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Renderings of animation sequences with physics‐based Monte Carlo light transport simulations are exceedingly costly to generate frame‐by‐frame, yet much of this computation is highly redundant due to the strong coherence in space, time and among samples. A promising approach pursued in prior work entails subsampling the sequence in space, time, and number of samples, followed by image‐based spatio‐temporal upsampling and denoising. These methods can provide significant performance gains, though major issues remain: firstly, in a multiple scattering simulation, the final pixel color is the composite of many different light transport phenomena, and this conflicting information causes artifacts in image‐based methods. Secondly, motion vectors are needed to establish correspondence between the pixels in different frames, but it is unclear how to obtain them for most kinds of light paths (e.g. an object seen through a curved glass panel). To reduce these ambiguities, we propose a general decomposition framework, where the final pixel color is separated into components corresponding to disjoint subsets of the space of light paths. Each component is accompanied by motion vectors and other auxiliary features such as reflectance and surface normals. The motion vectors of specular paths are computed using a temporal extension of manifold exploration and the remaining components use a specialized variant of optical flow. Our experiments show that this decomposition leads to significant improvements in three image‐based applications: denoising, spatial upsampling, and temporal interpolation.  相似文献   
We present an efficient method for importance sampling the product of multiple functions. Our algorithm computes a quick approximation of the product on the fly, based on hierarchical representations of the local maxima and averages of the individual terms. Samples are generated by exploiting the hierarchical properties of many low-discrepancy sequences, and thresholded against the estimated product. We evaluate direct illumination by sampling the triple product of environment map lighting, surface reflectance, and a visibility function estimated per pixel. Our results show considerable noise reduction compared to existing state-of-the-art methods using only the product of lighting and BRDF.  相似文献   
The mating of a fly   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Courtship in Drosophila is influenced by a wide variety of genes, in that many different kinds of pleiotropic mutations lead to defective courtship. This may seem to be a truism, but the broad temporal and spatial expression of most of the fly's "neuro genes" makes it difficult to exclude elements of such genes' actions as materially underlying reproductive behavior. "Courtship genes" that seem to play more particular roles were originally identified as sensory, learning, or rhythm mutations; their reproductive abnormalities have been especially informative for revealing components of male or female actions that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. Further behavioral mutations seemed originally to be courtship-specific, turned out not to have that property, and have led to a broadened perspective on the nature and action of Drosophila's sex-determination genes.  相似文献   
Gastric ulcer in swine is characterized by an area of acid-peptic digestion, occurs usually in the pars oesophagea of the stomach, and has unknown etiopathogenesis. The present work was carried out to investigate the prevalence of the newly described spiral-shaped microorganism Gastrospirillum sp. ("Gastrospirillum suis") in stomachs of abattoir pigs with and without gastric ulcer. Stomachs were removed from 32 consecutive pigs presenting apparently normal mucosa and from 32 additional consecutive pigs presenting frank, chronic gastric ulcer of the pars oesophagea. Fragments of antral, oxyntic, cardiac and pars oesophagea regions were taken from each stomach and processed for histology and for identification of Gastrospirillum sp. in tissue sections. The microorganisms were identified mainly in the mucous layer and in gastric foveolas of the antral and oxyntic mucosa. Forty pigs (62.5%) were positive for Gastrospirillum sp.; among them, 27 (67.5%) had gastric ulcer, and 13 (32.5%) had no ulcer. Twenty-four pigs (37.5%) were negative for Gastrospirillum sp.; among them, five (20.8%) presented with gastric ulcer, and 19 (79.2%) had no ulcer. There was a significant difference between pigs with and without gastric ulcer in regard to the presence of Gastrospirillum sp. (P < 0.01). The spiral-shaped microorganism Gastrospirillum sp. that inhabits the stomach of pigs should be considered a possible factor connected with the etiopathogenesis of swine gastric ulcer.