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We developed a procedure for trace enrichment of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) in extracts of smoked food products, and an HPLC-fluorescence detection (FL) method for determination of BP in the enriched extracts. The procedure consists in extraction/sonication of the lyophilized product in hexane, clean-up of the hexane extract by passage through a Sep-Pak Silica Plus cartridge and, subsequently, by partitioning between hexane and dimethyl sulphoxide, and concentration of the BP using a Sep-Pak C18 Plus cartridge. HPLC-FL and quantification limits were 0.049 microgram/l in acetonitrile (< 0.0067 microgram/kg of smoked food) and 0.089 microgram/l in acetonitrile (< 0.012 microgram/kg), respectively. Recovery (94.1%) and RSD (< 8.65%) were satisfactory. When applied to 15 types of sausage, mean BP content was 0.022 microgram/kg, and all but two samples (both treated with wood smoke) had BP contents below the 0.03 microgram/kg limit imposed in EU legislation for smoking-flavour agents.  相似文献   
We describe a gene from Drosophila melanogaster related to the alpha-amylase gene Amy. This gene, which exists as a single copy, was named Amyrel. It is strikingly divergent from Amy because the amino acid divergence is 40%. The coding sequence is interrupted by a short intron at position 655, which is unusual in amylase genes. Amyrel has also been cloned in Drosophila ananassae, Drosophila pseudoobscura, and Drosophila subobscura and is likely to be present throughout the Sophophora subgenus, but, to our knowledge, it has not been detected outside. Unexpectedly, there is a strong conservation of 5' and 3' flanking regions between Amyrel genes from different species, which is not the case for Amy and which suggests that selection acts on these regions. In contrast to the Amy genes, Amyrel is transcribed in larvae of D. melanogaster but not in adults. However, the protein has not been detected yet. Amyrel evolves about twice as fast as Amy in the several species studied. We suggest that this gene could result from a duplication of Amy followed by accelerated and selected divergence toward a new adaptation.  相似文献   
Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) is highly concentrated in neuroendocrine tissues and is the only carboxypeptidase detected in mature secretory vesicles. Carboxypeptidase D (CPD), a carboxypeptidase with CPE-like activity, is widely distributed in tissues and is present in the trans-Golgi network. Previous work had shown that both CPE and CPD are expressed in the human placenta and that CPD is expressed at much higher levels than CPE. The present work provides evidence for the co-localization of CPE and CPD to basal plate extravillous trophoblasts and maternal uteroplacental vascular endothelial cells, chorionic villous endothelial cells, amnionic epithelial cells, and umbilical venous and arterial smooth muscle cells. Whereas the intensity of CPD immunostaining is similar in the placenta and umbilical cord, CPE staining in the placenta is much weaker than in the umbilical cord, suggesting that CPD plays a more important role in the processing of placental peptides. Immunoelectron microscopy of umbilical venous smooth muscle cells shows subcellular localization of both enzymes to the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, CPE is present just subjacent to the cell membrane. The difference in cellular and subcellular localization between the two enzymes indicates that they perform distinct functions in the processing of placental peptides and proteins.  相似文献   
Results of the dating of fossil human teeth excavated from a shelter in the surroundings areas of the Serra da Capivara National Park, São Raimundo Nonato, Piauí, Brazil are presented. This shelter was partially excavated to search for more data that could improve the archaeological context of the Garrincho’s limestone hill sites, where the Toca do Gordo do Garrincho shelter provided two human teeth dated by conventional C-14 in (12,170 ± 40) yBP (years before present) and calibrated age (2 Sigma, 95% probability) 15,245-14,690 yBP (Beta 136204) [E. Peyre, C. Guérin, N. Guidon, I. Coppens, CR Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la terre et des planètes/ Earth & Planetary Sciences 327 (1998) 335, [1]].This region is challenging the classical theories about the peopling of America. In agreement with such theories the first human groups would have arrived in America, through Behring, only about 20,000 years ago. The site Toca do Boqueirão da Pedra Furada is a rock-shelter situated at the cliff that is the frontier between the Pré-Cambrian São Francisco plain and the Devonian-Permian highlands of the Maranhão-Piauí basin. It was excavated from 1978 till 1988 and presented a very consistent stratigraphy, with thousand of lithic implements and hearths [F. Parenti, Le gisement