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The weatherability of the basalts in the Capivara Dam site, Rio Paranapanema, São Paulo State, Brazil, has been studied by means of saturation-drying tests. A great number of samples have disaggre — gated intensively with production of fines. The behavior of these rocks is related to their petrography, especially to their content in expansive clay minerals. These studies were performed in order to obtain data for the utilization of this material as rock fill, including ripraps.  相似文献   
With increasing use of saline water for irrigating urban landscapes, soil salinization is becoming a concern. This study examined spatial variation in soil salinity over the length of selected fairways at five golf courses, and of large turf areas at two public parks located in west Texas and southern New Mexico. Salinity of water used for irrigation ranged from 680 to 2700 mg L−1, and the sites consisted mostly of Aridisols (upland soils) or Entisols (alluvial soils). Soil salinity distribution at sites consisting of deep Aridisols was spatially independent with the coefficient of variability (CV) ranging from 24 to 42%. The sites consisting of shallow Aridisols over a calcic horizon had erratic and random soil salinity distributions with an average CV of 37%. Since soil salinity distributions in Aridisols and Alfisols appeared to be spatially independent within the distance of fairways, soil sampling adequacy can be determined by the conventional probability statistics. However, salinity distributions at Entisols sites were spatially dependant to a length of 100 m or more. In addition, the clayey Entisols used for public parks had high levels of salt accumulation (>10 dS m−1 in the saturation extract) with the CV exceeding 60%. When salinity readings were stratified by soil type distribution, the CV was reduced to 28% on the average. The number of samples required to obtain the mean salinity over a typical length of fairways (250–300 m) within a deviate range of 20% averaged 6 in deep sandy Aridisols and Alfisols, and 13 each in other cases, provided that sampling of Entisols is made based on soil type distributions. These sampling requirements are greater than those for field soil moisture or saturation water contents. The spacing to collect the required number of samples over the prevailing length of fairways was between 23 and 38 m. Soil sampling for salinity appraisal is most problematic in Entisols, but can be made simple if a detailed soil map is available. In Aridisols containing a calcic horizon, it is probable to have saline spots over poorly permeable caliche.  相似文献   
The use of marble in Architecture began on the 7th century B.C. and continued to be used without stop untill today. Greece and especially the East Macedonia region is an extremely privileged area on marble deposits both in quantities and qualities and colours. In the present work the main physical and engineering properties of some varieties of greek marbles are given and a comparison with the international standards is made. The experimental material (marbles) was from East Macedonia, Argolida-Arcadia and Magnessia, three of the biggest marble deposit areas in Greece. From the results obtained, it is concluded that the marbles examined satisfy all the international standard codes and thus they can be used as building stones and decoration materials.  相似文献   
Results are presented for laboratory and field tests of weak saturated soils serving as beds for embankments in Ho Chi Min City and various regions of the Mekong River Delta (Vietnam). A method is outlined for quantitative evaluation of the stress-strain state (SSS) of the weak saturated clayey beds (plane problem). A method is described for quantitative evaluation of the deformation and stability of weak beds in the initial, intermediate, and stabilized stages of the formation and transformation of the SSS. __________ Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 5, pp. 2–6, September–October, 2005.  相似文献   
Lead has numerous acute and chronic adverse effects on human beings. This is especially true for infants and children. The main path of lead ingestion in children can be different according to housing and living situation. The intake of lead through drinking water is commonly due to metal corrosion. The users plumbing can be an important factor. In recent years, many lead pipes in Germany have been replaced by pipes made of an alternative material. The aim of this study is to assess the present state of drinking water contamination and the resulting exposure of infants to lead. For this purpose mothers of new-born babies were offered a free examination of their drinking water. After a written declaration of consent had been obtained and after the infant in question had reached an age of 3 months, a stagnation sample of cold tap-water after overnight stagnation together with a random daytime sample was obtained from the family. The collected samples were analysed by atomic absorption spectrometry for their lead concentration. In total, 1485 samples from households were collected. Of the 1434 stagnation samples, 3.1% had lead concentrations greater than 0.01 mg/l (recommended limit of the WHO) and 0.6% had concentrations above the limit of the German drinking water regulation (0.04 mg/l). The values for the 1474 random daytime samples were 2.1% above 0.01 mg/l and 0.2% greater than 0.04 mg/l, respectively. By region, the areas Bovenden, Friedland, Duderstadt, Northeim and Rosdorf were particularly affected. The highest measured concentrations of lead in the stagnation samples were 0.11 mg/l and 0.15 mg/l in the random daytime samples, respectively.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to analyse and compare three variants of a family house in order to evaluate the total environmental impacts produced during the whole building life cycle. The first variant corresponds to the standard in force in Switzerland, the second alternative to the requirements of a quality control label for houses with low energy consumption and the third case is a very low energy consumption building. The three variants have the same architectural aspect but different insulation thicknesses and types, different energy production systems and the use of different renewable energies. The calculation of the environmental impacts is carried out by means of a life cycle analysis, which includes not only the impact related to the energy consumption during the occupancy stage, but also the materials manufacture, transport, replacement and elimination at the end of the building lifetime. The results are expressed with the Swiss and the UCTE (Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity) electricity mix to analyse how they influence the building impact.  相似文献   
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has initiated a program to install air quality network stations throughout the country in order to measure concentration of the ambient air pollutants. The site selection of these stations is an important objective to be accomplished and must be done based on scientific and rational work. To accomplish this objective, a modified version of atmospheric transport and dispersion model, known as air resources laboratories - atmospheric transport and dispersion (ARLATAD) model, is used to evaluate long range transport and diffusion of air pollutants from major pollution causing sources such as refineries, open-air burning of associated gases of oil fields and major industries.Hourly meteorological data for a period of three years (from 1977 to 1979) on wind speed, wind direction, pressure, and temperature from 20 synoptic stations in Saudi Arabia is processed and used as model input. In addition to these, meteorological data from three upper air stations is also processed in order to determine base and top of critical inversion heights.Various pollution causing sources are identified within the study area. Air trajectories are drawn with sources as the origins of the trajectories and the dispersion characteristics is studied with distance and time. Based on long term meteorological records, the adversely affected zones are statistically identified for potential station sites.  相似文献   
It was shown that in order to compute the settlement of thawing cohesive soil under a load in time it is necessary to experimentally determine the consolidation coefficient. A procedure is suggested for determining this coefficient, as well as use of the classical solution of a differential equation for seepage consolidation to describe the settlement of soil, thawing of which can occur according to any law.State All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Roads. Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 4, pp. 5–7, July–August, 1993.  相似文献   
A steady-state model for substrate removal in a rotating biological disc reactor is presented. The model considers the consumption of substrate by micro-organisms in the biofilm attached to the rotating disc, and mass transfer from the attached liquid film to the biofilm. A mass balance on substrate over the liquid in the trough provides an expression for effluent substrate in terms of the microbial kinetic constants, the geometry of the system and the operating conditions. In order to simplify the solution of the equations in the model, first order kinetics are assumed for the rate of microbial growth and substrate utilization. This simplified model can be solved, for example, by using a programmable calculator. The model predicts that the fractional removal of substrate per stage is strongly dependent on the hydraulic loading rate per unit disc area but independent of feed substrate concentration. It predicts constant removal independent of disc size provided the hydraulic loading per unit area is kept constant. The rotational speed has only a slight predicted effect on the rate of substrate removal. The predictions of the model are compared with published data from the literature for both domestic wastewater and some industrial wastes. Trends observed in the field are predicted qualitatively by the model.  相似文献   
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