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Post-polio subjects experience functional deterioration many years after developing acute poliomyelitis and have been shown previously to have a deficit in strength recovery after isometric activity. This study characterized the size and stability of the motor units in a group of post-polio subjects with macro and single fiber electromyography (EMG) and correlated these variables with isometric strength, endurance, "work capacity," and strength recovery after fatiguing isometric exercise. DESIGN: A cohort of 12 post-polio subjects was tested for neuromuscular function. Electromyographic variables were determined on a separate day. SETTING: Volunteers were recruited from the community and tested in our neuromuscular research laboratory. SUBJECTS: A volunteer sample was obtained from advertisements. All subjects acknowledged post-polio syndrome symptoms. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Neuromuscular variables were isometric knee extension peak torque, endurance (time to exhaustion) at 40% of maximal torque, tension time index, and recovery of torque at 10 minutes. Electromyographic variables were macro EMG and single fiber EMG (percent blocking and jitter). RESULTS: Macro EMG amplitude was ninefold the control value, and both jitter and blocking were greatly increased in comparison to control values. Isometric strength significantly (p < .05) correlated negatively with macro EMG amplitude. CONCLUSIONS: The weakest subjects had the greatest number of muscle fibers within the motor unit (as measured by macro EMG amplitude). Jitter and blocking did not correlate with neuromuscular function.  相似文献   
The combination of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE), computer image analysis and several protein identification techniques allowed the Escherichia coli SWISS-2DPAGE database to be established. This is part of the ExPASy molecular biology server accessible through the WWW at the URL address http://www.expasy.ch/ch2d/ch2d-top.html . Here we report recent progress in the development of the E. coli SWISS-2DPAGE database. Proteins were separated with immobilized pH gradients in the first dimension and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the second dimension. To increase the resolution of the separation and thus the number of identified proteins, a variety of wide and narrow range immobilized pH gradients were used in the first dimension. Micropreparative gels were electroblotted onto polyvinylidene difluoride membranes and spots were visualized by amido black staining. Protein identification techniques such as amino acid composition analysis, gel comparison and microsequencing were used, as well as a recently described Edman "sequence tag" approach. Some of the above identification techniques were coupled with database searching tools. Currently 231 polypeptides are identified on the E. coli SWISS-2DPAGE map: 64 have been identified by N-terminal microsequencing, 39 by amino acid composition, and 82 by sequence tag. Of 153 proteins putatively identified by gel comparison, 65 have been confirmed. Many proteins have been identified using more than one technique. Faster progress in the E. coli proteome project will now be possible with advances in biochemical methodology and with the completion of the entire E. coli genome.  相似文献   
Rhabdoid tumor is a well-accepted clincopathologic entity among childhood renal neoplasms; similar tumors have been described in extrarenal locations. We present the clinicopathologic profile and the immunohistochemical features of a series of soft tissue rhabdoid tumors. Twenty-eight cases coded as extrarenal rhabdoid tumor (ERRT), RT, possible ERRT, and "large cell sarcoma" were retrieved from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology soft tissue registry. The tumors were reclassified according to strict criteria by light microscopy, clinical information, immunohistochemistry, and, in some cases, electron microscopy. Soft tissue rhabdoid tumor (STRT) was defined as (1) a tumor composed of noncohesive single cells, clusters, or sheets of large tumor cells with abundant glassy eosinophilic cytoplasm, an eccentric vesicular nucleus, and an extremely large nucleolus; (2) positivity for vimentin and/or cytokeratin or other epithelial markers by immunostaining; and (3) exclusion of other tumor types with rhabdoid inclusions (melanoma, other sarcomas, carcinoma). Eighteen cases met our criteria for soft tissue rhabdoid tumors. The median patient age was 13 years (range, 6 months to 56 years). Ninety-four percent of STRT cases were positive for vimentin and 59% for pan-cytokeratin. Sixty-three percent and 60% were positive for CAM 5.2 and EMA, respectively. Seventy-nine percent stained for at least one epithelial marker; 76% stained for both vimentin and epithelial markers simultaneously. Forty-two percent stained for MSA, and 14% for CEA and SMA. CD99, synaptophysin, CD57 (Leu-7), NSE, and focal S100 protein were identified in 75%, 66%, 56%, 54%, and 31% of the STRT cases, respectively. All STRT cases examined were negative for HMB-45, chromogranin, BER-EP4, desmin, myoglobin, CD34, and GFAP. Follow-up examination in 61% of the STRT patients revealed that 64% of patients died of disease within a median follow-up interval of 19 months (range, 4 months to 5 years); 82% had metastases to lung, lymph nodes, or liver; 22% had local recurrences before metastasis; and 18% were alive without known disease status (median, 5.5 years). Soft tissue rhabdoid tumor is a highly aggressive sarcoma, predominantly of childhood. Besides having nearly consistent coexpression of vimentin and epithelial markers, STRTs show positivity for multiple neural/neuroectodermal markers that overlap with those of primitive neuroectodermal tumor.  相似文献   
