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Genes that encode enzymes that convert inactive prodrugs into anticancer metabolites may be therapeutically useful against brain tumors. Unlike other genes tested to date in brain tumor models, the Escherichia coli gpt gene is unique in that it not only sensitizes cells to the prodrug 6-thioxanthine (6TX) but also encodes resistance to a different regimen (mycophenolic acid, xanthine, and hypoxanthine), thus providing a means to select for gpt-positive cells. In the present study, rat C6 glioma cells were infected with a retrovirus vector that transduces this gene. A clonal line (C6GPT-7) was derived that exhibited significant 6TX susceptibility in vitro with an ID50 of 2.5 mumol/L, whereas 50% growth inhibition of parental C6 cells was not achieved at concentrations tested (up to 50 mumol/L). This line also exhibited significant sensitivity to 6-thioguanine (6TG), with an ID50 of 0.05 mumol/L, whereas 50% growth inhibition of parental C6 cells was achieved at 0.5 mumol/L. In a bystander assay, C6GPT-7 tumor cells efficiently transferred 6TX sensitivity to C6 cells at ratios as low as 1:9 (C6GPT-7:C6). This in vitro bystander effect was abrogated when C6GPT-7 and C6 cells were separated by a microporous membrane, suggesting that it was not mediated by highly diffusible metabolites. In vivo both 6TX and 6TG significantly inhibited the growth of subcutaneously transplanted C6GPT-7 cells but not that of C6 cells in athymic mice. In an intracerebral model, both 6TX and 6TG exhibited significant antiproliferative effects against tumors formed by C6GPT-7 cells. These findings provide a basis for exploring further gene therapy strategies based on in vivo transfer of the E coli gpt gene to provide chemosensitivity against 6TX and 6TG.  相似文献   
Our previous receiver operating characteristic (ROC) study indicated that the detection accuracy of microcalcifications by radiologists is significantly reduced if mammograms are digitized at 0.1 mm x 0.1 mm. Our recent study also showed that detection accuracy by computer decreases as the pixel size increases from 0.035 mm x 0.035 mm. It is evident that very large matrix sizes have to be used for digitizing mammograms in order to preserve the information in the image. Efficient compression techniques will be needed to facilitate communication and archiving of digital mammograms. In this study, we evaluated two compression techniques: full frame discrete cosine transform (DCT) with entropy coding and Laplacian pyramid hierarchical coding (LPHC). The dependence of their efficiency on the compression parameters was investigated. The techniques were compared in terms of the trade-off between the bit rate and the detection accuracy of subtle microcalcifications by an automated detection algorithm. The mean-square errors in the reconstructed images were determined and the visual quality of the error images was examined. It was found that with the LPHC method, the highest compression ratio achieved without a significant degradation in the detectability was 3.6:1. The full frame DCT method with entropy coding provided a higher compression efficiency of 9.6:1 at comparable detection accuracy. The mean-square errors did not correlate with the detection accuracy of the microcalcifications. This study demonstrated the importance of determining the quality of the decompressed images by the specific requirements of the task for which the decompressed images are to be used. Further investigation is needed for selection of optimal compression technique for digital mammograms.  相似文献   
Histidine-containing protein (HPr) is a phosphocarrier protein of the bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system. HPr is phosphorylated at the active site residue, His15, by phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent enzyme I in the first enzyme reaction in the process of phosphoryl transfer to sugar. In many Gram-positive bacterial species HPr may also be phosphorylated at Ser46 by an ATP-dependent protein kinase but not in the Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. One effect of the phosphorylation at Ser46 is to make HPr a poor acceptor for phosphorylation at His15. In Bacillus subtilis HPr, the mutation Ser46Asp mimics the effects of phosphorylation. A series of mutations were made at Ser46 in E. coli HPr: Ala, Arg, Asn, Asp, Glu, and Gly. The two acidic replacements mimic the effects of phosphorylation of Ser46 in HPrs from Gram-positive bacteria. In particular, when mutated to Asp46, the His 15 phosphoacceptor activity (enzyme I Km/Kcat) decreases by about 2000-fold (enzyme I Km, 4 mM HPr; Kcat, approximately 30%). The alanine and glycine mutations had near-wild-type properties, and the asparagine and arginine mutations yielded small changes to the Km values. The crystallographic tertiary structure of Ser46Asp HPr has been determined at 1.5 A resolution, and several changes have been observed which appear to be the effect of the mutation. There is a tightening of helix B, which is demonstrated by a consistent shortening of hydrogen bond lengths throughout the helix as compared to the wild-type structure. There is a repositioning of the Gly54 residue to adopt a 3(10) helical pattern which is not present in the wild-type HPr. In addition, the higher resolution of the mutant structure allows for a more definitive placement of the carbonyl of Pro11. The consequence of this change is that there is no torsion angle strain at residue 16. This result suggests that there is no active site torsion angle strain in wild-type E. coli HPr. The lack of substantial change at the active center of E. coli HPr Ser46Asp HPr suggests that the effect of the Ser46 phosphorylation in HPrs from Gram-positive bacteria is due to an electrostatic interference with enzyme I binding.  相似文献   
