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Multiple-context processors provide register resources that allow rapid context switching between several threads as a means of tolerating long communication and synchronization latencies. When scheduling threads on such a processor, we must first decide which threads should have their state loaded into the multiple contexts, and second, which loaded thread is to execute instructions at any given time. In this paper we show that both decisions are important, and that incorrect choices can lead to serious performance degradation. We propose thread prioritization as a means of guiding both levels of scheduling. Each thread has a priority that can change dynamically, and that the scheduler uses to allocate as many computation resources as possible to critical threads. We briefly describe its implementation, and we show simulation performance results for a number of simple benchmarks in which synchronization performance is critical.  相似文献   
For measuring the velocities in a fluctuating fluid flow, the new Disa 56C00 multichannel constant-temperature anemometer system can be used with the 56N00 signal analysis equipment to provide a digital output of mean, root mean square or correlation values. A simple interface arrangement and appropriate software control for reading data directly into an Apple II computer are described. With these the subsequent calculation of derived parameters, such as displacement and momentum thickness of boundary layers and turbulence intensity, can be quickly and easily completed.  相似文献   
The portability of software has become a major commercial issue in recent times. Such portability does not come easily, as few if any computer languages are really portable in practice. An additional complicating factor, especially in the commercial environment, is that the resulting software must be efficient. This paper describes the design and successful implementation of a 500,000+ line portable FORTRAN 77 package for the processing of seismic data. The package exhibits demonstrably high efficiency on a wide variety of machines from minicomputers to the largest supercomputers. Experiences gained during this exercise throw much light on the integration of the various thought processes which occur during the software engineering cycle, especially the notion of locality.  相似文献   
Virtual Reality - Stroke rehabilitation suffers from low levels of patient engagement, impeding recovery. Virtual rehabilitation (VR) approaches can improve patient outcomes; however, there is...  相似文献   
One's model of skill determines what one expects from neural network modelling and how one proposes to go about enhancing expertise. We view skill acquisition as a progression from acting on the basis of a rough theory of a domain in terms of facts and rules to being able to respond appropriately to the current situation on the basis of neuron connections changed by the results of responses to the relevant aspects of many past situations. Viewing skill acquisition in this ways suggests how one can avoid the problem currently facing AI of how to train a network to make human-like generalizations. In training a network one must progress, as the human learner does, from rules and facts to wholistic responses. As to future work, from our perspective one should not try to enhance expertise as in traditional AI by attempting to construct improved theories of a domain, but rather by improving the learner's access to the relevant aspects of a domain so as to facilitate learning from experience.  相似文献   
The MSMIE protocol [SBC89] allows processors in a distributed system to communicate via shared memory. It was designed to meet the reliability and efficiency needs of applications such as nuclear safety systems. We present a formal model of the MSMIE protocol expressed in the notation CCS. Desirable properties of the protocol are expressed in the modal mu-calculus, an expressive modal logic. We show that the protocol lacks an important liveness property. In actual operation, additional operating constraints are checked to avoid potential problems. We present a modified protocol and show that it possesses the liveness property even without checking operating constraints. We also show how parts of the analysis were automated with the Concurrency Workbench.  相似文献   
Algorithms that have been used on a routine basis for remote sensing of the phytoplankton pigment, chlorophyll- a, from ocean colour data from satellite sensors such as the CZCS (Coastal Zone Color Scanner), SeaWiFS (Sea Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor) and OCTS (Ocean Colour and Temperature Scanner) are all of an empirical nature. However, there exist theoretical models that allow ocean colour to be expressed as a function of the inherent optical properties of seawater, such as the absorption coefficient and the backscattering coefficient. These properties can in turn be expressed as functions of chlorophyll- a, at least for the so-called Case 1 waters in which phytoplankton may be considered to be the single, independent variable responsible for most of the variations in the marine optical properties. Here, we use such a theoretical approach to model variations in ocean colour as a function of chlorophyll- a concentration, and compare the results with some empirical models in routine use. The parameters of phytoplankton absorption necessary for the implementation of the ocean colour model are derived from our database of over 700 observations of phytoplankton absorption spectra and concurrent measurements of phytoplankton pigments by HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) techniques. Since there are reports in the literature that significant differences exist in the performance of the algorithms in polar regions compared with lower latitudes, the model is first implemented using observations made at latitudes less than 50. It is then applied to the Labrador Sea, a high-latitude environment. Our results show that there are indeed differences in the performance of the algorithm at high latitudes, and that these differences may be attributed to changes in the optical characteristics of phytoplankton that accompany changes in the taxonomic composition of their assemblages. The sensitivities of the model to assumptions made regarding absorption by coloured dissolved organic matter (or yellow substances) and backscattering by particles are examined. The importance of Raman scattering on ocean colour and its influence on the algorithms are also investigated.  相似文献   
Abstract. A new hybrid classifier is proposed which utilizes the advantages of the maximum likelihood classifier and the parallelepiped classifier. The new hybrid classifier reduces the processing time more substantially than the conventional one by introducing a lower boundary for each class. The rate of misclassification is comparable to that of maximum likelihood classifier. Performance of the conventional and the new method are compared by an example.  相似文献   
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