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CE Alpers CC Tsai KL Hudkins Y Cui L Kuller RE Benveniste JM Ward WR Morton 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,13(5):413-424
Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSG) with endothelial tubuloreticular inclusions (TRIs) is the typical lesion of human HIV-associated glomerulopathy. Autopsy studies showed the presence of FSG in 3 of 15 macaques dying 15-120 weeks after experimental infection with a simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVMne). Ultrastructural studies generally revealed numerous endothelial TRIs (also present in normals), mesangial expansion, and evidence of mesangial cell injury. One additional animal had a small-vessel polyarteritis with a proliferative and focally crescentic glomerulonephritis; seven animals had mild, multifocal interstitial nephritis. All animals had documented viremia after infection; 14 of 15 developed antibodies to SIV postinoculation. Additional postmortem findings included severe enterocolitis, encephalitis, and opportunistic infections. In contrast, autopsy studies of macaques infected with a type D simian retrovirus (SAIDS-D/Washington, SRV-2) for similar periods of time (n = 40) showed no evidence of FSG. One SRV-infected animal had a mild proliferative glomerulonephritis. These studies indicate SIV-infected primates may provide a relevant model for study of human HIV-associated nephropathy. They also indicate the variable pathology that can be seen in primate infections of distinct retrovirus types, each of which produces a simian immunodeficiency state that resembles human AIDS. 相似文献
The nucleus of the basal optic root (nBOR) of the accessory optic system is known to be involved in the analysis of the visual consequences of self-motion. Previous studies have shown that the nBOR in pigeons projects bilaterally to the vestibulocerebellum, the inferior olive, the interstitial nucleus of Cajal, and the oculomotor complex and projects unilaterally to the ipsilateral pretectal nucleus lentiformis mesencephali and the contralateral nBOR. By using the anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine, we confirmed these projections and found (previously unreported) projections to the nucleus Darkshewitsch, the nucleus ruber, the mesencephalic reticular formation, and the area ventralis of Tsai as well as ipsilateral projections to the central gray, the pontine nuclei, the cerebellar nuclei, the vestibular nuclei, the processus cerebellovestibularis, and the dorsolateral thalamus. In addition to previous studies, which showed a projection to the dorsomedial subdivision of the contralateral oculomotor complex, we found terminal labelling in the ventral and dorsolateral subdivisions. Individual fibers were reconstructed from serial sections, and collaterals to various nuclei were demonstrated. For example, collaterals of fibers projecting to the vestibulocerebellum terminated in the vestibular or cerebellar nuclei; collaterals of fibers to the inferior olive terminated in the pontine nuclei; many individual neurons projected to the interstitial nucleus of Cajal, the nucleus Darkshewitsch, and the central gray and also projected to the nucleus ruber and the mesencephalic reticular formation; collaterals of fibers to the contralateral nucleus of the basal optic root terminated in the mesencephalic reticular formation and/or the area ventralis of Tsai; neurons projecting to the nucleus lentiformis mesencephali also terminated in the dorsolateral thalamus. The consequences of these data for understanding the visual control of eye movements, neck movements, posture, locomotion, and visual perception are discussed. 相似文献
KL Hopkins PK Dickson TI Ball RR Ricketts PA O'Shea CR Abramowsky 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,32(10):1476-1479
Fetus-in-fetu is an unusual condition in which a vertebrate fetus is enclosed within the abdomen of another fetus. These occurrences are usually benign. This report describes an instance of malignant recurrence after resection of a fetus-in-fetu. 相似文献
RH Rau YL Chan HI Chuang CR Cheng KL Wong KH Wu TT Wei 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,35(2):113-118
While current psychiatric taxonomies recognise a classification of amphetamine dependence, derived from the notion of an alcohol dependence syndrome, little research has validated that such a condition exists for this drug. Current amphetamine users (N = 331), were interviewed using the World Health Organization operationalisation of DSM-III-R substance dependence criteria, and a measure of the psychological components of dependence. Structural analyses indicated that a unidimensional dependence syndrome as assessed by DSM-III-R and DSM-IV criteria exists for amphetamine, and that physiological, psychological and behavioural indicators were all important in accounting for the variance in responses. It was demonstrated that the concept of a dependence syndrome is applicable to amphetamine, and that the inclusion of the amphetamine dependence syndrome in DSM-III-R and DSM-IV is valid. 相似文献
