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Much attention has recently been focused on the question of the extent of heroin use in America. In a worthwhile effort to call public attention to the problem, many estimates of its size have evidenced a tendency toward exaggeration and aggrandizement. This paper presents methods of estimation of the extent of heroin addiction which, when carefully employed, should effectively correct such distorted estimates. Two general types of estimation are employed, incidence and prevalence. Incidence estimates are concerned with new cases of heroin addiction that occur in a specific population within a given amount of time. These estimates are based upon self-report data from addicts regarding date of first addiction. When corrected for the "lag phase" (that period of time between onset of first addiction and eventual visit to a treatment program), these data permit accurate retrospective charting of incidence trends. Prevalence estimates focus on all known cases of heroin addiction in a specific population within a given amount of time. Three separate types of prevalence estimates from three separate sources are outlined in this article: estimates based on overdose death data, estimates based on crime statistics, and estimates of "unknown" addicts. In outlining these methods, this article describes the fluctuations in heroin addiction in one major American city, San Francisco, California. After analyzing data gathered from a sample of 2,367 addicts contacted over a 3-year period, this study suggests that the incidence of heroin addiction seems to have declined after 1970. Possible factors underlying this apparent decline in heroin addiction are then discussed, including the post-1970 maturation of the "population at risk," the effectiveness of antidrug media messages, the changing drug fashions in the heroin subculture, and the gradual deterioration of the quality and potency of street heroin.  相似文献   
The present study is an experimental analysis of music preference as a factor of music distraction measured by the Stroop tests. Significant differences were found amoung groups given, most preferred music, least preferred music, and no music (quiet). Each group of 10 subjects were randomly chosen from 42 screened subjects. Performance was better without music and better with most preferred than with least preferred music. The results were not consistent with those previously found for the effects of noise upon Stroop test performance.  相似文献   
Many mammalian species display seasonal breeding patterns correlated with annual cycles of change in the physiology and morphology of the reproductive system. Such annual reproductive cycles are often photoperiodically controlled (i.e, the annual change in day length determines when reproductive activity begins and when it ends within the annual cycle). Photoperiodic control of seasonally appropriate changes in reproductive activity is dependent on an endogenous time measuring process. Among mammals the physiological basis of photoperiodic time measurement has been studied most extensively in the golden hamster. Studies with this species indicate that photoperiodic time measurement is executed by the circadian system. The time measuring process depends on a circadian oscillation of responsiveness to light with properties similar to those of the hypothetical rhythm originally proposed by Bünning to explain photoperiodic phenomena in plants. The available evidence strongly suggests the participation of the pineal gland and the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the photoperiodic regulation of mammalian reproductive cycles. However, little is known regarding concrete physiological mechanisms, and the extent to which the SCN and the pineal gland may participate in the time measuring process per se remains to be determined.  相似文献   
A taste cell mucosal surface is regarded as a planar region containing bound anionic sites and openings to ionic channels. It is assumed that the bulk aqueous properties of the exterior phase are not continuous with the surface but terminate at a plane near the surface. The region between the (Stern) plane and the membrane is regarded as having a lower dielectric constant than bulk water. This fact admits the possibility of ion pair formation between fixed sites and mobile cations. Mobile ion pairs entering the region may also bind to a fixed anionic site. Thus, it is assumed that mobile cations and ion pairs are potential determining species at the surface. Binding cations neutralizes surface charges, whereas binding mobile ion pairs does not. This competition accounts for the observed anion effect on stimulation of tast receptors by sodium salts. The potential profile is constructed by superimposing the phase boundary potentials with an ionic diffusion potential across the membrane. The model accounts for the anion effect on receptor potential, pH effects, the reversal of polarity when cells are treated with FeCl3, and the so-called "water reponse," depolarization of the taste cell upon dilution of the stimulant solution below a critical lower limit. The proposed model does not require both bound cationic and anionic receptors, and further suggests that limited access to a Stern-like region continuous with membrane channels may generally serve to control transport of ions.  相似文献   
A questionnaire study covering all major population areas in the United States indicated that pediatric surgeons and potentially capable hospitals are already well-distributed throughout the country. The estimation of need for pediatric surgeons based on the area questionnaires is close to the present number of surgeons. A computer analysis was made to project numbers of pediatric surgeons per unit population to the year 2000 with differing levels of trainee output. The study indicates that 14-15 training programs are sufficient to allow for slow, modest growth of the specialty if current population trends continue.  相似文献   
A single intravenous injection of 4-hydroxyaminoquinoline-1-oxide (4HAQO) to rats induces multiple atypical acinar cell nodules in the pancreas. In this study, the ultrastructure of cells in these nodules was examined at 6, 9, and 12 months, and the features were compared to those of developing embryonal pancreas. The cells in the nodules are exocrine acinar cells in type and exhibited several features which distinguish them from the nonnodular acinar cells. Irregular nuclear shape with enlarged nucleoli was frequently observed. Zymogen granules in the nodular cells appeared as vesicles with contents of extreme electrom lucency and their ultrastructural appearance was similar to those of developing embryonic pancreatic acinar cells at 16 and 18 days of gestation. At the cell periphery, the lateral cell membrane showed bizarre interdigitation and the ectoplasm showed hyaloplasmic rarefaction. These findings indicate that the acinar cell nodules induced by 4-hydroxyaminoquinoline-1-oxide are composed of a new population of phenotypically altered acinar cells showing nuclear abnormalities, modified cell to cell interaction, and a possible defect in synthesis and/or maturation of secretory enzymes. The latter may indicate an arrest in the differentiation of acinar cells. The significance of these findings is discusses, and it is suggested that the atypical nodules in the pancreas induced by 4-hydroxyaminoquinoline-1-oxide may represent early neoplastic foci.  相似文献   
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