Characterization of cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses to tumor antigens has been impeded by a lack of direct assays of CTL activity. We have synthesized reagents ("tetramers") that specifically stain CTLs recognizing melanoma antigens. Tetramer staining of tumor-infiltrated lymph nodes ex vivo revealed high frequencies of tumor-specific CTLs which were antigen-experienced by surface phenotype. In vitro culture of lymph node cells with cytokines resulted in very large expansions of tumor-specific CTLs that were dependent on the presence of tumor cells in the lymph nodes. Tetramer-guided sorting by flow cytometer allowed isolation of melanoma-specific CTLs and confirmation of their specificity and their ability to lyse autologous tumor cells. Our results demonstrate the value of these novel reagents for monitoring tumor-specific CTL responses and for generating CTLs for adoptive immunotherapy. These data also indicate that strong CTL responses to melanoma often occur in vivo, and that the reactive CTLs have substantial proliferative and tumoricidal potential.  相似文献   
A cell line that produces an autoantibody specific for DNA quadruplex structures has been isolated and cloned from a hybridoma library derived from 3-month-old nonimmunized autoimmune, immunodeficient "viable motheaten" mice. This antibody has been tested extensively in vitro and found to bind specifically to DNA quadruplex structures formed by two biologically relevant sequence motifs. Scatchard and nonlinear regression analyses using both one- and two-site models were used to derive association constants for the antibody-DNA binding reactions. In both cases, quadruplexes had higher association constants than triplex and duplex molecules. The anti-quadruplex antibody binds to the quadruplex formed by the promoter-region-derived oligonucleotide d(CGCG4GCG) (Ka = 3.3 x 10(6) M-1), and has enhanced affinity for telomere-derived quadruplexes formed by the oligonucleotides d(TG4) and d(T2G4T2G4T2G4T2G4) (Ka = 5.38 x 10(6) and 1.66 x 10(7) M-1, respectively). The antibody binds both types of quadruplexes but has preferential affinity for the parallel four-stranded structure. In vitro radioimmunofilter binding experiments demonstrated that purified anti-DNA quadruplex antibodies from anti-quadruplex antibody-producing tissue culture supernatants have at least 10-fold higher affinity for quadruplexes than for triplex and duplex DNA structures of similar base composition and length. The antibody binds intramolecular DNA triplexes formed by d(G4T3G4T3C4) and d(C4T3G4T3G4), and the duplex d(CGCGCGCGCG)2 with an affinities of 6. 76 x 10(5), 5.59 x 10(5), and 8.26 x 10(5) M-1, respectively. Competition experiments showed that melted quadruplexes are not effective competitors for antibody binding when compared to native structures, confirming that the quadruplex is bound structure-specifically. To our knowledge, this is the first immunological reagent known to specifically recognize quadruplex structures. Subsequent sequence analysis demonstrates homologies between the antibody complementarity determining regions and sequences from Myb family telomere binding proteins, which are hypothesized to control cell aging via telomeric DNA interactions. The presence of this antibody in the autoimmune repertoire suggests a possible linkage between autoimmunity, telomeric DNA binding proteins, and aging.  相似文献   
Whereas most liver resections can be performed within 60 min, the period of vascular clamping and resulting ischemia may prove too short to allow complex major liver resections (MLR) especially on diseased livers. To overcome this problem, cooling of the liver with 4 degrees C preservations solution routinely used in liver transplantation may be used in three different approaches to MLR: I "In situ": the liver remains in the abdomen and integrity of afferent and efferent vessels is conserved. II "Ex situ-in vivo": the liver exteriorized from the abdomen by transecting all hepatic veins, remains connected to the porta hepatis. III "Ex vivo": the liver being removed from the abdomen, the MLR is performed extracorporeally. Of 15 MLR reported here, 11 were performed "in situ" and 4 "ex situ-in vivo"/Nowadays, the liver surgeon's "toolbox" must contain hypothermic liver perfusion. In carefully selected cases, these techniques allow MLR on diseases livers or mandating complex vascular procedures.  相似文献   
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