J Hibbert DC Howlett KL Greenwood LM MacDonald AJ Saunders 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,70(839):1191-1194
Renal vein thrombosis (RVT) is the most frequently occurring vascular condition in the new-born kidney. The predisposing factors include dehydration, sepsis, birth asphyxia, maternal diabetes, polycythaemia and the presence of an indwelling umbilical venous catheter. (RVT) may present clinically with a flank mass, haematuria, hypertension or renal failure. Many imaging modalities have been employed, but ultrasound is the technique most commonly used in the evaluation of neonates with suspected RVT. Thrombosis commences in the small renal veins and subsequently propagates via larger interlobar veins to the main renal vein and inferior vena cava (IVC). The ultrasound appearances depend upon the stage at which the examination is performed and extent of the thrombus. Initially, the interlobular and interlobar thrombus appears as highly echogenic streaks. These streaks commence in a peripheral, focal segment of the involved kidney and only persist for a few days. In the first week the affected kidney swells and becomes echogenic with prominent echopoor medullary pyramids. Later, the swelling increases and the kidney becomes heterogenous with loss of corticomedullary differentiation. Grey scale ultrasound readily demonstrates thrombus within the renal vein and IVC. Adrenal haemorrhage is a recognized association and may be identified ultrasonically. Colour Doppler scanning provides additional information. In the early stages of RVT, colour Doppler may demonstrate absent intrarenal and renal venous flow. Ultimately, the kidney may recover, show focal scarring or become atrophic. Thus, ultrasound provides an accessible and reliable tool in the assessment of suspected neonatal RVT. 相似文献
KL Hardie S Kinlay DB Hardy J Wlodarczyk JS Silberberg PJ Fletcher 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,27(6):649-652
Minimally invasive plastic surgery has expanded beyond the original confines of aesthetic applications to encompass all our endeavors in an attempt to restrict the size of surgical scars, limit postoperative discomfort, and hasten recovery of function. This evolution has already delineated methods to raise our workhorse muscle flaps and has negated the risks of laparotomy for various visceral flaps. It is then only a logical progression to use these endoscopic techniques to harvest fascial flaps so as to avoid the notorious donor site morbidity of the fasciocutaneous flap, which has certainly hindered the rapid acceptance of these otherwise valuable flaps. Endoscopic-facilitated elevation of a local adipofascial flap is described for which little or no additional skin incisions need ever be made. 相似文献
M Ramirez-Lassepas CE Espinosa JJ Cicero KL Johnston RJ Cipolle DL Barber 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,54(12):1506-1509
BACKGROUND: Clinical criteria to select patients with headache in whom structural diagnostic studies (computed tomography) have a high yield disclosing intracranial pathologic findings, independent of abnormal findings on neurologic examination, have not been defined. OBJECTIVE: To determine which clinical characteristics predict the presence of intracranial pathologic findings, independently of neurologic examination, in patients with headache. DESIGN: Case-control, consecutive sample. SETTING: Major metropolitan trauma center emergency department. PATIENTS AND MATERIALS: Hospital records of 139 hospitalized and 329 randomly selected patients from 1720 nonhospitalized adult patients, consecutively evaluated for headache in the emergency department, were reviewed. Demographic data, clinical characteristics of the headache, results of neurologic and physical examinations, and diagnostic radiologic and laboratory results were correlated with final diagnosis and outcome at 6 months after emergency department visit. DATA ANALYSIS: Nonparametric statistical analysis. RESULTS: Intracranial pathologic findings were found in 18 (3.8%) of 468 patients. Acute onset and occipitonuchal location of headache, presence of associated symptoms, and patient age of 55 years or older were significantly associated with the finding of intracranial pathology, independently of the findings from neurologic examination. Abnormal findings on neurologic examination alone, whether focal or nonfocal, had a highly significant association and a positive predictive value for intracranial pathology of 39%. CONCLUSIONS: Abnormal results from neurologic examination are the best clinical parameters to predict structural intracranial pathology; however, in patients 55 years or older with headache of acute onset located in the occipitonuchal region that has associated symptoms, computed tomographic scan of the head is justified as part of their clinical evaluation independently of the findings of the neurologic examination. 相似文献
