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The present data on the structure and functional features of diphtheria toxin, the main pathogenic factor of diphtheria infection, have been described. Information on the primary and secondary structures and X-ray analysis of this protein is presented and discussed. The structures of catalytic, transmembrane and receptor-binding domains of diphtheria toxin have been considered in detail and the functional roles of some amino-acid residues of these domains have been analyzed.  相似文献   
A model is proposed and well based of structure of the receptor apparatus of interacting HIV target cells: Langerhans cells (LC) and helper cells (HC)--designed to explain feasibility of realizing a double activation signal, together with some features of immune pathogenesis of HIV-infection (morphofunctional abnormalities in certain subpopulations of the immune system such as HC, suppressor cells, killer cells, natural killers, lymph cells, macrophages, LC), as well as immunogenetic predisposition to AIDS.  相似文献   
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