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N6-(p-Azidobenzyl)adenosine (ABA) and nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR) were employed as covalent probes of the nucleoside transport mechanism in human erythrocytes. NBMPR, a potent inhibitor of nucleoside transport, binds tightly (KD 0.3-1 nM) to specific sites on nucleoside transporter elements. ABA, a less potent inhibitor of uridine influx, competitively inhibited NBMPR binding (Ki 15 nM). [3H]ABA was bound tightly (KD 13.4 nM) but reversibly to sites on erythrocytes which appeared to be those which bind NBMPR. ABA binding was inhibited by uridine and adenosine. Irradiation with UV light caused site-bound [3H]ABA on erythrocyte membranes to become covalently bound and, similarly, photoactivation resulted in covalent attachment of membrane-bound [3H]NBMPR. In the presence of dithiothreitol, a free radical scavenger, photoactivation of the site-bound 3H-ligand on membranes depleted of extrinsic membrane proteins resulted in selective incorporation of 3H into band 4.5 of the membrane polypeptides which were resolved on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electropherograms. This result, when considered with previous findings, indicates that the NBMPR-binding component of the nucleoside transport mechanism (or the entire mechanism, if the NBMPR site is an integral part) is a band 4.5 polypeptide.  相似文献   
We measured lung compliance, pulmonary flow-resistance, and expiratory reserve volume (ERV) in ten healthy young adults in sitting, supine, and lateral positions. Average lung compliance was 0.21 in sitting, 0.19 in lateral and 0.16 L.cm H2O-1 in supine positions. The change was significant (p less than 0.01) between sitting and supine position. Flow-resistance increased from 1.78 in sitting to 2.5 cm H2O.L-1.s (p less than 0.001) in lateral positions, and did not increase further in the supine posture in spite of a 35 percent decrease in ERV (p less than 0.001). Since it is known that lower airways resistance increases with decreasing lung volume, the lack of change in flow-resistance when shifting from lateral to supine posture suggests that upper airways flow-resistance (larynx and oropharynx) is greater in the lateral decubitus than in the supine positions. The decrease of lung compliance in horizontal postures probably reflects increased pulmonary blood volume and small airways closure.  相似文献   
Outsourced information systems development (OISD) projects are challenging endeavors, and the literature suggests differences between the parties involved as critical hinderers of such projects. Using institutional theory as a foundational theory, we propose a process explanation of the effects of differences between parties in OISD projects. Our explanation relies on the interaction of four components: (1) the IS development and project management institutional profiles of the parties involved; (2) the institutional distance between practices within these profiles; (3) instances of conflicting institutional demands when institutional distance becomes salient; and (4) the repertoire of institutional strategic responses available to parties to address those instances. We suggest that the constitutive elements of institutional distance and the degree to which parties envision their collaboration beyond the project at hand contribute to explaining the enactment of strategic responses. Accounting for the fact that practices, as well as the institutional logics that drive their enactment, may differ between parties, we make a theoretical contribution to the literature on OISD by building a fine-grained explanation of the effects of differences between parties in OISD projects.  相似文献   
Shape is an important consideration in green building design due to its significant impact on energy performance and construction costs. This paper presents a methodology to optimize building shapes in plan using the genetic algorithm. The building footprint is represented by a multi-sided polygon. Different geometrical representations for a polygon are considered and evaluated in terms of their potential problems such as epistasis, which occurs when one gene pair masks or modifies the expression of other gene pairs, and encoding isomorphism, which occurs when chromosomes with different binary strings map to the same solution in the design space. Two alternative representations are compared in terms of their impact on computational effectiveness and efficiency. An optimization model is established considering the shape-related variables and several other envelope-related design variables such as window ratios and overhangs. Life-cycle cost and life-cycle environmental impact are the two objective functions used to evaluate the performance of a green building design. A case study is presented where the shape of a typical floor of an office building defined by a pentagon is optimized with a multi-objective genetic algorithm.  相似文献   
G Carter  MJ Nobes 《Vacuum》1982,32(9):593-599
A phenomenological model of erosion of solids by reactive gases enhanced by simultaneous surface irradiation (e.g. by ions) is developed. The model is based upon the assumption that the radiation generates activated atomic states which can be preferentially removed, with accompanying atomic erosion, at a rate proportional to the product of the surface activated state density and reactant gas flux. This model allows deduction of erosion velocity as a function of surface orientation and it is shown how knowledge of this function can be used to predict the evolution of surface morphology.  相似文献   
A Plasmodium-refractory strain of Anopheles gambiae melanotically encapsulates many species of Plasmodium, whereas wild-type mosquitoes are usually susceptible. This encapsulation trait can also be observed by studying the response of refractory and susceptible strains to intrathoracically injected CM-Sephadex beads. We report the results of broad-scale quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping of the encapsulation trait using the bead model system. Interval mapping using the method of maximum likelihood identified one major QTL, Pen1. The 13.7-cM interval containing Pen1 was defined by marker AGH157 at 8E and AGH46 at 7A on 2R. Pen1 was associated with a maximum LOD score of 9.0 and accounted for 44% of the phenotypic variance in the distribution of phenotypes in the backcross. To test if this QTL is important for encapsulation of Plasmodium berghei, F2 progeny were infected with P. berghei and evaluated for degree of parasite encapsulation. For each of the two markers that define the interval containing Pen1, a significant difference of encapsulation was seen in progeny with at least one refractory allele in contrast with homozygous susceptible progeny. These results suggest that Pen1 is important for melanotic encapsulation of Plasmodium as well as beads.  相似文献   