A comprehensive series of time-related behavioral, physiological and cerebral metabolic studies was conducted using conscious Sprague-Dawley rats to discern the anti-endothelin (ET) properties of the specific ETA receptor antagonist, FR139317. Endothelin-1 (9 pmol given by injection into one lateral ventricle, i.c.v.) produced convulsions, acute arterial hypertension, arterial hyperglycemia, and hyperventilation. Brain structures close to the i.c.v. site of injection, such as the caudate nucleus, lateral septal nucleus, corpus callosum and hippocampal CA3 medial lamellae, as well as 14 other individual structures, displayed moderate-to-intense levels of metabolic activation after endothelin. Data were assessed quantitatively by means of the autoradiographic [14C]deoxyglucose technique combined with image analysis. Neural circuits in the efferent projection paths of the stimulated forebrain structures, such as the midbrain oculomotor complex, amygdaloid nuclei, substantia nigra pars reticulata and caudal subicular subregions of the hippocampal formation, were stimulated focally by endothelin. Specific medullary nuclei and cerebellar cortical subregions displayed high rates of glucose metabolism following endothelin injection at the time of maximum behavioral and physiological stimulation. I.c.v. treatment with > or = 14 nmol FR139317 before endothelin significantly inhibited the effects produced by the peptide. At the highest dose of FR139317 (28 nmol), there was only mild behavioral stimulation following endothelin injection, and hypermetabolic responses in the brain were abolished except in two specific areas of the cerebellar cortex (approx 40% increases in metabolic activity in the copula pyramis and paramedian lobule). The results indicate that the cerebral stimulatory effects of i.c.v. endothelin are mediated by the A type of endothelin receptor. By itself, i.c.v. FR139317 had no effects on the parameters assessed. Further evaluation of FR139317 is warranted as a possible therapeutic agent for neuropathologies suspected of deriving from central neural or vascular stimulation by endothelin, such as aneurysmal vasospasm, ischemia, excitotoxicity, and peptide-mediated epilepsies.  相似文献   
Leptin, the protein product of the adipose tissue-specific ob (obese) gene (1), reduces the body weight, adiposity and food intake of obese ob/ob mice on peripheral or central injection (2, 3, 4). [125I]leptin binding has been detected in mouse choroid plexus (5), from which a leptin receptor gene was expression cloned (5). The gene has at least 6 splice variants (6, 7). Leptin receptor mRNA was localized in the hypothalamus by in situ hybridization being particularly abundantly expressed in the arcuate nucleus (8). There is evidence linking the physiological effects of injected leptin with hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (9, 10) (NPY), which has potent central effects on food intake and energy balance (11), and is also expressed in the arcuate nucleus. Here we report dual in situ hybridization studies for leptin receptor and NPY gene expression in the mouse arcuate nucleus, where the majority of cells examined expressed both genes. This provides the first direct evidence that leptin acts on cells that express NPY mRNA.  相似文献   
Direct modulation of large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (maxi-K) channel by receptor-associated G protein in rabbit mesenteric arterial smooth muscle cells was studied using the outside-out patch clamp technique. Applying a beta-adrenoceptor agonist (isoproterenol) increased maxi-K channel activity by 75%, and the effect was almost completely abolished by pretreating the cells with pertussis toxin but not with cholera toxin. When the antibody against Gi protein was present in the pipette solution the stimulatory effect of isoproterenol disappeared. These results suggest that beta-adrenoceptor stimulation increases maxi-K channel activity via a membrane-delimited pathway, probably through pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein (Gi).  相似文献   
Subsurface perfusion to lung parenchyma underlying the pleura is difficult to assess in live ventilated animals. The purpose of this study was to assess applicability of a newly developed laser Doppler grid scanning imaging technology that measures perfusion of pleural subsurface lung regions in intact normal and abnormal animal lungs. Eighty-six Doppler grid perfusion measurements were performed in five New Zealand White Rabbits (3-5 kg); four with unilateral bullous lung disease, one normal control. Left upper lobe lung surface was exposed to 10 1-sec spot Nd:YAG exposures (70 W/cm2). One week following laser exposure, all rabbits underwent sequential bilateral open thoracotomy. Unaffected left lower lobes in these animals and all four lobes of a previously untreated rabbit were used as controls. Pleural subsurface perfusion measurements were recorded over a contiguous 900-pixel square surface grid using quantitative noncontact laser Doppler imaging during open thoracotomy procedures. Scans were obtained in a normal volume ventilation mode, at 30 cm of inspiratory hold airway pressure, and postinflation. A perfusion-pressure response curve was obtained in normal lung at 10-, 20-, and 30-cm static airway pressure. Post mortem measurements were used as 0 flow controls. Normal lung tissue was found to have relatively high pleural subsurface perfusion (1362 +/- 328 corrected units on a scale of 0-4095). Areas of atelectasis had decreased perfusion (659 +/- 512 U., 48.4 +/- 12.5% compared to normal lung, p < 0.02), but returned to normal levels after inflation of the lung (1253 +/- 363 U., p = 0.21 compared to normal). Pleural