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Direct measurements of total reaction cross sections (sigma R) have been performed in the energy range of 10-300 MeV/nucleon for heavy ion collisions. A decrease of sigma R with increasing energy was observed for a wide range of masses of the colliding systems. The data suggest that sigma R reaches a minimum located around 300 MeV/nucleon independently of the projectile target combination. A dependence of sigma R on mass asymmetry of the svstem is also demonstrated. Trends of sigma R in this energy range are well reproduced by the predictions of a simple microscopic model based on individual nucleon-nucleon collisions. Our data have been employed in this framework to derive a new semi-empirical parametrization of sigma R. Most of the experimental results in the intermediate and high energy range have been reproduced by this parametrization using a single energy-dependent parameter.  相似文献   
Gemcitabine (dFdC), a deoxycitidine nucleoside analogue, inhibits DNA synthesis and repair of radiation-induced chromosome breaks in vitro, radiosensitizes various human and mouse cells in vitro and shows clinical activity in several tumours. Limited data are however available on the effect of dFdC on normal tissue radiotolerance and on factors associated with dFdC's radiosensitization in vivo. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of dFdC on mouse jejunum radiosensitization and to investigate the kinetics of DNA synthesis inhibition and cell cycle redistribution in the jejunal crypts as surrogates of radiosensitization in vivo. For assessment of jejunum tolerance, the mice were irradiated on the whole body with 60Co gamma rays (3.5-18 Gy single dose) with or without prior administration of dFdC (150 mg kg-1). Jejunum tolerance was evaluated by the number of regenerated crypts per circumference at 86 h after irradiation. For pharmacodynamic studies, dFdC (150 or 600 mg kg-1) was given i.p. and jejunum was harvested at various times (0-48 h), preceded by a pulse BrdUrd labelling. Labelled cells were detected by immunohistochemistry on paraffin-embedded sections. DNA synthesis was inhibited within 3 h after dFdC administration. After an early wave of apoptosis (3-6 h), DNA synthesis recovered by 6 h, and crypt cells became synchronized. At 48 h, the labelling index returned almost to background level. At a level of 40 regenerated crypts, radiosensitization was observed for a 3 h time interval (dose modification factor of 1.3) and was associated with DNA synthesis inhibition, whereas a slight radioprotection was observed for a 48-h time interval (dose modification factor of 0.9) when DNA synthesis has reinitiated. In conclusion, dFdC altered the radioresponse of the mouse jejunum in a schedule-dependent fashion. Our data tend to support the hypothesis that DNA synthesis inhibition and cell cycle redistribution are surrogates for radiosensitization. More data points are however required before a definite conclusion can be drawn.  相似文献   
A study on the effect of nalidixic acid on macromolecular metabolism, particularly of protein, in Tetrahymena pyriformis was performed. It was shown that the compound is a potent inhibitor of deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid, and protein synthesis for this organism. A conspicuous breakdown of polysomes, accompanied by the accumulation of 80S ribosomes, occurred in cells incubated for 10 min with the drug; polysome formation was prevented. The accumulating 80S particles were shown to be run-off ribosomal units. The incorporation of amino acids by a cell-free system is not affected by nalidixic acid. In nonproliferating cells the incorporation was also not prevented, unless the cells were previously incubated with the drug. These results are discussed in terms of the possible mechanism of action of nalidixic acid in T. pyriformis.  相似文献   
We investigated the inflammatory response in pigs exposed to salmon fibrinogen/thrombin dressings. Animals were exposed to the material in 3 ways: (a) thrombin and fibrinogen were injected intravenously, (b) dual full-thickness skin lesions were surgically created on the dorsal aspect of the swine and treated with the fibrinogen/thrombin bandage and a commercial bandage or (c) a fibrinogen/thrombin bandage was inserted through an abdominal incision into the peritoneal cavity. Blood was collected twice weekly and animals were sacrificed at 7, 10 or 28 days. Animals in the 28-day dermal lesion group were given an injection of salmon fibrinogen/thrombin at the 10 day point to simulate a second bandage application. The immune response manifested itself as induction of germinal centers in mesenteric lymph nodes and in the white pulp of the spleen. Examination of the histology of the skin and organs showed a cellular inflammatory response with granulation tissue and signs of edema that resolved by the 28-day stage. Antibodies reactive to salmon and human thrombin and fibrinogen were detected, but fibrinogen levels and coagulation processes were not affected. In conclusion, animals treated with salmon fibrinogen/thrombin bandages demonstrated a smooth recovery course in terms of both tissue healing and the immune response without adverse effects from the exposure to the fish proteins.  相似文献   
On the learning control of a robot manipulator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper derives a learning control law to achieve trajectory following for a robot manipulator. The controller consists of two parts, a computed torque servo for the rigid body terms that can be modelled and a learning law for the unmodelled dynamics. An advantage of this method is that bounds can be assigned to the position and velocity tracking errors.  相似文献   
We show that a hierarchical Bayesian modeling approach allows us to perform regularization in sequential learning. We identify three inference levels within this hierarchy: model selection, parameter estimation, and noise estimation. In environments where data arrive sequentially, techniques such as cross validation to achieve regularization or model selection are not possible. The Bayesian approach, with extended Kalman filtering at the parameter estimation level, allows for regularization within a minimum variance framework. A multilayer perceptron is used to generate the extended Kalman filter nonlinear measurements mapping. We describe several algorithms at the noise estimation level that allow us to implement on-line regularization. We also show the theoretical links between adaptive noise estimation in extended Kalman filtering, multiple adaptive learning rates, and multiple smoothing regularization coefficients.  相似文献   
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