Patients with chronic hepatitis C (n = 103) were treated for 24 weeks with interferon alfa 2b and followed up for 24 weeks after cessation of therapy (week 48). When hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA at week 48 was used to assess interferon response, 15 (14.6%) were virological complete responders, and all have remained HCV RNA negative for a mean of 3 years. At week 48, 3 of 15 virological complete responders had elevated alanine transaminase (ALT) values. When serum ALT level was used at week 48 to determine response to interferon, 20 (19.4%) were biochemical complete responders. However, 8 of the 20 patients with normal ALT levels were HCV RNA positive at week 48, and 7 of these individuals have had a recurrence of elevated ALT levels within 3 years after cessation of treatment. These findings indicate that measurement of HCV RNA was more accurate than ALT in determining true responses to interferon therapy. Identification of nonresponders early during the course of interferon treatment showed that an elevated ALT level at week 12 was 92% predictive (odds ratio 3.7) but misidentified 33% (5 of 15) of the patients who were virological complete responders at week 48. In contrast, a positive HCV RNA at week 12 of treatment was 98% predictive (odds ratio 35.5) and misidentified only 6.7% (1 of 15) of the virological complete responders. Thus, positive HCV RNA at week 12 of therapy was more accurate in identifying eventual virological nonresponders than measurement of ALT at this time. Termination of interferon therapy in patients who were HCV RNA positive at week 12 would result in a 27% reduction in the direct medical costs and keep patients from undergoing unnecessary treatment. Therefore, testing for HCV RNA at week 12 to identify nonresponders and then discontinuing their treatment is practical, cost-efficient and beneficial both to patients and to third-party payers.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The triglyceride-lowering effects of omega-3 fats and HDL cholesterol-raising effects of exercise may be appropriate management for dyslipidemia in NIDDM. However, fish oil may impair glycemic control in NIDDM. The present study examined the effects of moderate aerobic exercise and the incorporation of fish into a low-fat (30% total energy) diet on serum lipids and glycemic control in dyslipidemic NIDDM patients. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: In a controlled, 8-week intervention, 55 sedentary NIDDM subjects with serum triglycerides > 1.8 mmol/l and/or HDL cholesterol < 1.0 mmol/l were randomly assigned to a low-fat diet (30% daily energy intake) with or without one fish meal daily (3.6 g omega-3/day) and further randomized to a moderate (55-65% VO2max) or light (heart rate < 100 bpm) exercise program. An oral glucose tolerance test (75 g), fasting serum glucose, insulin, lipids, and GHb were measured before and after intervention. Self-monitoring of blood glucose was performed throughout. RESULTS: In the 49 subjects who completed the study, moderate exercise improved aerobic fitness (VO2max) by 12% (from 1.87 to 2.07 l/min, P = 0.0001). Fish consumption reduced triglycerides (0.80 mmol/l, P = 0.03) and HDL3 cholesterol (0.05 mmol/l, P = 0.02) and increased HDL2 cholesterol (0.06 mmol/l, P = 0.01). After adjustment for age, sex, and changes in body weight, fish diets were associated with increases in GHb (0.50%, P = 0.05) and self-monitored glucose (0.57 mmol/l, P = 0.0002), which were prevented by moderate exercise. CONCLUSIONS: A reduced fat diet incorporating one daily fish meal reduces serum triglycerides and increases HDL2 cholesterol in dyslipidemic NIDDM patients. Associated deterioration in glycemic control can be prevented by a concomitant program of moderate exercise.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the absence of elongate spermatids (ES) from the rat seminiferous epithelium on the quantitative secretion and synthesis of the three major Sertoli cell secretory proteins--SGP-1, SGP-2 and CP-2. Seminiferous tubules (ST) were isolated (a) from normal 28-day-old rats, in which the most mature germ cell type is the round spermatid, (b) from normal adult rats at stages IX-XIV of the spermatogenic cycle, i.e. after spermiation, or at stages I-V and VI-VIII, when ES are still attached to the Sertoli cell, and (c) at stages VI-VIII from normal adult rats and from rats treated with methoxyacetic acid (MAA) in order to specifically deplete ES at these stages. Two-dimensional SDS PAGE combined with computerized image analysis was used to analyse 35S-methionine-labelled intracellular and secreted proteins. In the case of SGP-1 and SGP-2, almost all of the protein synthesized by ST was secreted. The total amount of both SGP-1 and CP-2 secreted by unstaged ST from immature rats was significantly lower than that secreted by unstaged ST from adult rats. The total amount of SGP-1 and CP-2 secreted by adult ST at stages IX-XIV of the spermatogenic cycle also declined dramatically compared to ST at earlier stages. The proportion of the total CP-2 synthesized by ST which was secreted also declined in all situations in which ES were absent from the seminiferous epithelium. The synthesis of only SGP-2 was changed by ES depletion from ST at stages VI-VIII, which was almost doubled compared to synthesis of this protein by ST from control rats. Our results suggest strongly that the secretion of SGP-1 and SGP-2 is via the constitutive pathway, and that regulation of these two proteins by ES is at the level of protein synthesis. In contrast, the regulation of CP-2 by ES is predominantly at the level of secretion, suggesting that this protein is secreted via a regulated pathway. Our findings add to the evidence showing that ES play a major role in the regulation of Sertoli cell function.  相似文献   
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