subsurface perfusion decreased uniformly and progressively as lung inflation pressure increased (p < 0.0001). Perfusion increased immediately to supranormal values following release of high inspiratory inflation pressure holds (1603 +/- 626 U., 117 +/- 18% compared to normal lung, p = 0.03). Bullae had markedly decreased perfusion (541 +/- 68 U.) that was not further reduced by increased inflation pressures. Noncontact laser Doppler grid perfusion imaging appears to provide a new tool for measuring pleural subsurface perfusion over a large area of lung surface in clinical experimental settings. Results are rapid, reproducible, and consistent. Sampling errors inherent in current point sampling Doppler flow techniques are reduced by the multiple contiguous measurements. We have used this technique to demonstrate inspiratory pressure-related reduction in pleural subsurface perfusion in normal lung, reversible decreased perfusion in atelectatic regions, and reduced perfusion in bullous and laser-treated lung regions.  相似文献   
This study was designed to determine whether the maintenance of higher than usual patient-specific heparin concentrations during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) was associated with more effective suppression of hemostasis system activation. Thirty-one patients scheduled for repeat cardiac surgery or combined procedures (i.e., coronary revascularization + valve repair/replacement) were consented and enrolled in this study. All patients received porcine heparin and protamine and were randomly assigned to monitoring of anticoagulation by either celite ACT alone (Control, n = 16) or by kaolin ACT combined with on-site measurements of whole blood heparin concentration (Intervention, n = 15). Blood specimens collected before administration of heparin, before weaning from CPB and after administration of protamine were analyzed with a battery of coagulation assays. Patients in the intervention cohort received appreciably greater heparin doses than control patients, resulting in higher anti-Xa heparin levels at the end of CPB. Fibrinopeptide A and D-dimer levels were higher in the control group before discontinuation of CPB. Percent decrease during CPB were greater in the control group for factors V and VIII, fibrinogen and antithrombin III. Percent decrease in complement 3 was greater in the control group after protamine and bleeding times measured in the Intensive Care Unit were significantly more prolonged in this group. Maintenance of higher patient-specific heparin concentrations during CPB more effectively suppresses excessive hemostatic system activation than do standard heparin doses chosen based on measurement of ACT. These findings may explain, at least in part, the significant reduction in perioperative blood loss and blood product use when higher heparin concentrations are maintained.  相似文献   
LY171883, a peroxisome proliferator and leukotriene D4-antagonist, induced a statistically significant increase in the number of hepatic lesions in B6C3F1 female mice in a 2 year oncogenicity study at dietary doses of 0.0225% and 0.075%. The mutation frequency and spectrum of the 61st codon of H-ras was determined for 64 independent, archived lesions from the LY171883 2 year oncogenicity study using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), allele specific oligo hybridization (ASO) and DNA sequencing. Results showed 41 (64%) of these lesions had mutations at the 61st codon (16/21 hepatocellular carcinomas, 4/10 hepatocellular adenomas, 19/26 focal hepatocellular hyperplasias and 2/7 focal hepatocellular atypia). These mutations consisted of 18 C-A transversions, 16 A-G transitions and seven A-T transversions. Compared to the mutation frequency for spontaneously occurring archival B6C3F1 hepatic lesions (41%), the frequency of LY171883 lesions (64%) was significantly higher (P < 0.01). The frequencies of H-ras 61st codon mutations among the LY171883 lesion types (hepatocellular carcinomas 76%, hepatocellular adenomas 40%, focal hepatocellular hyperplasias 73% and hepatocellular atypia 29%) were also significantly different (P = 0.035). In contrast, spontaneous lesions showed no statistical difference in the frequencies of mutation among lesion types (P > 0.5). The mutation spectrum of the LY171883 lesions was not significantly different from the spontaneous spectra. It may be concluded that based on the similarity in mutation spectrum and the increase in mutation frequency, LY171883 may selectively promote spontaneous hepatic lesions containing H-ras 61st codon mutations. In addition, the difference in mutation frequency among lesion types does not support a linear progression of all LY171883 lesions through focal atypia, focal hepatocellular hyperplasias, hepatocellular adenomas and hepatocellular carcinomas.  相似文献   
This paper, the second in a two-part series, presents a new methodology for structural identification and nondestructive evaluation by piezo–impedance transducers. The theoretical development and experimental validation of the underlying lead–zirconium–titanate (PZT)–structure interaction model was presented in the first part. In our newly proposed method, the damage in evaluated on the basis of the equivalent system parameters “identified” by the surface-bonded piezo–impedance transducer. As proof of concept, the proposed method is applied to perform structural identification and damage diagnosis on a representative lab-sized aerospace structural component. It is then extended to identify and monitor a prototype reinforced concrete bridge during a destructive load test. The proposed method was found to be able to successfully identify as well as evaluate damages in both the structures.  相似文献   
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