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2-Butoxyethanol (2BE) is used extensively in the production of cleaning agents and solvents. It is primarily metabolized in the liver to 2-butoxyacetic acid (2BAA), which is believed to be responsible for 2BE toxicities associated with hemolysis of red blood cells. The objective of the study was to characterize the systemic disposition of 2BE and 2BAA in rats and mice during 2-year 2BE inhalation toxicity studies. Male and female F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice (6-7 weeks old) were exposed to target 2BE concentrations of 0, 31.2, 62.5, or 125 ppm (rats), or 0, 62.5, 125, or 250 ppm (mice), by whole-body inhalation for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for up to 18 months. Postexposure blood samples were collected after 1 day, 2 weeks, and 3, 6, 12, and 18 months of exposure. Postexposure 16-h urine samples were collected after 2 weeks and 3, 6, 12, and 18 months of exposure. A separate set of mice was kept in the control chamber and exposed to 2BE for 3 weeks when they were approximately 19 months old. Postexposure blood samples were collected after 1 day and 3 weeks of exposure and 16-h urine samples were collected after 2 weeks of exposure from these aged mice. Blood samples were analyzed for both 2BE and 2BAA and urine samples were analyzed for 2BAA using GC/MS, and their kinetic parameters were estimated through the curve-fitting method using SAS. Systemically absorbed 2BE was rapidly cleared from blood (t1/2-RAT < 10 min; t1/2-MOUSE < 5 min after the 1-day exposure) independent of exposure concentration. Proportional increases in AUC2BE relative to increases in exposure concentration indicated linear 2BE kinetics. In contrast, the rate of 2BAA elimination from blood decreased as the exposure concentration increased. Nonproportional increases in AUC2BAA also indicated that 2BAA is eliminated following dose-dependent, nonlinear kinetics. Overall, mice eliminated both 2BE and 2BAA from blood faster than rats. Sex-related differences in 2BAA elimination were most significant with rats, in that females were less efficient in clearing 2BAA from the blood. Differences in renal excretion of 2BAA are possibly responsible for the sex-related difference in the 2BAA blood profiles in rats. As exposure continued, the rates of elimination for both 2BE and 2BAA decreased in both species, resulting in longer residence times in the blood. When 19-month-old naive mice were exposed to 125 ppm, 2BE was rapidly cleared from the systemic circulation, exhibiting clearance profiles similar to young mice. However, old mice eliminated 2BAA from blood > 10 times slower than young mice after 1-day of exposure. This delayed elimination of 2BAA in old mice was less obvious after 3 weeks of exposure, suggesting that there might be other factors in addition to the age of animals that could influence the apparent difference in 2BAA kinetics between old and young mice. It was concluded that the elimination kinetics of 2BE and 2BAA following repeated 2BE exposure appear to be dependent on species, sex, age, time of exposure, as well as the exposure concentration.  相似文献   
Apoptosis is a highly regulated form of cell death, characterized by distinctive features such as cellular shrinkage and nuclear condensation. We demonstrate here that proteolytic activation of hPAK65, a p21-activated kinase, induces morphological changes and elicits apoptosis. hPAK65 is cleaved both in vitro and in vivo by caspases at a single site between the N-terminal regulatory p21-binding domain and the C-terminal kinase domain. The C-terminal cleavage product becomes activated, with a kinetic profile that parallels caspase activation during apoptosis. This C-terminal hPAK65 fragment also activates the c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway in vivo. Microinjection or transfection of this truncated hPAK65 causes striking alterations in cellular and nuclear morphology, which subsequently promotes apoptosis in both CHO and Hela cells. Conversely, apoptosis is delayed in cells expressing a dominant-negative form of hPAK65. These findings provide a direct evidence that the activated form of hPAK65 generated by caspase cleavage is a proapoptotic effector that mediates morphological and biochemical changes seen in apoptosis.  相似文献   
