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Dosages of 20 and 10 ppm methylmercury were toxic to rabbits while 1 ppm did not produce clinical signs or death. Serum alkaline phosphatase levels were elevated in all rabbits exposed to methylmercury. Methylmercury-exposed rabbits challenged to A/PR8 influenza virus had hemagglutination inhibition titers as much as four times lower than those of controls. Histopathologic lesions were found in the cerebellum of rabbits that died. The most significant features of this study were that methylmercury chloride suppressed the humoral immune system and resulted in increased serum alkaline phosphatase levels, which may aid in diagnosis when methylmercury poisoning is suspected.  相似文献   
Several viral isolates from ticks (Ornithodoros coriaceus) and from the blood of cattle which aborted after exposure to these ticks were found to be identical by reciprocal cross serum-neutralization tests. Characterization studies indicate that the virus is a member of the Togaviridae family, although specific identification is still incomplete. Whether its natural host is the tick or bovine animals is also unknown. Pregnant cows inoculated with the agent by all conventional parenteral routes, including intrafetal, delivered healthy calves at term. It was concluded, therefore, that it was not a bovine pathogen and that the abortions which occurred after tick-exposure were due to a 2nd agent in O coriaceus ticks which also harbor the virus. While several ciruses believed to be tick-borne have been isolated from cattle in various parts of the world, it is believed that the present report describes the first isolation in the Western Hemisphere for a viral agent from Argasid ticks which has been demonstrated to replicate in cattle.  相似文献   
Chemical models for coupling oxidation to phosphorylation are summarized and examined both from the standpoint of organic reaction mechanisms and with respect to their relevance to mitochondria and chloroplasts. In order to accelerate the progress of our research in bioenergetics, it is suggested to focus at least as much attention on structural biochemistry as on phenomenological observations of energy-transducing membranes.  相似文献   
This paper outlines a computerized system for monitoring physiological functions during exercise, using a mass spectrometer for analyzing the concentration of the mixed expired air. Examples are provided illustrating the operation of this system in both research and clinical situations. The most remarkable aspect of the system is its versatility, coupled with its accuracy. While the applications reviewed in this paper are rather narrow, work has been initiated using the mass spectrometer to measure residual lung volumes by the oxygen dilution technique, cardiac output by the CO2 rebreathing technique, and total body density by the helium dilution technique. The application of the mass spectrometer into other areas most certainty will occur in the near future.  相似文献   
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