Two species of Pseudomonas capable of utilizing nitroglycerin (NG) as a sole nitrogen source were isolated from NG-contaminated soil and identified as Pseudomonas putida II-B and P. fluorescens I-C. While 9 of 13 laboratory bacterial strains that presumably had no previous exposure to NG could degrade low concentrations of NG (0.44 mM), the natural isolates tolerated concentrations of NG that were toxic to the lab strains (1.76 mM and higher). Whole-cell studies revealed that the two natural isolates produced different mixtures of the isomers of dinitroglycerol (DNG) and mononitroglycerol (MNG). A monomeric, flavin mononucleotide-containing NG reductase was purified from each natural isolate. These enzymes catalyzed the NADPH-dependent denitration of NG, yielding nitrite. Apparent kinetic constants were determined for both reductases. The P. putida enzyme had a Km for NG of 52 +/- 4 microM, a Km for NADPH of 28 +/- 2 microM, and a Vmax of 124 +/- 6 microM x min(-1), while the P. fluorescens enzyme had a Km for NG of 110 +/- 10 microM, a Km for NADPH of 5 +/- 1 microM, and a Vmax of 110 +/- 11 microM x min(-1). Anaerobic titration experiments confirmed the stoichiometry of NADPH consumption, changes in flavin oxidation state, and multiple steps of nitrite removal from NG. The products formed during time-dependent denitration reactions were consistent with a single enzyme being responsible for the in vivo product distributions. Simulation of the product formation kinetics by numerical integration showed that the P. putida enzyme produced an approximately 2-fold molar excess of 1,2-DNG relative to 1,3-DNG. This result could be fortuitous or could possibly be consistent with a random removal of the first nitro group from either the terminal (C-1 and C-3) positions or middle (C-2) position. However, during the denitration of 1,2-DNG, a 1.3-fold selectivity for the C-1 nitro group was determined. Comparable simulations of the product distributions from the P. fluorescens enzyme showed that NG was denitrated with a 4.6-fold selectivity for the C-2 position. Furthermore, a 2.4-fold selectivity for removal of the nitro group from the C-2 position of 1,2-DNG was also determined. The MNG isomers were not effectively denitrated by either purified enzyme, which suggests a reason why NG could not be used as a sole carbon source by the isolated organisms. 相似文献
1. In the present study, we evaluated the role of repeated administration on conditioning place preference (CPP) induced by fencamfamine (FCF) in male rats. 2. Repeated FCF (3.5 mg/kg) or saline once or daily for ten consecutive days enhanced sniffing duration and decreased locomotion and rearing duration. 3. At the 3.5 mg/kg dose, FCF produced a significant place-preference effect. 4. Repeated exposures to FCF intensified its reinforcing properties. 5. These results suggest that repeated FCF administration sensitizes its rewarding effects, as with other addictive substances. 相似文献
Determination of antibiotics in different water compartments via liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
R Hirsch TA Ternes K Haberer A Mehlich F Ballwanz KL Kratz 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,815(2):213-223
The mechanisms by which BCG exerts its antitumour activity remain unclear. Attachment of BCG to the bladder via FN has been shown to be an important step in initiating its antitumorigenic activity. The mechanism(s) by which BCG operates requires LAK cells, BCG-activated killer cells, T lymphocytes (CD4) helper cells and CD8 suppressor/cytotoxic cells) and monocytes. The optimal route of administration is intravesical. The efficacy of a BCG vaccine depends on the viability, dose and strain. Differences in efficacy and side-effects have not been shown between different strains. Low-dose regimens successfully protect from recurrences, with fewer side-effects. The initial schedule of BCG is a course of six instillations in 6 weeks; when the patient fails this course, two possibilities arise. The first is maintenance therapy; response rates improve but there is more local and systemic toxicity. The second is a further 6-week course, and this seems most useful in those with a sustained response to the initial treatment. The clinical response to BCG therapy can be monitored using cytokine measurements or p53 determinations. Toxicity remains a major problem in BCG treatment and triple antituberculosis combination therapy should be given for 3 months in those with severe systemic side-effects. The use of prophylactic isoniazid is not recommend to decrease side-effects. The clinical results of BCG have been good, with success rates of 58-100%, with a minimal follow-up of one year in prophylaxis. BCG seems superior to intravesical therapy, but at the cost of inducing more adverse effects. BCG is not indicated for low- and intermediate-risk patients, in whom chemotherapy is the first choice. BCG can also be used to eliminate tumour after an incomplete TUR, or in patients who are unfit for surgery, with a 60-70% success rate. The primary and best treatment for CIS is intravesical BCG; encouraging results have been reported, with success rate of 42-83% after a minimal follow-up of one year. Although currently BCG seems to be the choice for high-risk superficial TCC, many questions remain unanswered, especially about the mechanism(s) of action, the optimal dose and clinical schedule. 相似文献