Contributions of self-reported health to adult age differences in perceptual speed and memory were assessed for 301 adults ages 20-90. Participants were asked 4 health status questions, given 3 perceptual speed tests, 2 working memory tests, and 2 memory tests. Self-reported health was found to predict speed better than it predicted memory. Covariance structural equation modeling was used to assess the relations among age, self-reported health, perceptual speed, working memory, and memory. The results support the hypothesis that any effects of self-reported health on age differences in memory are mediated by perceptual speed.  相似文献   
Target 17 of the Health Policy for Europe calls for the health-damaging consumption of dependence-producing substances such as alcohol, tobacco and psychoactive substances to be significantly reduced in all Member States between the year 1980 and the year 2000. With regard to alcohol, it is suggested that alcohol consumption be reduced by 25%, with particular attention to reducing harmful use. A question posed by a number of Member States is what is the level of per capita alcohol consumption of lowest risk to physical, psychological and social harm. A working group was convened to consider population levels of alcohol consumption with particular reference to the Member States of the European Region of WHO. A basis for understanding population problem experience can be established through the interaction between individual risk and distribution of consumption levels within the population. The working group concluded that public health policy within the European Region should continue to advise decreases of per capita consumption. Even when taking into account coronary heart disease, it can be concluded at the population level, across all ranges of alcohol consumption found in almost all countries of Europe, that a reduction in consumption is linked to better health. However, public health policy concerning alcohol should not be based solely on mortality. All outcomes of drinking, that is mortality, morbidity, social and criminal consequences, as well as quality of life, should be considered. The existing data relating alcohol consumption to health originates from countries primarily with a cultural experience of consuming alcohol. In those countries, where there is a cultural or religious tradition of not consuming alcohol, there can be no public health grounds for recommending alcohol consumption.  相似文献   
The experience on the diagnosis and treatment of 140 cases of giant mediastinal tumors from Jan. 1978 to Dec. 1994 was summarized in this paper. The mean size of the tumors was 14.6 cm x 11.2 cm x 8.9 cm. Among the 140 cases, teratoma was seen in 58 cases (41.4%), thymoma in 32 cases (22.9%) and neurogenic tumors in 16 cases (11.4%). Correct preoperative diagnosis was made in 96.4% for ultrasongraphy (UG), 89.5% for CT and only 19.5% for thin needle biopsy (TNB). The resection rate was 82.9% (116/140) and the operative mortality was 2.14% (3/140). The authors suggest that for the giant mediastinal tumoor, besides chest X-ray, UG and chest CT should be the main preoperative diagnostic nethods, TNB and fibro-optic bronchoscopy are also helpful to define the border and the invasiveness of the tumor. The choice of incisions and attentions during the operation are discussed.  相似文献   
Neospora is a newly recognized Toxoplasma-like cyst-forming coccidian parasite that causes abortion or congenital infections in naturally or experimentally infected animals. In this study, pregnant rhesus macaques were inoculated with culture-derived tachyzoites of a bovine Neospora isolate, and tissue samples from various major organs were collected from dams and fetuses for the detection of parasite DNA by using oligonucleotide primers COC-1 and COC-2 for PCR amplification of a conserved coccidial nuclear small-subunit rRNA gene sequence, and amplification products were confirmed by hybridization with a Neospora-specific DNA probe. PCR products were amplified from DNAs of different fetal monkey tissues, including brain, heart, lung, liver, spleen, skeletal muscle, skin, and placenta. In addition, Neospora DNA was amplified from the brain, heart, and lung tissues of infected rhesus macaque dams. The PCR and probe hybridization system may provide an effective method for the detection of Neospora infection in fetuses and dams from nonhuman primates and may be useful in determining the zoonotic potential of Neospora.  相似文献   
