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Outbred (namely Wistar and Sprague-Dawley) and inbred (Wistar-Furth, Lewis, Fisher 344 and Brown-Norway) strains of rats were screened for their responses to reference compounds in the popliteal lymph node (PLN) assay. Streptozotocin and diphenylhydantoin gave positive responses as evidenced by increased weight and cellularity indices in all strains used whereas procainamide, isoniazid and barbital consistently gave negative responses. Although these findings overall are in agreement with previous investigations involving these compounds, the lack of marked interstrain differences in PLN responses argues against a strong immunogenetically controlled mechanism as could be assumed in presumably auto-immune reactions. The question is raised whether drug-induced side-effects predicted by the PLN assay are basically non-autoimmune as suggested by clinical and immunological findings in man.  相似文献   
A rat model is introduced which enables investigations in anticoagulated blood with continuous measurements by a flow-through electrode system. In the present study, a potentiometric ion-selective electrode (ISE)-system was used for measuring Ca2+, K+, Na+ and pH in rats. The setup was adjusted to an extracorporeal blood-volume of 0.750 ml. This permits indirect measurements of the analytes via a dialysis membrane, with electrical separation of the ISE's and the animal. The flow-rates of blood and dialysis-solution were adjusted in such a way that water diffusing from the aqueous dialysis solution into the blood, across the dialysis membrane, does not alter the haematocrit. Polyethyleneglycol-hirudin was used for anticoagulation, since it was superior to heparin. The assembly enables continuous measurements in the living anaesthetized rat over a time period of at least 3 hours.  相似文献   
An area detector for thermal neutrons based on image intensification techniques has been described. Some capabilities and limitations of the detection system have been discussed. Among the former are high spatial resolution, high instantaneous counting rate, electronic zoom, time-gating, and integration. The detector is limited in that the maximum counting rate for a resolution element is 60 regularly spaced counts per second. Also, the nonuniformity of response over the detector puts a limit on the useful size and necessitates point-by-point calibration. In addition, a higher efficiency for neutron detection would be desirable. Some typical applications of the system are crystal inspection, neutron magnetic diffraction topography, and searches for temperature-induced changes in diffraction patterns. The future application of solid-state television sensors and microchannel-plate intensifiers to improve the system were briefly mentioned.  相似文献   
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