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In this paper, the principle of maximum likelihood is used to estimate change point of traffic intensity for the M/M/1 queueing model. The procedure is illustrated with a simulated example for each possible change in traffic intensity.  相似文献   
Delay tolerant networks (DTNs) are an emerging class of wireless networks which enable data delivery even in the absence of end-to-end connectivity. Under these circumstances, message replication may be applied to increase the delivery ratio. The requirement of long term storage and message replication puts a burden on network resources such as buffer and bandwidth. Buffer management is an important issue which greatly affects the performance of routing protocols in DTNs. Two main issues in buffer management are drop decision when buffer overflow occurs and scheduling decision when a transmission opportunity arises. The objective of this paper is to propose an enhancement to the Custom Service Time Scheduling traffic differentiation scheme by integrating it with a fuzzy based buffer ranking mechanism based on three message properties, namely, number of replicas, message size and remaining time-to-live. It uses fuzzy logic to determine outgoing message order and to decide which messages should be discarded within each traffic class queue. Results of simulation study show that the proposed fuzzy logic-based traffic differentiation scheme achieves improved delivery performance over existing traffic differentiation scheme for DTNs.  相似文献   
It is shown that, when the input signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) is small, a biased nonlinearity that has a dead zone below some threshold value can provide a large enhancement in output SIR and signal-to-interference-plus-intermodulation ratio (SIIMR) if the threshold is set equal or close to the amplitude of the strong interference. In the absence of noise, the output SIR and SIIMIR are virtually independent of the input SIR, however low the latter may be. It Is shown that, for a dead-zone limiter, the output SIIMR in this case is -4.93 dB regardless of the input SIR. Under strong interference, any noise present in the input reduces the SIR and SIIMR improvement, but a biased nonlinearity can still provide an output SIR and SIIMR superior to the input SIR, i.e. an output SIIMR 6.35 dB below the input signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) instead of 6.02 dB below the input SIR as is the case with hard limiting  相似文献   
This paper presents an indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) quantum dot gate field-effect transistor (QDG-FET) that exhibits an intermediate “i” state in addition to the conventional ON and OFF states. The QDG-FET utilized a II–VI gate insulator stack consisting of lattice-matched ZnSe/ZnS/ZnMgS/ZnS/ZnSe for its high-κ and wide-bandgap properties. Germanium oxide (GeO x )-cladded germanium quantum dots were self-assembled over the gate insulator stack, and they allow for the three-state behavior of the device. Electrical characteristics of the fabricated device are also presented.  相似文献   
A rigorous electromagnetic analysis of a circular waveguide loaded with axially periodic annular discs was developed in the fast-wave regime, considering finite axial disc thickness and taking into account the effect of higher order space harmonics in the disc-free region and higher order modal harmonics in the disc-occupied region of the structure. The quality of the disc-loaded circular waveguide was evaluated with respect to its azimuthal interaction impedance that has relevance to the gain of a gyrotron millimeter-wave amplifier (gyro-traveling-wave tube) in which such a loaded waveguide finds application as a wideband interaction structure. The results of electromagnetic analysis of the structure with respect to both the dispersion and azimuthal interaction impedance characteristics were validated against the commercially available code: high frequency structure simulator (HFSS). The analysis predicts that the value of the interaction impedance at a given frequency decreases with the increase of the disc hole radius and disc periodicity. The change of the axial disc thickness does not significantly change the value of the interaction impedance though it shifts the frequency range over which appreciable interaction impedance is obtained. Out of the three disc parameters, namely the disc hole radius, thickness and periodicity, the lattermost is most effective in controlling the value of the azimuthal interaction impedance. However, the passband of frequencies and the center frequency of the passband both decrease with the increase of the disc periodicity. Moreover, the disc periodicity that provides large azimuthal interaction impedance would in general be different from that giving the desired dispersion shape for wideband interaction in a gyro-TWT, suggesting a trade-off in the value of the disc periodicity to be chosen.  相似文献   