Retrotransposon Ty1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae inserts a double-stranded Ty1 cDNA into the yeast genome by a reaction analogous to the integration mechanism used by retroviruses. A quantitative in vitro integration assay that directly detects integrative recombination products was developed for Ty1. Blunt-ended artificial radioactive substrates bearing Ty1 termini integrate into circular or linear target DNAs. The reaction is specific for native integrase isolated in the form of virus-like particles; virus-like particles prepared from integrase mutants were completely inactive in this assay. The products are radioactive, allowing direct detection after gel electrophoresis by autoradiography. Using this simple and amenable system, we characterized the biochemical requirements of the system and the structures of the major integration products. Two classes of products were detected: those that were the result of bona fide complete integration events (concerted reactions) and single-end joinings of substrate to target (half-reactions). Additionally, we used a genetic selection scheme to identify and characterize target sites of complete integration events into a circular target plasmid; a 5-bp target site duplication flanking the inserted DNA resembling the duplication characteristic of in vivo integration was observed.  相似文献   
Our aim is to determine non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) incidence in Taiwan and examine its relation to obesity and hyperinsulinaemia in Chinese men and women. A total of 995 men and 1195 women aged 35-74 years free from diabetes in two townships in Taiwan were followed up with a second examination. At baseline general and metabolic data were recorded, and detailed anthropometric parameters and plasma glucose and insulin were assessed. World Health Organisation (WHO) criteria of fasting glucose 7.8 mmol/l or greater was utilized for defining diabetes. The age-standardized incidence rate based on the United States population in 1970 was 9.3/1000 (CI 5.8-12.8) in men and 9.3/1000 (CI 6.2-12.4) in women and the based on the WHO population in 1976 was 8.9/1000 (CI .5-12.3) in men and 8.9/1000 (CI 5.9-11.9) in women for the Chinese who had a mean BMI slightly greater than 24 (kg/m2). The predictability of the plasma glucose level was greater than that of the insulin level and the obesity indices. NIDDM incidence increased approximately threefold with each 0.67 mmol/l increase in plasma glucose level in men and women. The present study demonstrated the essential relationship of not only BMI but also central obesity indices (such as subscapular and waist circumference) to the incidence of NIDDM among men and women and a stronger relationship between NIDDM incidence and obesity in women than in men. The predictive effects of obesity indices and fasting plasma insulin values on NIDDM risk were independent of each other in men. Obesity and hyperinsulinaemia each without the presence of the other can lead to an increased risk of NIDDM. In women the NIDDM incidence increased more than additively in those with both obesity and hyperinsulinaemia compared to those with single obesity or hyperinsulinaemia. A slightly higher incidence of NIDDM in Taiwan than in western countries was found. The importance of obesity is indicated for predicting NIDDM in the community. Hyperinsulinaemia was found to play a significant role in predicting NIDDM incidence independent of obesity in men and synergistically with obesity in women.  相似文献   
Hcp is a 28-kDa secreted protein of Vibrio cholerae regulated coordinately with the hemolysin, HlyA. Both proteins show a dependence on HlyU for expression, suggesting that Hcp may be secreted by V. cholerae in vivo. We have identified and sequenced two genes for Hcp, designated hcpA and hcpB (hemolysin-coregulated protein). The genes encode identical amino acid sequences. Both express a 28-kDa protein, despite open reading frames with only a 19-kDa capacity, suggesting that the Hcp protein runs aberrantly on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. There is no cleavage involved in secretion of Hcp from the cell, suggesting a novel mechanism of secretion. An hcp null mutant was constructed, and this strain displayed no deficiency in virulence or colonization in the infant mouse cholera model. From sequence data and primer extension analysis, we predict that the hcp promoter is the sigma 54 type, with a candidate integration host factor binding site upstream. Although hcp and hlyA are coregulated by HlyU, there are no obvious similarities between their promoters. We predict that an intermediate regulator may be involved in the activation of hcp by HlyU. This raises the possibility that HlyU is part of a regulatory cascade.  相似文献   
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