25, 27, and 29, enterocytes were isolated from full-length small intestine by vascular perfusion with 30 mmol/L ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, and the RNA was extracted. RESULTS: Appearance of Ii and I-A beta was significantly delayed by late weaning, as judged by RNA hybridization blots (Ii chain) and complementary DNA amplification (I-A beta chain). In mice on elemental diets, the appearance of Ii and I-A beta chain was delayed compared with littermates reared on standard chow. Ii mRNA failed to appear in mice maintained on the elemental diet by day 40, despite normal growth. CONCLUSIONS: Appearance of mRNA for both Ia and Ii depends on the introduction of a complex diet and not the "stress" of weaning or elimination of breast milk. Introduction of foreign dietary antigens or development of an altered intestinal flora may contribute to this process.  相似文献   
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) usually occurs in low birth weight infants who have had perinatal stress, and the mortality remains significant. There are a few reports of NEC in the postoperative period, especially in young infants. Nine neonates developed NEC following operations and form the basis of this report. The interval between operation and the diagnosis of NEC varied from 3 days to 4 mo. The surgical lesions included one case each of esophageal atresia, tetralogy of Fallot, supralevator rectal atresia with rectourethral fistula, and multiple intestinal atresias. Three babies had gastroschisis and two had "apple peel" intestinal atresia. Only 3 of the 9 survived. The usual clinical findings of NEC, abdominal distention, bile stained gastric residuals and diarrhea (with or without blood), can occur in the postoperative period without NEC and are, therefore, not reliable diagnostic signs. Significant changes in the clinical course of these babies occurred from 7 hr to 5 days before the diagnosis was established. In these patients the roentgen findings that established the diagnosis of NEC included intestinal ileus, pneumatosis intestinalis, and portal vein gas. Pneumatosis intestinalis and portal vein gas were the most reliable diagnostic signs, but appeared relatively late in the course of the disease. In one case pneumatosis was seen only in retrospect. None of the patients had definite pneumoperitoneum. Awareness of NEC as a potential postoperative complication may result in early recognition, treatment and survival.  相似文献   
By using the arterial and venous phases of an anterior cerebral perfusion study, which showed downward displacement of the sagittal sinus, and the finding of a "rim" on the delayed scans, the specific diagnosis of epidural hematoma was established.  相似文献   
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) of the TE671 cell line were investigated using whole-cell and membrane patch recording techniques. At negative holding potentials (VH), pulses of acetylcholine (ACh) elicited whole-cell inward currents that rapidly desensitized. The EC50 value for ACh at VH = -60 mV was 7.8 microM. The ACh-induced current reversed at approximately 0 mV. Desensitization of nAChR by ACh was biphasic and reversible within approximately 20 sec. Spermine (1-100 microM) potentiated responses to ACh (10 microM - 1 mM) by reducing the rate of onset of desensitization; potentiation was inhibited by arcaine (10-100 microM). Spermine (1 mM) noncompetitively antagonized the AChinduced current. Antagonism by 1 to 5 mM spermine was voltage-dependent, increasing with negative VH. In 100 microM arcaine, this antagonism was shown to contain a voltage-independent component. Spermine (10 mM) increased the EC50 values for ACh, suggesting that at this concentration the polyamine is also a competitive antagonist. Single channel openings elicited during application of ACh to outside-out patches had a conductance of 47 pS at VH = -60 mV. At 10 and 100 microM, spermine increased channel open probability (po), but at 1 mM spermine, po was not significantly different from controls. The single channel conductance for ACh was unaffected by 10 and 100 microM spermine, but was decreased by 1 mM spermine. Spermine promoted the occurrence of approximately 27 pS openings. It is proposed that spermine acts at an excitatory modulatory site similar to that present on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors and at least three inhibitory sites on nAChR of TE671 cells.  相似文献   
