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ABSTRACT:  Surface free fatty acid (FFA) on milled rice is a key factor in determining rice quality and acceptability to the brewing industry. Rice FFA oxidizes, causing off-flavors and odors to develop, compromising the brewing quality of milled rice. The effect of harvest moisture (13%, 16%, and 20%), harvester type (1688 Case and 9500 John Deere), and rice variety (Cocodrie and Bengal) on harvest damaged rough rice and milled rice surface FFA after drying to 12% moisture and 6 mo rough rice storage was examined. The Case harvester produced more damaged kernels than the John Deere harvester, but this was not reflected in surface FFA development. There were no significant FFA differences in variety or harvester type. Rice harvested at a higher moisture content (20%) produced significantly greater FFA values, with a peak near 0.1%, than rice harvested at lower moisture contents (13% and 16%), which had FFA values near 0.08%. Retention of bran by damaged kernels at high harvest moisture probably was responsible for promoting surface FFA development, but if bran was lost at lower harvest moistures, surface FFA, development was limited. Harvest moisture affected milled rice FFA, although rough rice was dried to 12% immediately after harvesting.  相似文献   
The effect of calcium chloride (CaCl2)(5 gL?1) and sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration (40, 60 and 8 gL?1) on the microbiological and mechanical properties of naturally black olives of cv. Conservolea in brines was studied. In 40 and 60 g L?1 brines the growth of lactic acid bacteria was favoured over that of yeasts, resulting in rather complete lactic acid fermentation as indicated by high free acidity (9.8–11.5 g lactic acid L?1) and low pH (3.7–3.8). At 80 g L?1 brine, yeasts were the dominant members of the microflora, rendering a product with lower acidity (8 g lactic acid L?1) and higher pH (4.3–4.5). In the presence of CaCl2 there was a consistent increase in the depth of the peripheral region in which cell wall breakage occurred. When cells separated, perforated walls were observed at sites associated with plasmodesmata. The flesh was strongest and stiffest when CaCl2 was added to olives treated with 40 g L?1 brine, consistent with cell wall breakage being the predominant mode of failure. The only observed effect on the mechanical properties of the skin was a stiffening at 60 g L?1 brine on addition of CaCl2. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The tropical forest cover has varied greatly over the last few decades. The rapid advance of agricultural crops and illegal clearings in natural areas has resulted in the conversion of the majority of the world’s forest into desolated patches. Although rates of deforestation have decreased compared to previous years, forest loss still remains a crucial concern. Latest studies conducted on a global scale identified the Latin American continent as one of the regions exhibiting the highest rates of deforestation in the world. The dynamics of forests over the past 40 years has attracted numerous remote-sensing-based studies to monitor forest loss, analyse patterns, and understand the drivers of land conversion. This review article provides a comprehensive overview of the remote-sensing-based studies of tropical forest dynamics in Latin America. Following an introduction with respect to global forest mapping products, a general outline of tropical forest ecoregions and drivers of deforestation in Latin America is provided. Subsequently, a review and categorization of the existing studies is presented, where focus is laid on selected sensors and data analysis methodologies apply. Furthermore, a case study for the whole of Paraguay is presented; Paraguay is a region which contains highly diverse ecosystems that have been ravaged as a result of deforestation over the past 40 years. The main results, challenges, and future needs are discussed.  相似文献   
wonglediff is a program that tests the sensitivity of arbitrary program executables or processes to changes that are introduced by a process that runs in parallel. On Unix and Linux kernels, wonglediff creates a supervisor process that runs applications and, on the fly, introduces desired changes to their process state. When execution terminates, it then summarizes the resulting changes in the output files. The technique employed has a variety of uses. This paper describes an implementation of wonglediff that checks the sensitivity of programs to random changes in the floating‐point rounding modes. It runs a program several times, ‘wongling’ it each time: randomly toggling the IEEE‐754 rounding mode of the program as it executes. By comparing the resulting output, one gets a poor man's numerical stability analysis for the program. Although the analysis does not give any kind of guarantee about a program's stability, it can reveal genuine instability, and it does serve as a particularly useful and revealing idiot light. In our implementation, differences among the output files from the program's multiple runs are summarized in a report. This report is in fact an HTML version of the output file, with inline mark‐up summarizing individual differences among the multiple instances. When viewed with a browser, the differences can be highlighted or rendered in many different ways. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Although a number of weaknesses of symbolic execution, when used for software testing, have been highlighted in the literature, the recent resurgence of strongly‐typed languages has created opportunities for re‐examining symbolic execution to determine whether these shortfalls can be overcome. This paper discusses symbolic execution in general and makes two contributions: (a) overcoming one of the key problems, analysing programs with indexed arrays; and (b) describing the incorporation of a symbolic execution module for test case generation into an integrated testing tool. For methods which index arrays, a new approach determines all the possible values of each array index, allowing the generation of equivalence classes for every possible combination of array element aliases. An incremental simplification approach, which converts path expressions to canonical forms in order to identify infeasible paths at the earliest opportunity and thus reduce the analysis time, is also described. Symbolic execution is most effective when included in an integrated test and analysis environment: a component test bench was built with a symbolic execution module integrated into it, providing a toolbox of software component test and code analysis methods aimed at programmers at all levels. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Electrical transport properties of molecular junctions are fundamentally affected by the energy alignment between molecular frontier orbitals (highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) or lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO)) and Fermi level (or work function) of electrode metals. Dithiafulvene (DTF) is used as substituent group to the oligo(phenylene ethynylene) (OPE) molecular wires and different molecular structures based on OPE3 backbone (with linear to cruciform framework) are achieved, with viable molecular orbitals and HOMO–LUMO energy gaps. OPE3, OPE3–DTF, and OPE3–tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) can form good self‐assembled monolayers (SAMs) on Au substrates. Molecular heterojunctions based on these SAMs are investigated using conducting probe–atomic force microscopy with different tips (Ag, Au, and Pt) and Fermi levels. The calibrated conductance values follow the sequence OPE3–TTF > OPE3–DTF > OPE3 irrespective of the tip metal. Rectification properties (or diode behavior) are observed in case of the Ag tip for which the work function is furthest from the HOMO levels of the OPE3s. Quantum chemical calculations of the transmission qualitatively agree with the experimental data and reproduce the substituent effect of DTF. Zero‐bias conductance, and symmetric or asymmetric couplings to the electrodes are investigated. The results indicate that improved fidelity of molecular transport measurements may be achieved by systematic studies of homologues series of molecular wires applying several different metal electrodes.  相似文献   
Three–dimensional, microperiodic scaffolds of regenerated silk fibroin have been fabricated for tissue engineering by direct ink writing. The ink, which consisted of silk fibroin solution from the Bombyx mori silkworm, was deposited in a layer‐by‐layer fashion through a fine nozzle to produce a 3D array of silk fibers of diameter 5 µm. The extruded fibers crystallized when deposited into a methanol‐rich reservoir, retaining a pore structure necessary for media transport. The rheological properties of the silk fibroin solutions were investigated and the crystallized silk fibers were characterized for structure and mechanical properties by infrared spectroscopy and nanoindentation, respectively. The scaffolds supported human bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) adhesion, and growth. Cells cultured under chondrogenic conditions on these scaffolds supported enhanced chondrogenic differentiation based on increased glucosaminoglycan production compared to standard pellet culture. Our results suggest that 3D silk fibroin scaffolds may find potential application as tissue engineering constructs due to the precise control of their scaffold architecture and their biocompatibility.  相似文献   
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