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Solvent extracts were prepared from Manda Enzyme®, one of the fermented health foods, and their activities of radical scavenging and cancer cell growth inhibition were evaluated. Manda Enzyme® was extracted with 55% ethanol, and then fractionated into n‐hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol‐soluble and methanol‐insoluble fractions. The antioxidant activities were in the order chloroform > ethyl acetate > other fractions and of each fraction were positively related to the amount of total phenolics and the intensity of brown color. The cancer cell growth inhibitory activities were in the order n‐hexane > chloroform > other fractions. Proliferation of HRT‐18, HCT‐48 and HepG2 human cancer cells was inhibited by the treatment of the n‐hexane fraction of Manda Enzyme® at a concentration of 400 μg/mL to the extent of 75, 89 and 90%, respectively. From these results, it is considered that Manda Enzyme® has chemically different ingredients showing strong antioxidant and anticancer activity in vitro.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and imaging findings of ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) injuries caused by blunt trauma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In two children (aged 10 and 16 years) and eight adults (aged 23-82 years) with UPJ injuries, findings at computed tomography (CT) (n = 10), excretory urography (n = 6), and retrograde pyelography (n = 8) were retrospectively reviewed to identify the location and extent of contrast material extravasation. Clinical and follow-up data were correlated with radiologic findings. RESULTS: CT and urography played complementary roles in diagnosis. UPJ avulsion, defined as complete transection of the ureter with no filling of the ipsilateral ureter below the level of the UPJ, was diagnosed in four patients. UPJ laceration, defined as contrast material extravasation from the UPJ with contrast material in the ipsilateral ureter distal to the point of injury, was diagnosed in six patients. Medial perirenal contrast extravasation was seen in all 10 patients but failed to help differentiate UPJ avulsion from laceration. A distinctive pattern of contrast material extravasation at CT termed "circumrenal urinoma" was present in five patients and was found to be specific for UPJ injury. CONCLUSION: Medial perinephric contrast material extravasation was highly suggestive of UPJ injury. Demonstration of ureteral filling differentiated UPJ laceration from avulsion.  相似文献   
Recent studies suggest that increased lipid peroxidation and lipid peroxidation products, such as 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), contribute to neuronal loss in conditions associated with oxidative stress. The focus of the present study was to determine possible neuroprotective effects of elevated cyclic nucleotide levels against lipid peroxidation and HNE-mediated neural toxicity. Application of 8-bromo derivative analogs of cAMP or cGMP resulted in attenuation of HNE-induced increases in mitochondrial calcium, reactive oxygen species, and neuron loss. Similar results were obtained when neural cells were pretreated with the phosphodiesterase inhibitors zaprinast or isobutylmethylxanthanine (IBMX). These data are consistent with a possible neuroprotective role for elevated cyclic nucleotide levels in disorders associated with increases in lipid peroxidation and HNE.  相似文献   
To clarify the enhancement pattern of gradient-echo (GE) MR imaging, phantom experiments and 24 clinical examinations of the head and neck region were performed. Both long repetition time (TR) GE and short TR GE pulse sequences demonstrated an enhancement pattern similar to T1-weighted spin-echo imaging in phantom experiments, although the signal intensity of water and gadopentetate dimeglumine (Gd) solution was higher and the signal intensity of fat was lower with the GE technique. In clinical examinations, contrast-enhanced GE imaging was beneficial for tumors within fatty tissue, and for tumors with calcification or other magnetic susceptibility difference.  相似文献   
