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Phagocytic cells were obtained from children at ages comparable to those at which the disease is most commonly seen during pregnancy. The effect of P-HCl on the phagocytic action of these cells on opsonized red blood cells was studied in vitro.  相似文献   
Fingerprints were obtained from 100 patients with mitral valve prolapse and compared with those of 100 control subjects matched for sex and race. Arches were found in 16.8 percent of all digital patterns in patients with mitral valve prolapse but in only 2.5 percent of all digits in the control group. Whereas no patient in the control group had four or more arches, 19 percent of patients with mitral valve prolapse had this finding. In addition, arches were found on 16 and 9 percent, respectively, of digits IV and V in patients with mitral valve prolapse but were not found on these digits in the control group. The finding of four or more arches or arches on digits IV or V may be important supportive evidence of mitral valve prolapse when evaluating patients with atypical chest pain and palpitations. Antenatal factors may be involved in the pathogenesis of mitral valve prolapse since it is possible that a genetic or environmental factor that interferes with the development of the mitral valve may also influence epidermal ridge patterns.  相似文献   
The sulfated material which locates in the basal membrane of ciliary body epithelium when immature rat eyes are incubated with Na235SO4 was studied. On the basis of its chromatographic behavior compared with standard preparations, we conclude that the material consists of sulfatides.  相似文献   
A comparison of the quantity and the quality of pollen content in the atmosphere of two regions, one of the plains bordering the Mediterranean sea (altitude 40 m), the other of the mountains of the Pyrenees (altitude 1550 m), was made during the climatological year 1974-1975. The method which was used intercepts the pollen flux of the atmosphere with a vertical filtering unit, which is exposed facing the direction of wind on the filtering door of the weather-vane and collects much larger quantities of pollen than the other techniques of collection. The atmospheric currents displace from one region to another numerous spores and pollens, the trajectories of which are directly influenced by the general circulation of the atmosphere. The density of these fluxes can be very large, reaching 2500 grains/m3 of air at M.T.P.R. in the last week of January; the taxons collected are very numerous (more than 700). The atmospheric transfer of pollen modifies largely the pollen content of the atmosphere of different flowering domains. These interferences manifest themselves in the simplest cases by the presence of two peaks of concentration, the principal corresponding to the local efflorescence, the second to the pollen transferred from other regions. The pollen concentrations in the mountains are one-third of those in the plains. Pollination in the mountains is several weeks late in comparison to the plain during the first semester, whereas during the second semester, it is the plains that show a certain delay. These findings show why some allergic patients who go to the mountains during summer are affected twice by pollination.  相似文献   
Morphological and physiological studies were made on chicken cecal isolates of the strictly anaerobic bacterial species Gemmiger formicilis. Structural features (phase-contrast and electron microscopy) of these microorganisms indicate they (i) are highly pleomorphic, (ii) possess a trilaminar cell wall like gram-negative bacteria, (iii) exhibit an unusual growth process characterized by polar swelling (resembling budding bacteria), and (iv) grow into elongated cells when exposed to a subinhibitory concentration of penicillin. The morphological data presented suggest that this species has a rod-shaped structure. These bacteria ferment a variety of sugars to produce formic, butyric, and lactic acids. There appear to be two groups of Gemmiger, one producing primarily lactate and the other producing formate as major fermentation metabolites. Growth of six strains in a basal medium, consisting of Trypticase, minerals, carbohydrate, Na2CO3 buffer, and cysteine as reducing agent, was stimulated by rumen fluid and yeast extract. Volatile fatty acids partially replaced the requirement for rumen fluid with some strains. Single deletions of vitamins (from a defined vitamin mixture) indicated that pantothenate, riboflavin, and thiamine were highly stimulatory to growth of the organism in a medium containing rumen fluid and Trypticase as source of vitamins. Other vitamin requirements were not studied.  相似文献   
The basis for the radioimmunoassay of parathormone (PTH) as a routine method is a new sheep antiserum and a labelled PTH stabilised by a modification of the purification technique. The antiserum is obtained by immunisation with pig and cattle parathormone, it is C-terminal specific and is used in the assay in a final dilution of 1:35000. The affinity to human PTH is markedly greater than of the antisera used up to now. Two purification steps of 125J labelled bovine PTH lead to a tracer with a nonspecific binding of approximately 5% which increases to approximately 10% within 6 weeks. All normal sera investigated so far were measurable quantitatively (normal range 0.7 to 2.5 mul/equiv.). The lower sensitivity range was at 0.3 mul/equiv. All patients with chronic renal insufficiency and dialysis patients have an increased PTH concentration (3.9 to greater than 20 mul/equiv.). This also applies to patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (2.9 to greater than 20 mul/equiv.).  相似文献   
The therapeutic approach to vascular lesions, which in fact represents the effective prevention of potential or recurrent brain damage, is discussed. The following problems are considered: asymptomatic localized vascular bruit; transient ischemic attack; minor strokes; progressive strokes; total strokes; and hemorrhages. Supportive therapy in the patient with brain damage is presented.  相似文献   
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