The inherent variability of conformational diseases is demonstrated by two families with different mutations of the same conserved aminoacid in antithrombin. Threonine 85 underlies the opening of the main beta-sheet of the molecule and its replacement, by the polar lysine, in antithrombin Wobble, resulted in a plasma deficiency of antithrombin with an uncharacteristically severe onset of thrombosis at 10 years of age, whereas the replacement of the same residue by a nonpolar methionine, antithrombin Wibble, gave near-normal levels of plasma antithrombin and more typical adult thromboembolic disease. Isolated antithrombin Wibble had a decreased thermal stability (Tm 56.2, normal 57.6 degreesC) but was fully stabilized by the heparin pentasaccharide (Tm 71.8, normal 71.0 degreesC), indicating that the prime abnormality is a laxity in the transition of the main sheet of the molecule from the 5- to 6-stranded form, as was confirmed by the ready conversion of antithrombin Wibble to the 6-stranded latent form on incubation. That this transition can occur in vivo was shown by the finding of nearly 10% of the proband's plasma antithrombin in the latent form and also, surprisingly, of small but definitive amounts of latent antithrombin in normal plasma. The latent transition will be predictably accelerated not only by gross mutations, as with antithrombin Wobble, to give severe episodic thrombosis, but also by milder mutations, as with antithrombin Wibble, to trigger thrombosis in the presence of other predisposing factors, including the conformational stress imposed by the raised body temperatures of fevers. Both antithrombin variants had an exceptional (25-fold) increase in heparin affinity and this, together with an increased inhibitory activity against factor Xa, provides evidence of the direct linkage of A-sheet opening to the conformational basis of heparin binding and activation.  相似文献   
Most studies of apoptosis on T lymphocytes have examined the effects of various stimuli on immature T cells from the thymus. Previous work has indicated that apoptosis of mature memory T cells may be an important pathophysiologic mechanism in diseases such as AIDS, cancer, and autoimmunity. The effect of IL-2 on apoptosis of T cells is not clear. Therefore, we studied the ability of IL-2 to rescue Ag-specific T cells from apoptosis. We found that IL-2, in a dose-dependent manner, prevented T cells from entering apoptosis induced by gamma-irradiation, mitomycin C, or dexamethasone. This effect was specific for IL-2; IL-1 beta, IL-6, or IFN-gamma could not reproduce it. In contrast to Ag-specific T cells, immature T cells and naive mature peripheral T cells could not be rescued by IL-2 from radiation-induced apoptosis. Apoptosis rescue by IL-2 was associated with the induction of bcl-2 mRNA and protein. This induction could not be attributed to the effects of IL-2 on the cell cycle, as T cells that were prevented from cell cycle progression by irradiation showed a similar induction of bcl-2. Rescued cells retained their Ag-specific proliferative capacity and in vivo functions. These findings demonstrate that the apoptotic death of Ag-specific T cell lines, cells which can be regarded as a model for memory T cells, can be prevented with IL-2. This effect may have important therapeutic implications for patients receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and for patients with AIDS who develop immunodeficiency primarily as a result of loss of Ag-specific memory T cells.  相似文献   
Recent reports have demonstrated fusion of the TEL gene on 12p13 to the JAK2 gene on 9p24 in human leukemias. Three variants have been identified that fuse the TEL pointed (PNT) domain to (i) the JAK2 JH1-kinase domain, (ii) part of and (iii) all of the JH2 pseudokinase domain. We report that all of the human TEL/JAK2 variants, and a human/mouse chimeric hTEL/mJAK2(JH1) fusion gene, transform the interleukin-3 (IL-3)-dependent murine hematopoietic cell line Ba/F3 to IL-3-independent growth. Transformation requires both the TEL PNT domain and JAK2 kinase activity. Furthermore, all TEL/JAK2 variants strongly activated STAT 5 by phosphotyrosine Western blots and by electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA). Mice (n = 40) transplanted with bone marrow infected with the MSCV retrovirus containing either the hTEL/mJAK2(JH1) fusion or its human counterpart developed a fatal mixed myeloproliferative and T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder with a latency of 2-10 weeks. In contrast, mice transplanted with a TEL/JAK2 mutant lacking the TEL PNT domain (n = 10) or a kinase-inactive TEL/JAK2(JH1) mutant (n = 10) did not develop the disease. We conclude that all human TEL/JAK2 fusion variants are oncoproteins in vitro that strongly activate STAT 5, and cause lethal myelo- and lymphoproliferative syndromes in murine bone marrow transplant models of leukemia.  相似文献   
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