This paper presents the successful use of ZnS/ZnMgS and other II–VI layers (lattice-matched or pseudomorphic) as high-k gate dielectrics in the fabrication of quantum dot (QD) gate Si field-effect transistors (FETs) and nonvolatile memory structures. Quantum dot gate FETs and nonvolatile memories have been fabricated in two basic configurations: (1) monodispersed cladded Ge nanocrystals (e.g., GeO x -cladded-Ge quantum dots) site-specifically self-assembled over the lattice-matched ZnMgS gate insulator in the channel region, and (2) ZnTe-ZnMgTe quantum dots formed by self-organization, using metalorganic chemical vapor-phase deposition (MOCVD), on ZnS-ZnMgS gate insulator layers grown epitaxially on Si substrates. Self-assembled GeO x -cladded Ge QD gate FETs, exhibiting three-state behavior, are also described. Preliminary results on InGaAs-on-InP FETs, using ZnMgSeTe/ZnSe gate insulator layers, are presented.  相似文献   
This letter presents a fully integrated BiCMOS quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator (QVCO). The QVCO consists of two nMOSFET cross-coupled oscillator stacked in series with source degenerated HBT transistors. SiGe HBT introduces low flicker noise compared to CMOS devices. To generate quadrature phase signals with strong coupling strength, the proposed design uses two MOS-coupled LC-tank cores instead of passive device-coupled cores. This source degeneration topology can improve the phase noise performance of the QVCO as compared to the sub-VCO. The proposed QVCO has been implemented with the TSMC 0.18 μm SiGe 3P6M BiCMOS process, can generate quadrature signals in the frequency range of 4.52–5.05 GHz with core power consumption of 5.76 mW at the dc bias of 1.8 V. At 4.53 GHz, phase noise at 1 MHz offset is ?124.52 dBc/Hz. The die area of the fabricated prototype is 0.453 × 0.898 mm2.  相似文献   
A single-stage power-factor-corrected pulsewidth modulation power converter with extended load power range is presented. The topology is based on a zero-voltage zero-current-switched full-bridge (ZVZCS-FB) inverter. Steady-state analysis of the topology shows that by operating the LC load filter in discontinuous mode, the DC-link voltage remains bounded and independent of the load level. Therefore, the load power range can be further expanded, including the no-load operating condition. The analysis also shows that the extension of the load power range is achieved without any penalty in: (1) the input power factor (due to the input current waveshaping feature); (2) the power converter efficiency (due to ZVZCS and the single-stage features); and (3) the load voltage quality (due to the high bandwidth of the phase control loop). Simulated and experimental results are included to show the feasibility of the proposed scheme  相似文献   
Radio-frequency (RF) catheter ablation is the primary interventional therapy for the treatment of many cardiac tachyarrhythmias. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of constant-power (CPRFA) and temperature-controlled RF ablation (TCRFA) of the endocardium is performed. The objectives are to study: 1) the lesion growth with time and 2) the effect of ground electrode location on lesion dimensions and ablation efficiency. The results indicate that: a) for TCRFA: i) lesion growth was fastest during the first 20 s, subsequently the lesion growth slowed reaching a steady state after 100 s, ii) positioning the ground electrode directly opposite the catheter tip (optimal) produced a larger lesion, and iii) a constant tip temperature maintained a constant maximum tissue temperature; b) for CPRFA: i) the lesion growth was fastest during the first 20 s and then the lesion growth slowed; however, the lesion size did not reach steady state even after 600 s suggesting that longer durations of energy delivery may result in wider and deeper lesions, ii) the temperature-dependent electrical conductivity of the tissue is responsible for this continuous lesion growth, and iii) an optimal ground electrode location resulted in a slightly larger lesion and higher ablation efficiency.  相似文献   
The high energy retrograde well implants for sub-0.18 microns CMOS are done at a normal or near normal incidence to minimize the shadowing due to the thick photoresist edges. The endstation geometry in a high energy implanter results in an incident angle variation across the wafer, which causes strong spatial variations in the well profile and can negatively impact device performance. We show that the spatial variations can have significant impact on shallow trench isolation (STI), by causing in a deterministic pattern the failure of STI devices on a wafer. These spatial variations are important and need to be taken into consideration for STI design  相似文献   
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