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Correlational analysis is a cornerstone method of statistical analysis, yet most presentations of correlational techniques deal primarily with tests of significance. The focus of this article is obtaining explicit expressions for confidence intervals for functions of simple, partial, and multiple correlations. Not only do these permit tests of hypotheses about differences but they also allow a clear statement about the degree to which correlations differ. Several important differences of correlations for which tests and confidence intervals are not widely known are included among the procedures discussed. Among these is the comparison of 2 multiple correlations based on independent samples. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Multiple- and single-unit neuronal activities were recorded from cerebellar cortex (Larsell's lobule HVI and adjacent ansiform cortex) and the cerebellar interpositus nucleus during forward (CS-US), backward (US-CS), and explicitly unpaired classical eyeblink conditioning in several rabbits. Whereas learning-related activity was observed in the interpositus nucleus only during forward pairing of the conditioning stimuli, a variety of patterns of learning-related neuronal firings were observed in cerebellar cortex during forward, backward, and even unpaired presentations of the conditioning stimuli. These data suggest that the cerebellar cortex and the deep cerebellar nuclei play different roles during classical eyeblink conditioning.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To develop and evaluate a simple, yet well defined, method to measure diffusion in semi-solids, i.e. polymeric materials. METHODS: The method was based on a concept where equivalent discs of polymeric films were cut and stacked on top of each other. The diffusion process was allowed to proceed unidimensionally through the stack of films perpendicular to the film surface. After an appropriate time, the stack was analysed disc by disc with respect to solute content and from the concentration profile so obtained the diffusion coefficient was calculated. RESULTS: An all-in-one device was developed, manufactured in stainless-steel, that cuts circular discs and stores each one successively in a "stack" in the cell compartment. CONCLUSIONS: Data from a silicone based system shows that the method, although simple, is accurate and reproducible.  相似文献   
We present Glimmer, a new multilevel algorithm for multidimensional scaling designed to exploit modern graphics processing unit (GPU) hardware. We also present GPU-SF, a parallel, force-based subsystem used by Glimmer. Glimmer organizes input into a hierarchy of levels and recursively applies GPU-SF to combine and refine the levels. The multilevel nature of the algorithm makes local minima less likely while the GPU parallelism improves speed of computation. We propose a robust termination condition for GPU-SF based on a filtered approximation of the normalized stress function. We demonstrate the benefits of Glimmer in terms of speed, normalized stress, and visual quality against several previous algorithms for a range of synthetic and real benchmark datasets. We also show that the performance of Glimmer on GPUs is substantially faster than a CPU implementation of the same algorithm.  相似文献   
本文针对网络学堂如何辅助高等数学课堂教学进行了研究,介绍了建设高等数学网络学堂的必要性,提出了建设高等数学网络学堂的途径,最后探讨了如何利用网络学堂提高高等数学教学质量。  相似文献   
采用电液比例控制技术对电解铜堆垛装置进行控制。分析了控制的工作原理及实现方法;探讨了系统的稳定性;采用PID校正技术对系统的稳定性进行校正。  相似文献   
Conventionally used in the food industry as stabilizing, thickening, gelling, and suspending or dispersing agents, non-starch polysaccharides such as xanthan gum are known to improve the texture of certain frozen products. Another polysaccharide that has received significant attention in recent years is chitosan, a natural biopolymer derived from chitin. In the wake of growing interest in finding ideal encapsulating agents for probiotics, non-starch polysaccharides have been investigated. Scattered research can be found on the effect of each individual polysaccharide, but there remains a void in the literature in terms of closely comparing the characteristics of non-starch polysaccharides for these applications, especially when more than one biopolymer is employed. A good understanding of the tools capable of elucidating the underlying mechanisms involved is essential in ushering further development of their applications. Therefore, it is this review’s intention to focus on the selection criteria of non-starch polysaccharides based on their rheological properties, resistance to harsh conditions, and ability to improve sensory quality. A variety of critical tools is also carefully examined with respect to the attainable information crucial to frozen food and microencapsulation applications.  相似文献   
Wet clutches are used in automatic transmissions to enable gear changes and also to reduce energy loss in the torque converter. These friction devices are susceptible to stick–slip effects, which result in the vehicle giving an unsteady ride. Stick–slip effects can be avoided by ensuring the wet clutch and lubricant combination produces a friction coefficient that increases with sliding speed. Although wet clutches have been studied throughout the industry for many decades, the mechanism of the generated friction is still not fully understood. It is known that, because of the fibrous nature and thus very large roughness of friction material, the overall contact between clutch plates actually consists of many small, independent, contact units, which are the sites of the generated friction. Some authors have suggested that a temperature rise due to friction either at these contact units or of the overall clutch plate may be important in controlling friction behaviour. In this study, the flash temperatures at the contact units formed in the wet clutch contact have been measured using an infrared camera. Three friction materials have been tested. It was found that measured flash temperature in a pure sliding system similar to that present in a slipping clutch remain well below 5 °C, and are therefore unlikely to play a major role in the observed friction-speed dependency of slipping wet clutches at speeds below 2 m/s.  相似文献   
We have studied the response of mechanically toughened and physically aged polycarbonate primarily using Charpy impact and ultrasonic wave speed measurements. The toughening was conducted through plastic compression on as‐received PC. The Charpy impact tests showed anisotropic toughening, both in the absorbed energy and in the mode of fracture. The amount of toughening with plastic compression, even though anisotropic, is centered around the response of annealed and quenched samples, which represent the response of an unaged PC. There was an anisotropic drop in the toughness of some samples with aging. The time of this drop was uncorrelated in the different directions and disappeared for the highly toughened samples. This transition was bimodal and statistically distributed between either a fully ductile or a fully brittle failure. As the samples were prepared in a manner to remove induced residual stresses, this drop in toughening may be associated with an intrinsic anisotropic thermal aging of the deformed material. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 54:794–804, 2014. © 2013 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   
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