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The deep-level traps induced by charged defects at the grain boundaries (GBs) of polycrystalline organic–inorganic halide perovskite (OIHP) films serve as major...  相似文献   
On the mechanism of aluminum ignition in steam explosions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An available theory [Epstein, M., Fauske, H.K., 1994. A crystallization theory of underwater aluminum ignition. Nucl. Eng. Des. 146, 147–164] of the ignition of aluminum melt drops under water, which is based on the assumption that the aluminum oxide (Al2O3) drop-surface skin first appears in a metastable molten state, is compared with existing experimental data on the ignition of aluminum drops behind shock waves in water [Theofanous, T.G., Chen, X., DiPiazza, P., Epstein, M., Fauske, H.K., 1994. Ignition of aluminum droplets behind shock waves in water, Phys. Fluids 6, 3513–3515]. The predicted and measured ignition temperature of about 1770 K coincides approximately with the spontaneous nucleation temperature of supercooled liquid Al2O3 (1760 K). This suggests that the crystallization of the oxide layer represents a strong ‘barrier’ to aluminum drop ignition under water. Apparently a similar interpretation is applicable to aluminum drop ignition in gaseous oxidizing atmospheres. We conclude from the theory that the low-temperature aluminum ignitions (in the range 1100–1600 K) that have been observed during steam explosions are a consequence of the short aluminum drop oxidation times in this environment relative to the characteristic time for Al2O3 crystallization. Several aspects of the aluminum drop/shock interaction experiments besides ignition are discussed in the paper. In particular, the experiments provide strong evidence that during the course of a vapor explosion metal fragmentation occurs via a thermal mechanism at low pressure and precedes the development of a high-pressure shock.  相似文献   
The development, performed in the 1980s–1990s, of models of tritium breeding zones for blankets of thermonuclear reactors, based on the use of ceramic lithium-containing materials, is described. 5 figures, 1 table.  相似文献   
Conventional microstrip gas chambers (MSGCs) have encountered many difficulties, such as limited gas gain and sparking damages. We propose a new multigrid-type MSGC (M-MSGC) to overcome some of these difficulties. Additional grid strips are inserted between the anode and the cathode in this new type of MSGC. Gaps between these strips are chosen to be as small as 10 μm where one can expect an efficient removal of the surface charge. With the existence of other strips with lower potentials than the anode, the field strength around the neighboring grid to the anode strip is not as high as the conventional small-gap MSGCs. The contribution of the surface streamer to the damage is greatly suppressed because the electric field parallel to the surface is screened by the intermediate grid electrodes. However, additional electrodes also screen all the electric field of the upper part of the substrate, and we cannot observe induced signals from the backside of the substrate. To overcome that difficulty, we propose another signal readout method using a patterning approach. Floating pads are placed close to the cathode strip on the surface of the M-MSGC, and the induced charges are read out via the pads. If the area of the pads is sufficiently large and the positive charges are moving toward the pads, the backside electrodes can sense the induced charge. Collected charges on the pads are leaked through the surface resistance. The backside signal through 2.3-mm-thick glass readout of the position along the cathode strips is successfully confirmed through experimental results  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to develop a radiation distribution monitor using a normal plastic optical fiber. The monitor has a long operating length and can obtain continuous radiation distributions. A principle of the position sensing is based on a time-of-flight technique. The monitor is sensitive to beta rays or charged particles, gamma rays, and fast neutrons. The spatial resolutions for beta-rays ( 90Sr-90Y), gamma-rays (137Cs), and D-T neutrons are 30, 37, and 13 cm, respectively. The detection efficiencies for the beta-rays, gamma-rays, and D-T neutrons are 0.11%, 1.6×10 -5% and 1.2×10-4%, respectively. The effective attenuation length of the detection efficiency is 18 m. In this paper, we describe the basic characteristics of this monitor  相似文献   
In the plutonium incineration experiment, named ‘Once-Through-Then-Out’ (OTTO), that is being prepared by JAERI, PSI and NRG, the use of highly stable inert matrices will be examined. The inert matrices MgAl2O4 spinel and ZrO2 are insoluble in nitric acid and are considered as good storage media for final disposal. These inert matrices will be used in this experiment, which is representative for an OTTO scenario. A total of 7 Pu-containing targets were prepared for an irradiation in the High Flux Reactor in Petten. The objective of the irradiation is to reach a very high Pu-burnup. The main parameters to be studied are stability under irradiation, swelling, fission gas release and chemical interactions in the fuel. Four targets will be equipped with thermocouples for on-line monitoring of central temperature. Four of the targets contain MgAl2O4 as an inert matrix, 2 targets contain ZrO2 and one target contains mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel for reference purposes. The fissile plutonium concentration is 0.32–0.44 g cm−3. Both particle-dispersed fuel and homogeneous dispersions were fabricated in order to test the effect of the size of the fissile inclusions. The design of the experiment and the fabrication of the samples are discussed.  相似文献   
Intention of the ROX-LWR system research is to provide an option for utilization or disposition of surplus plutonium. Researches on inert matrix materials and irradiation performance shows that the most favorable candidate for the ROX fuel is a particle dispersed fuel where small particles consisted of yttria stabilized zirconia, PuO2 and some additives are homogeneously dispersed in spinel matrix. Reactor safety analyses show that the ROX fueled PWR core has nearly the same performability as the existing UO2 fueled PWR under both reactivity initiated accidents and loss of coolant accidents.  相似文献   
Working recommendations for determining the basic parameters and geometry of a steam–water injector with a converging nozzle are presented on the basis of experimental data. Injector startup, operating efficiency, and service life are examined.  相似文献   
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