quaternaire de la Pedra Furada (Piaui, Brésil), Stratigraphie, chronologie, évolution culturelle, Editions Recherches sur les civilisations, Paris, 2002, [2]; F. Parenti, Le Gisement Quaternaire de la Toca do Boqueirão da Pedra Furada (Piauí, Brésil) dans le Contexte de la Préhistoire Américaine Fouilles, Stratigraphie, Chronologie, Évolution Culturelle, Ph.D. diss, Ècole des Hautes Ètudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 1993, 411p, [3]; F. Parenti, M. Fontugne, N. Guidon, C. Guérin, M. Faure, Chronostratigraphie des gisements archéologiques et paléontologiques de Sao Raimundo Nonato (Piaui, Brésil): contribution à la connaissance du peuplement pléistocène de l’Amérique, Supplément de la Revue d’Archéométrie, 1999, p. 327, [4]].Seventy C-14 dates were obtained going from 59,000 yBP to 5000 yBP at the actual soil [G.M. Santos, M.I., Bird, F. Parenti, L.K. Fifield, N. Guidon, P.A. Hausladen, Quaternary Sci. Rev. 22 (2003) 2303, [5]]. Beneath the date of 59,000 yBP it was found 1.5 m of archaeological layers, till the rock base. The cobbles that composed the structure of the hearths placed on top of the rock base were dated by thermoluminescence and the date of them is 100,000 yBP [H. Valladas, N. Mercier, M. Michab, J.L. Joron, J.L. Reiss, N. Guidon, N., Quaternary Sci. Rev. 22 (2003) 1257, [6]; H. Valladas, N. Mercier, M. Michab, J.L. Joron, J.L. Reyss, N. Guidon, Datações por Termoluminescência de Seixos de Quartzo Queimados da Toca do Boqueirão da Pedra Furada (Piauí, Nordeste do Brasil), Fumdhamentos III, 1 (2003) 35 (in Portuguese), [7]]. Thus chronological information is of paramount importance to contextualize and to understand the many questions regarding the human occupation of these sites [N. Guidon, A.M. Pessis, G. Martin, O Povoamento Pré-Histórico do Nordeste do Brasil, Proposta da: Fundação Museu do Homem Americano, e do Núcleo de Estudos Arqueológicos, da UFPE, CLIO ARQ, Recife 1 (6) (1990) 123, [8]]. To obtain more information Toca da Santa shelter, the nearest site to Toca do Gordo do Garrincho shelter, was also excavated and three incomplete skeletons with teeth were found at 80 cm depth. The teeth were cleaned and acid etched and enamel completely removed from dentine and crushed in particles smaller than 0.5 mm. Enamel was irradiated with a Co-60 source and measured with an ESR spectrometer (X-band) to obtain the signal versus dose curve. The archeological doses obtained by the fitting were (5.94 ± 0.07) Gy and (5.97 ± 0.08) Gy. Using the ROSY program an age of 5,700 ± 200 yBP was found for both teeth.  相似文献   
The influence of urban externalities on migration flows has not been fully examined in the previous literature. This paper investigates whether a change in dwellings across cities is associated with a specific urban externality, crime rates, using urban‐to‐urban migration data at the municipal level. Gravity equation results show that migration is affected by crime rates, not only locally but also when neighbouring effects are taken into account.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to investigate numerically the steady natural convection resulting from horizontally heating a rectangular enclosure filled with a fluid and containing uniformly distributed, conducting, fixed and disconnected solid blocks (i.e., not touching each other). In particular, the effects of solid volume fraction, solid–fluid thermal conductivity ratio, and total number of blocks on the heat transfer process are determined by solving the mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations using the finite-volume method. The enclosure aspect ratio is varied from 0.25 to 4, the Rayleigh number from 105 to 108, and the Prandtl number is set as unity. Results of the numerical simulations are presented in terms of the surface-averaged Nusselt number, streamfunction, and streamline and isotherm distributions. The interference phenomenon caused by the solid blocks on the natural convection process is considered in detail and used to explain and predict the surprising and complex behavior of surface-averaged Nusselt number.  相似文献   
The ladle teeming process was investigated by 2D axis‐symmetrical mathematical models and a pilot‐plant experiment. Different turbulence models, including the low Reynolds number kε model and the realizable kε model both with an enhanced wall treatment (EWT) and a standard wall function (SWF), were used to simulate this process. All of these turbulence model predictions generally agreed well with the experimental results. The velocity distributions in the nozzle were also predicted by these turbulence models. At the late stage of the teeming process, the drain sink flow phenomenon was studied. The combination of an inclined ladle bottom and a gradually expanding nozzle was found to be an effective way to alleviate a drain sink flow.  相似文献   
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