Pulmonary superoxide dismutase (SOD) plays an important role in the lung defense against O2 toxicity. We have previously demonstrated that tracheal insufflation of interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1) selectively enhances pulmonary MnSOD and protects rats against O2 toxicity. However, little is known about the cellular distribution of pulmonary MnSOD- and CuZnSOD-specific proteins. We performed immunohistochemistry in plastic sections (2 microns thick) to determine the effects of hyperoxia and IL-1 on the cellular distribution of pulmonary MnSOD and CuZnSOD in rats. MnSOD and CuZnSOD were present in all lung cells. Smooth muscle and endothelial cells appeared to contain higher immunoreactive MnSOD and CuZnSOD proteins than other lung cell types. Exposure of rats to 100% O2 for 24 hr had no effect on the cellular distribution and intensity of pulmonary MnSOD. However, at 50 hr after O2 exposure the intensity of pulmonary MnSOD was reduced. In contrast, tracheal insufflation of IL-1 markedly enhanced the intensity of pulmonary MnSOD in rats exposed to O2 for 50 hr. Neither O2 exposure nor IL-1 insufflation had any apparent effect on the distribution and intensity of pulmonary CuZnSOD. We conclude that IL-1 selectively enhances pulmonary MnSOD and that this effect is manifested in most lung cells, particularly smooth muscle and endothelial cells.  相似文献   
The protective effect of lysozyme-galactomannan or lysozyme-palmitic acid conjugates orally administered to carp, Cyprinus carpio L. was investigated using a virulent strain of Gram-negative Edwardsiella tarda isolated from an infected fish. Lysozyme-galactomannan conjugate was prepared through controlled Maillard reaction. Lysozyme-palmitic acid conjugate was prepared through base-catalyzed ester exchange using N-hydroxysuccinimide ester of palmitic acid. The conjugates provided substantial protection to carp infected with a Gram-negative bacteria fish pathogen E. tarda NG 8104. Lytic activities of lysozyme conjugates with galactomannan and palmitic acid were about 80 and 71% of native lysozyme using Micrococcus lysodeikticus as a substrate. Feeding with lysozyme conjugates, for 8 days, significantly enhanced fish protection against E. tarda infection. The survival rate was 30% for lysozyme-galactomannan conjugate treated fish and 20% for lysozyme-palmitic acid conjugate treated fish after 6 days cultivation while all control fish died within 3 days. On the other hand, a recovery rate of 40% after 6 days was observed in the fish group that were fed lysozyme-palmitic acid conjugate 3 and 2 h before and after E. tarda challenge, respectively, and for 6 consecutive days. The results of this work show the possibility of utilizing lysozyme conjugates with galactomannan or palmitic acid as a therapeutic for infection in fish.  相似文献   
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The much discussed subject of hip dysplasia in infants already seems well and truly exhausted, yet the simple clinical examination and frontal pelvic X ray of Unilateral Hip Dysplasia in infant reveals a semiology which is both specific and easily made conspicuous. MATERIAL: This study is based on a prospective consecutive series of 50 cases of Hip Unilateral Dysplasia in infants. METHODS: The study particularly endeavoured to find: postural, muscular, articular, spinal or cranial asymmetries, fixed positions of the foetus in utero, systematic sleep positions, three plans asymmetries on frontal pelvic X-ray. RESULTS: Main results: Unilateral Hip Dysplasia in infants was associated to a constant contralateral retraction of the abductors, to plagiocephalism and a fixed in utero position in almost half of the cases, to an asymmetrical sleep position in 3/4 of cases, and to pelvis asymmetry in 84 per cent of cases. DISCUSSION: The possible cause of Unilateral Hip Dysplasia in infants must be evocated at surgical consultation analyzing in utero positions or sleep positions. CONCLUSION: Treatment of dysplasia depends on how serious it is and on the asymmetries observed.  相似文献   
We have studied on preventing and treating anaphylactic asthma with Zusanli (S36) point immunotherapy (ZPIT). Sixty-nine patients were observed. The results showed that the clinical curative effect of ZPIT was not only much higher than that of conventional desensitization therapy, but also the patients' total IgE level was reduced, anti-acarid IgE was lowered, SIgA level was raised, the absolute eosinophilic granulocyte level dropped and pulmonary function recovered. Animal experiment results showed that the ZPIT could more effectively suppress the guinea pigs' anaphylactic asthma allergized by albumin and more obviously resist the guinea pigs' bronchial spasm induced by histamine and acetylcholine than the conventional desensitization therapy and injected normal saline. The immunomodulating action of the ZPIT are elucidated from clinical study and animal experiment in the paper.  相似文献   
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