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提出了一种基于数字图像处理及小波神经网络进行燃烧诊断的方法,并将经过训练的小波神经网络应用到锅炉的实时燃烧诊断中.现场实验表明,该方法具有准确、快速的优点,为锅炉安全的运行提供了更为可靠的依据.  相似文献   
The inferior alveolar nerve was cut or the vessels entering the mandibular canal were damaged in 39 guinea pigs at 10 days of age. Possible changes in the incisors were recorded during a 100-day observation period whereafter the animals were killed and the skulls freed of soft tissues; at this time, 35 skulls were found suitable for further examination. The changes in the mandibular incisors on the operated side became observable 30-40 days post-operatively as discolourization, a 'trauma line' around the tooth, narrowing of the tooth or total loss of it's visible part. In the guinea pigs with the nerve cut (group A), such signs of maldevelopment were seen in 5 out of 19 animals, whereas the corresponding figure for the animals with the damaged vessels (group B) was 14/16. All incisors in group A and 13 out of 14 in group B recovered from the state of maldevelopment; one animal in group B showed complete loss of the incisor. The molar region was examined only from the cleaned skulls. In group A, the first molar was deformed in two animals; in group B, seven animals displayed either maldevelopment of the first molar or the first and second molar or complete loss of the first molar. No malformation of the third molar was observed. With two exceptions, the deformation or loss of molars occurred in combination with incisor maldevelopment. The malformations were considered to result from a disturbed blood supply. In group A, the dental changes may perhaps be ascribed to a short-term interference with the blood supply during the operation. The variable results in group B seem to imply that the mandibular teeth receive at least part of their blood supply from vessels besides those entering the mandibular canal. The innervation appears to have a subordinate role in the restoring of the morphology of continuously erupting teeth.  相似文献   
Arterial occlusion of the upper limb did not affect the fibrinolytic activity in the venous blood of that limb; venous occlusion associated with venous distension resulted in a marked rise in activity. Local fibrinolytic activity was increased substantially by active exercise; passive exercise induced a smaller increase. Active exercise undertaken during arterial occlusion did not result in a rise in activator level. It is concluded from these results that blood flow into the venous system rather than accumulation of metabolites is responsible for the increased release of activator into the blood during local exercise and vessel occlusion.  相似文献   
We describe a patient who experienced repeated episodes of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. He was found to have an epileptogenic focus within the right frontal lobe adjacent to a frontal lobe glioma. Subsequent to excision of the tumor, no further attacks have occurred.  相似文献   
The case of a 72-yr-old woman with osteoarthritis of the shoulder, is described. A mixture of crystals of hydroxyapatite and calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate was identified in the joint tissues using analytical electron microscopy and infra-red spectroscopy.  相似文献   
Two hundred and thirty-five entrants into the MRC trial for mild to moderate hypertension were matched with control subjects in order to assess the psychological effects of a screening programme and recruitment into a clinical trial. The prevalence and incidence of psychiatric morbidity among the trial participants were compared with those of the controls by means of responses to a self-administered questionnaire and diagnostic psychiatric interviews. No differences among the groups were shown between screening and entry into the trial, but after entry the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity among the trial participants fell. This was due to a greater improvement of those with psychiatric symptoms at entry in this group, the incidence of new morbidity being similar among the groups.  相似文献   
The particle-size distributions of six types of large-volume parenterals subjected to different degrees of agitation were determined using an automatic particle counter. Data acquired from each solution, which had been maintained in a stored condition, subjected to agitation by inverting 20 times, and then mechanically shaken for 30 min, produced a linear relationship between log N greater than D and log D. Both the slope (K) and the number of particles per milliliter exceeding 1 micrometer in diameter (N greater than 1) exhibited a dependence on the degree of agitation. Their combined effect indicates that agitation by 20 hand inversions removed particulate matter from the surface of the container, which increased the total number of particles in solution (greater than 1 micrometer) but did not significantly alter the relative size distribution. Agitation for 30 min, however, disintegrated agglomerates and produced a particle-size distribution with a greatly increased number of particles whose diameters were less than 1 micrometer and a corresponding decrease in the number of particles exceeding 1 micrometer in diameter. The particle-size distribution of a parenteral solution determined by this in situ instrumental method was, therefore, dependent upon the degree of agitation to which the parenteral was subjected prior to examination.  相似文献   
A multidisciplinary group has designed, fabricated, and evaluated an artificial heart. The heart consists of two smooth-surfaced sac-type pumps, two pneumatic power units, and an electronic control system. The artificial heart has been employed in 22 calves. A variety of problems have been encountered and overcome and a significant improvement in pump design has been made. As a result, a gradual increase in survival times has occurred. The last two calves in which the heart was tested lived for 60 and 42 days respectively. These animals ate well and gained weight. The ability of the control system to balance the output of the two pumps over long periods of time and to automatically increase cardiac output with treadmill exercise has been confirmed. No insurmountable problems in the development of the artificial heart have been identified. The date that an artificial heart will be available for clinical use depends on the availability of funds and on the tenacity of the investigators.  相似文献   
5-Hydroxy-2-piperidino-4,5,6,7-tetrahydroindan (5) and a number of related tetrahydro and dihydro compounds were prepared by selective mono- and dihydroxylation of the dihydro products from the Birch reduction of various alkylaminoalkylindans, tetralins, benzenes, and isoindolines. Some of these compounds showed a remarkably selective inhibition of monosynatpic spinal reflex in the segmental cat preparation.  相似文献   
A 73-year-old housewife with enlargement of her distal right humerus and especially the medial epicondyle due to Paget's disease developed an ulnar nerve palsy. Transposition of her ulnar nerve anterior to her elbow completely relieved her symptoms. A similar case of ulnar nerve palsy associated with expansion of the distal humerus due to Paget's disease seems not to have been previously reported.  相似文献   
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