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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Experience with recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) in the treatment of the anemia secondary to myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia (MMM) is slight up to now. We present our results of the treatment of 6 patients and a review of the literature in search of possible parameters predicting response to this treatment. DESIGN AND METHODS: From January 1994 to June 1996 all transfusion-dependent patients with MMM diagnosed in our hospital were included in this study. We established a minimum period of 4 weeks of treatment and a maximum of 12 if no response was observed. Initial dosages used were 100 U/kg s.c. 3 times weekly, increasing by 50 U/kg every 4 weeks where no response was observed. Response was defined as a reduction > or = 30% of the previous transfusional needs. The review of the literature was made using a MEDLINE search (January 1990-December 1996) on the keywords erythropoietin, myelofibrosis, and agnogenic myeloid metaplasia. A statistical study was made in search of possible parameters to predict response. The parameters studied include age, sex, hemoglobin, serum erythropoietin (sEPO) levels, transfusional dependency, transfusional requirements per month prior to treatment, maximum dosages used and dosage at which response was obtained. RESULTS: Only 2 of our 6 patients responded, both at a dosage of 600 U/kg/week (200 U/kg 3 times weekly s.c.). In addition to our 6 patients we have found only 28 other patients in the literature. For statistical calculation 2 of our patients were not considered as they did not complete the period of study. The overall rate of response was 17/32 (53.1%). In the univariate analysis comparing responders and non-responders we found a tendency to significance with respect to sex (p = 0.07), sEPO (p = 0.07) and transfusional needs in units of packed red blood cells per month (PRBC/m) (p = 0.13). In this way patients with low sEPO, females and those with low transfusional needs (< 3 PRBC/m) respond better. This better response in females could be explained by the fact that their disease situation was more stable (with both lower sEPO levels and transfusional dependency). The best cut-off point in the sEPO to predict response was 123 mU/mL. No important side-effects have been observed except three cases of aggravation of splenomegaly. In two cases this condition improved when the rHuEPO was discontinued. The association of rHuEPO with hydroxyurea or interferon does not seem to affect the response. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS: Though the number of patients is low, our data suggest that some MMM patients, in particular females and individuals with low sEPO levels and with low transfusional needs, might benefit from rHuEPO in terms of elevation of hemoglobin levels. Unfortunately, transfusion dependent-patients, i.e. those in whom a beneficial effect of rHuEPO would be most welcome, are unlikely to respond, and more generally, treatment is not cost effective in medically responsive patients.  相似文献   
This report provides an overview of the criminal forensic mental health system in Great Britain, that is England and Wales. The report is based on the author's participant observation as a visiting consultant psychiatrist at a regional forensic facility in Manchester, England during early 1994. British law casts a net over a wider population of forensic patients than does U.S. law. There is a forensic care system in the British National Health Service that is parallel to and independent of the general psychiatric care system. The forensic system provides continuity of care from prison through maximum security hospitals to regional medium secure facilities, and finally, into the community. Community care is provided by psychiatrists and social workers and, if necessary, by psychiatric nurses. This system appears to provide effective treatment for persons with major mental disorders and histories of violence. Differences between Britain and the United States in philosophy of government, in law, and in forensic training and practice are discussed. The fundamental difference is a greater British belief in the capacity of government to act in the best interests of the individual. Current problems in the British health care system and plans to privatize some services are also discussed.  相似文献   
Using serial metabolic balance techniques, the absorption and retention of calcium and the absorption of fat have beem measured over the first 30 to 70 days of life in 11 preterm and 2 full-term light-for-dates infants. They were fed either full-cream cow's milk, half-skimmed cow's milk, the proprietary filled milk S.M.A., or breast milk. The values for calcium intake, absorption and retention were compared with the rate of accumulation of calcium by the fetus in utero, which was calculated from published data on the chemical composition of fetal bodies. Infants fed breast milk had an absolute dietary deficiency of calcium. Those fed other milks ingested sufficient but they did not absorb enough. Though calcium absorption increased with increasing postnatal age, intrauterine rates of calcium retention were never achieved on any of the milks. The average retention of calcium by preterm infants as a percentage of intrauterine accumulation was, for cow's milk 38%, for S.M.A. 27%, and for breast milk 17%. The full-term light-for- dates infants absorbed and retained more calcium than the preterm infants; it was on average 52% of the amount accumulated by the human fetus for an equivalent weight gain. The average absorption of fat by preterm infants was, from the cow's milk preparations 55%, from S.M.A. 61%, and from breast milk 84%. The light-for-dates infants absorbed on average 87% of the breast milk fat. There was no evidence that the amount of calcium absorbed was materially influenced by fat malabsorption. The principal determinants of the amount of calcium absorbed were the length of gestation and postnatal age of the infant.  相似文献   
Clinical pathologies with unusually high morbidities in alcoholic populations were analyzed to determine their capacity to diagnose alcoholism. On the basis of five systemic variables it was possible to diagnose correctly nearly 75% of alcoholic and matched control subjects.  相似文献   
Considers ethical questions raised by the psychotherapeutic treatment of a highly religious person to be specific instances of general issues in the conduct of psychotherapy. It is stressed that the therapist has a responsibility to insure that the consent of the client is obtained under conditions of full information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
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