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高压电机应用变频器后的继电保护整定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高压变频器在泵类及风机类负载中得到广泛的应用后,对电机的传统保护方式产生了很大影响.笔者根据变频器的构成原理和电机的保护特性,提出了高压电机应用变频器后的电流速断和过流保护的计算方法.  相似文献   
滕海云  郭秋菊  马丁 《辐射防护》2008,28(1):18-23,35
本文简要回顾了222Rn及其子体示踪应用的主要方面,介绍了国内外对利用222Rn及其子体在预报地震和大气物质输运研究这两方面的工作.对这些示踪应用而言,要进行准确的定量分析和数值模拟,必须对222Rn及其子体在大气中的输运规律有细致的了解,这一点可以通过研究其动力学特征,建立输运模型来实现.本文中列举了部分对222Rn及其子体输运模式的研究,对比上层大气中的简单输运模型,一个比较全面的222Rn输运模型还需要考虑地表层结大气中的复杂的动力学因素,并将其作为222Rn在上层大气输运模型中的下垫面边界条件.  相似文献   
Chinese calligraphy is a unique visual art, and and is one of the material basis of China’s traditional cultural heritage. However, time had caused the old calligraphy works to weathering and damages, so it is necessary to utilize advanced technologies to protect those works. One of those technologies is digital imaging, and the obtained images by digital imaging can preserve the visual information of calligraphy works better, furthermore, they can be used in further researches. While the basic works for those researches are to extract the artistic features which include two elements, i.e., form and spirit. However, most of the existing methods only extract the form and ignore the characters’ spirit, especially they are insensitive to the slight variation in complex ink strokes. To solve these problems, this paper proposes an extraction method based on regional guided flter (RGF) with reference images, which is generated by KNN matting and used as the input image for RGF. Since RGF is sensitive to the slight variation of ink, so the detailed information of the inside of strokes can be detected better. Besides, unlike the past works, which filter the whole strokes, RGF filters the inside of strokes and edges in different windows respectively, which results in that the edges are preserved accurately. Results from a deployment of several famous Chinese calligraphy works demonstrate that our method can extract more accurate and complete form and spirit with lower error rate.  相似文献   
介绍由8031单片机控制的伪三色LED图文显示屏的构成,硬件结构和抗干扰措施。  相似文献   
回热加热器是火电厂热力系统中的重要辅助设备,合理的水位设置是其安全、经济运行的支点。水位过高时,会导致加热器给水端差增大,可能会使疏水从抽汽管道流入汽轮机,形成水冲击,对机组安全产生重大影响。水位过低时,  相似文献   
郭宝 《电信技术》2006,(8):41-44
对WCDMAR99/R4网络与HSDPA网络可提供的容量分别进行分析;根据HSDPA的技术特点,对HSPDA与R99/R4混合组网后提供的各类语音、数据业务做出容量规划。  相似文献   
根据工作经验,总结出在沿海地区地下水发育较为丰富的地段进行基础施工时,为达到基坑干施工所采取的技术方案。此方案与传统降水方法相比,有很大的合理性和可操作性,并能较好地降低成本。  相似文献   
The deformation behavior involved in Nb/NiTi composite for biomedical applications within a large macroscopic strain range was investigated by tensile loading-unloading test and in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction(SXRD).Experimental results show that during loading,the Nb/NiTi composite experiences the elastic elongation of B2-NiTi austenitic,B19'-NiTi martensitic and β-Nb phases,B2→ B19' stress-induced martensitic(SIM) transformation and tensile plastic deformation of β-Nb phase.During unloading,the deformation behavior involved in Nb/NiTi composite includes the elastic recovery of B2-NiTi austenitic,B19'-NiTi martensitic and β-Nb phases,reverse phase transformation B19'→B2 and compressive deformation of p-Nb phase.The martensitic transformation in this composite is almost reversible and occurs in a localized manner.These results might contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the deformation mechanism involved in Nb/NiTi composite and shed some light on design and development of novel composites with a combination of good biocompatibility and excellent superelasticity for biomedical applications.  相似文献   
The fractures and kerogen,which generally exist in the shale,are significant to the CO2 huff-n-puff in the shale reservoir.It is important to study the effects ...  相似文献   
Vacuum ultraviolet(VUV)lasers have demonstrated great potential as the light source for various spectroscopies,which,if they can be focused into a small beam spot,will not only allow investigation of mesoscopic materials and structures but also find application in the manufacture of nano-objects with excellent precision.In this work,we report the construction of a 177 nm VUV laser that can achieve a record-small(〜0.76 μm)focal spot at a long focal length(~45 mm)by using a flat lens without spherical aberration.The size of the beam spot of this VUV laser was tested using a metal grating and exfoliated graphene flakes,and we demonstrated its application in a fluorescence spectroscopy study on pure and Tm3+-doped NaYF4 microcrystals,revealing a new emission band that cannot be observed in the traditional up-conversion process.In addition,this laser system would be an ideal light source for spatially and angleresolved photoemission spectroscopy.  相似文献   
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